
  • 网络Portfolio Management;portfolio theory
  1. 在将来的文章中,我将对投资组合管理的要点从IBM的观点来做更深入的讨论。

    In a future article , I will provide a more extensive discussion of portfolio management essentials , as seen from an IBM viewpoint .

  2. IT分析公司Giga提出三种类型的投资组合管理:IT资产管理(ITassetmanagement,ITAM)、应用程序投资组合管理(applicationportfoliomanagement,APM)和项目投资组合管理(projectportfoliomanagement,PPM)。

    The IT analyst firm Giga refers to three types of portfolio management : IT asset management ( ITAM ), application portfolio management ( APM ), and project portfolio management ( PPM ) .

  3. 项目投资组合管理(Projectportfoliomanagement,PPM):越过狂热

    Project portfolio management ( PPM ): Beyond the hype

  4. IBMRationalPortfolioManager对项目和投资组合管理是高度可伸缩的工具。

    IBM Rational Portfolio Manager is a highly scalable tool for project and portfolio management .

  5. 合资格及特别债务证券b.债券投资组合管理

    Qualifying and special debt securities b. Managing Bond Portfolios

  6. 作为一个以项目为基础的企业,IBM在它的公司业务中广泛的应用了投资组合管理技术和工具。

    As a project-based enterprise , IBM has extensive experience in applying portfolio management techniques and tools for its company business .

  7. b.债券投资组合管理

    B. Managing Bond Portfolios

  8. 另外,IBM在投资组合管理市场中是一个重要的积极参与者,提供了IBMRationalPortfolioManager和相关的服务。

    In addition , IBM is a significant player in the portfolio management marketplace , offering the IBM Rational Portfolio Manager along with related services .

  9. 通常,企业不能够恰当地评估那些能够帮助他们自动实现IT投资组合管理策略的PPM解决方案。

    Often , companies fail to properly evaluate PPM solutions that will help them automate their IT portfolio management strategy .

  10. 本文对IT投资组合管理进行高度的概述,对PPM供应商市场进行了全面的调查。

    This article provides a high-level overview of IT Portfolio Management and takes a general look at the PPM vendor market .

  11. 同时IBM也在进行很多不同的工作,致力于确定一个可以定义、激活和集成投资组合管理工作的方法和实践的集合。

    IBM is also conducting a variety of efforts aimed at identifying a body of methods and practices that define , enable , and integrate the work of portfolio management .

  12. 现今,许多企业寻求IT投资组合管理策略,用以优化来自它们的IT投资的相关性和ROI。

    Many companies today look to an IT portfolio management strategy to optimize the relevance and ROI from their IT investments .

  13. 为了将IT投资组合管理的好处成功地最大化,组织必须了解如何评价PPM软件的供应商市场。

    In order to successfully maximize the benefits of IT portfolio management , an organization must know how to evaluate the PPM software vendor market .

  14. 当进入到该阶段,您就准备开始将当前和未来的项目投资组合管理(PPM)整合到您的整个系统中来。

    As you enter this phase , you are ready to begin integrating current and future project portfolio management ( PPM ) into your overall system .

  15. 在Web上搜索PPM的人都会看到奇特的短语,如“IT与业务的结合”、“IT优化”、“IT治理”、“适应性”等,作为投资组合管理的价值主张。

    Anyone researching PPM on the Web will see fancy phrases like " IT to business alignment ,"" IT optimization ,"" IT governance ,"" compliance " and so on as value propositions for portfolio management .

  16. PAG负责确认最重要的、与风险相关的问题以及将这些问题向投资组合管理师和首席投资官进行明确的指示。

    The PAG is responsible for identifying the most important risk-related issues and highlighting them to portfolio managers and the Chief Investment Officer .

  17. 实际上,企业项目投资组合管理(本文中简称为PPM)是关于将人、资源,和项目与业务目标结合起来的内容。

    In effect , Enterprise Project-portfolio Management ( referred to in this article simply as PPM ) is all about aligning people , resources , and projects with business goals .

  18. 此前还曾在麦格理公司担任麦格理私募投资组合管理公司(MPPM)主管。

    His previous role with Macquarie was as Head , Macquarie Private Portfolio Management ( MPPM ) .

  19. Thorp证明投资组合管理可以用于最小化风险、最大化回报,并根据其他项目来评估项目。

    Thorp demonstrates that portfolio management can be applied to minimize risk , maximize return , and evaluate projects in light of other projects .

  20. 金融顾问公司AWDChasedeVere的马卡斯·吉尔马丁(MarkasGilmartin)表示:对任何信奉多资产投资组合管理的投资者来说,持续赚钱并减少风险的唯一方式就是在跨地区的不同资产类别间进行投资。

    For anyone who believes in multi-asset portfolio management , the only way to make money consistently and reduce risk is to invest in various asset classes across regions , says Markas Gilmartin of financial advisers AWD Chase de Vere .

  21. 分析了投资组合管理过程,针对大规模投资组合管理的需求,提出了一个基于Multi-Agent的投资组合管理系统(MAS-PMS)的体系框架,并对该系统的功能进行了功能设计。

    A portfolio management process is firstly analyzed . Then , according to the large-scale portfolio need , a portfolio management system based on multi-agent system ( MAS-PMS ) is put forward , and the major function of the portfolio management system is designed .

  22. 好的投资组合管理将帮助您使此技术有效。

    Good portfolio management will help to make this technique work .

  23. 现今我拥有项目和投资组合管理过程吗?

    Do I have any project and portfolio management processes today ?

  24. 股指期货在投资组合管理中的套期保值研究

    Research on Hedging of Stock Index Futures in Investment Portfolio Management

  25. 中国企业年金的投资组合管理研究

    Study on the Investment Portfolio Management of China 's Occupation Pension

  26. 具有典型交易成本的投资组合管理模型及其求解

    The Portfolio Management Model with Typical Transaction Cost and Its Solution

  27. 本文将主要讨论主动性的投资组合管理。

    The article will focus primarily on initiative portfolio management .

  28. 证券投资组合管理中的无差异曲线法及其评价

    The Way of Indifference Curve of Securities Portfolio Management and Its Assessment

  29. 投资组合管理关注点在总计的层次上。

    Portfolio management focuses attention at an aggregate level .

  30. 是否我打算获得执行者的支持,用以遵从投资组合管理过程?

    Am I going to get executive support to follow at portfolio management process ?