
  1. 外资包括外商直接投资、国际信贷和国际证券投资。

    Foreign capitals include foreign direct investment , international loan and international portfolio investment .

  2. 国际货币体系的改革,直接关系到国际贸易和国际信贷投资的发展及各国的经济利益,成为当代国际经济关系中的一个重大课题。

    The reformation of international monetary system is of great importance because of its effect on international trade , international investment and the development of world economic .

  3. 日本和韩国是利用国际间接投资成功的例子,他们积极利用国际信贷和国际证券投资,掌握本国经济的自主权,从而使经济走向腾飞之路;

    Japan and South Korea are the successful countries in using foreign indirect investments . They have actively took use of international loan and international portfolio investment , thus they could take hold of their nation 's economic authority and made their economy prosperous ;