
  1. 微观军事人力资本投资收益分析及政策启示

    Investment-income analysis of military MICRO-MANPOWER capital and the policy inspiration

  2. 企业在职培训的私人投资收益分析

    An Analysis of Employees ' Return of On-The-Job Training Investment in Private Sector

  3. 认股权证、杠杆效应与投资收益分析

    Analysis on warrants , leverage and income on investment

  4. 人力资源的价值计量包括货币计量和非货币计量两大类方法,前者主要用于人力资源权益确认和投资收益分析;后者主要用于不同国家或地区、不同时期的人力资源或人力资本状况的比较。

    The value measurement of human resource includes the currency measurement and the non - currency .

  5. 本章是在前人关于教育投资收益分析的基础上,运用数量经济学的一些原理和方法,结合培训的实际情况创新性的提出了对培训市场进行绩效评价的思路与方法。

    Based on education investment & profit from foreman , we creatively set forth the train of the thought and method of the market with the numeral economics .

  6. 基于心理预期的高新技术风险投资收益定量分析模型

    Quantitative Model of High Technology Risk Investment Based on Psychological Expectations

  7. 人力资源价值、投资与收益分析

    Analysis of Human Resource Value , Investment and Pr of it

  8. 高等教育阶段人力资本投资成本收益分析

    Human Capital Investment Cost-Benefit Analysis at Higher Education Stage

  9. 通过计量高等教育个人投资风险收益分析了高等教育个人投资风险与收益的关系。

    The relation of risks and income of individuals ' investment in higher education was analyzed .

  10. 对承贷项目的评估主要从项目的市场分析、项目投资成本收益分析、项目的风险和项目投资效益等方面进行测算;最终得出项目是否可行的评估结论。

    The other is the evaluation on loan commitment project with the focus of project market analysis , cost-revenue analysis of project investment , project risk analysis , and benefit analysis of project investment .

  11. 人力资本投资收益与风险分析

    The Analysis of Income and Risk from the Human Capital Investment

  12. 网络教育投资收益的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of the Costs and Benefits of Web-based Education

  13. 有关信息技术投资成本与收益分析的文献综述

    The Literature Summarization of IT Investment Cost and Benefit Analysis

  14. 饭店人力资本投资的成本收益分析

    A cost-profit view on the human capital investment of hotels

  15. 福建省电力投资预期收益率分析

    The Expected Yield on Different Power Consumers in Fujian INVESTMENT

  16. 安全投资模型及收益分析探讨

    A Discussion on the Safe Investment Model and Income Analysis

  17. 最后对系统的稳定性、扩展性及投资收益进行简单分析。

    Finally , system stability , scalability and investment profits are analyzed .

  18. 上海股市新股投资收益的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Return on IPOs in Shanghai Stock Exchange

  19. 人才资本形成中教育投资的成本收益分析

    On Educational Investment Cost and Profit in Human Capital

  20. 智力资本投资收益的制度分析

    The Institutional Analysis of Intelligence Capital Investment and Income

  21. 第三节,从企业的投资收益界定入手分析企业投资收益和风险的税收效应。

    The third section defines enterprise investment yield and analyzes the taxation effect on enterprise investment yield and risk .

  22. 本文的核心是对国家和个人在智力资本上的投资收益制度的分析。

    The core of this thesis is the institutional analysis in the intelligence capital investment and income including country and individual .

  23. 本文从国家和个人两个角度对智力资本投资收益进行了分析,具有一定的现实指导意义。

    The intelligence capital investment and income will be analyzed from two sides : country and individual and have certain realistic directive significance .

  24. 本文主要运用了人力资源管理与开发、人力资源与经济增长理论、劳动经济理论等相关基础理论知识,并对促进技能型人才开发的激励因素以及职业培训的投资收益进行了分析和阐述。

    Some theories of manpower capital management and development , economic development , and labor economic theory have be used in this paper .

  25. 在跨国企业人力资本投资成本与收益分析的基础上,提出了投资的决策模型与判定准则。

    On the basis of cost and income analysis of human capital investment , the paper advances a decisive model and determinate criterions .

  26. 伴随着人力资本理论的发展,越来越多的学者认识到人力资本的资产特征或属性,并认为人力资本的投资成本、收益分析以及风险报酬是评价人力资本的重要因素,尤其是在企业。

    With the development of human capital , many researchers realized the assets character of human capital . They thought that the concept of human capital 's cost , analysis of cost-profit and risk return are very important on evaluating human capital especially in enterprise .

  27. 第二部分,风险投资的风险收益分析,首先建立了风险企业在成长过程中风险与收益的多阶段动态博弈,通过博弈的均衡解对我国风险投资市场的现状进行了探讨;

    The second part is an analysis of risk revenue of venture capital investment . Firstly , this part sets up a multi-phrase dynamic game model , then discusses the status quo of venture capital investment in our country with the equilibrium solution of game .

  28. 投资项目的收益分配分析和扶贫效益评估

    Benefit Distribution and Impact Analysis on Poverty Reduction in Investment Projects

  29. 工程项目投资收益的资本价值分析

    A analysis on capital value of engineering project financing return

  30. 国际证券组合投资的收益与风险分析

    An Analysis on the Gains and Risks of International Portfolio