
ɡuó jì tóu zī huán jìnɡ
  • international investment environment;international investment climate
  1. 新加坡国家投资公司淡马锡(temasek)上周发出警告,由于美国与欧洲针对国有基金的保护主义情绪升温,国际投资环境可能变得更加严峻。

    Temasek , the Singapore state investment company , warned this week that the international investment climate could become tougher because of rising prot-ect-ionism in the US and Europe against state-owned funds .

  2. 技术转移要求、投资鼓励与国际投资环境的关联关系&结合WTO贸易与投资关系工作组的研究报告和晚近国际投资立法进行分析

    The Relationship between the International Investment Environment and the Transfer of Technology and Investment Incentives & the analysis after the study of the report of the working group of the relationship of trade and investment of WTO and th

  3. 其中第一章回顾了协议的产生过程。在分析协议产生的国际投资环境以及经济根源的基础上,阐述了TRIMs问题进入GATT框架的全过程,特别讨论了乌拉圭会议围绕协议缔结而出现的不同观点。

    Chapter 1 retrospects the appearance of the Agreement and expounds the whole process of the TRIMs issues entering GATT , particularly discussing the different opinions in Uruguay Round .

  4. 然后,进一步分析ICSID仲裁制度中存在的问题,为使它更好地适应当今国际投资环境,提出制度上的改善方向。

    In order to make ICSID arbitral system adapt to international investment environment better , the paper further analyses the problems of ICSID arbitral system , and puts forward advice of improvement .

  5. 模糊数学在国际投资环境评价中的应用

    Application of fuzzy mathematics theory in the evaluation of investment environment

  6. 苏州新区国际投资环境发展分析

    Analysis of Development of International Investment Environment in SND

  7. 国际投资环境模糊综合评价的研究

    Research on fuzzy synthetical evaluation of international investment environment

  8. 我国矿业国际投资环境评价的重要性

    Study on the importance of environment evaluation for international investment on China ' mining industry

  9. 通过分析确定评价国际投资环境的指标体系,提出了对一国投资环境的模糊综合评价方法。

    Through analyzing international investment environments , an index system for evaluating international investment environment is established . And a method of fuzzy synthetical evaluating a certain country ′ s investment environment is put forward .

  10. 它包括宏观层面上,中国对外直接投资总体战略、法律规范、国际投资环境、投资主体、服务体系、促进体系和监管体系;

    On one hand , the government should focus on the overall strategy of China 's FDI , the criteria of law , the environment of international investment , the subject of investment , the system of service , improvement and supervising .

  11. 本文采取了比较分析法,结构分析法,实证分析法等,通过对国际投资环境进行分析比较,对中国企业的相对优势进行分析,从而论证了中国企业跨国并购的可行性。

    Comparative analysis , structure analysis , and positive analysis are used in the article . Through the analysis of the international investment environment and the comparative advantages of Chinese enterprises , the article proves the feasibility of Chinese enterprises ' multinational M & A.

  12. 面对如此复杂的国际投资环境,辽宁省制造业企业对外直接投资必须进行谨慎、合理的区位选择,才能发挥优势,降低风险,确保投资的有效性。

    Then , in the face of so complicated international investment environment , the foreign direct investment of Liaoning 's manufacture must carry on the prudent , rational location choice , which could exert the advantage , reduce the risk , and guarantee the validity of investment .

  13. 其次,阐述了国际投资领域环境保护的法律模式问题。

    Secondly , it discussed the legal mode of environment protection in the filed of international investment .

  14. 国际投资与环境保护的法律冲突与协调&以晚近区域性投资条约及相关案例为研究对象

    Legal Conflicts and Their Avoidance in the Area of International Investment and Environment Protection : A Study of the Latest Regional Investment Treaty and Relevant Cases

  15. 试析印度国际投资的有利环境此地区是今后油气勘探的有利场所。

    GOOD ENVIRONMENT FOR INVESTMENT IN INDIA This has made this area a promising place for oil and gas exploration .

  16. 完善国际直接投资法律环境及国际反避税研究

    Research on the Perfection of the Direct International Investment Legislative Environs and the Strengthening of International Anti - tax Avoidance

  17. 我省企业应在明确企业对外投资的目的性、建立全球战略的基础上,认真了解当今世界的国际环境与投资环境,进行本土化运作,发挥自身规模小、转型快、适应能力强的比较优势。

    Enterprises in Jilin province should also clarify the purpose of foreign investment , with global vision , and analyze the international environment and investment environment before any localization practice . The transnational enterprises should make full play of their comparative advantages on technology and production capacity .

  18. NAFTA条约在关注投资中的环境问题方面做出了积极贡献,其在国际投资条约中兼顾环境利益,规定所有的缔约方都不应该通过放宽国内的健康、安全和环境标准来吸引和鼓励外资。

    NAFTA treaty makes a positive contribution in the international investment treaties to take care of the environment of the host states , it considers environmental protection , stipulates that all parties should not attract and encourage foreign investment through relaxing domestic healthy , safety and environmental standards .

  19. 国际投资规则中的环境法律问题研究

    A Study of Legal Issues on Environment Protection in International Investment Rules

  20. 国际油气上游投资环境综合决策评价模型

    Integrated Assessment Model for the International Upstream Oil and Gas Investment Environment

  21. 接着,针对这些立法的不足之处,笔者对如何规范国际投资协定中的环境法律问题从国际和国内两个层面提出了对策和建议。

    To the remedies , the writer has proposed certain suggestions for the regulation of the environment problems in the international investment agreement from international and domestic levels .

  22. 投资自由化对环境保护之间的相互影响日益密切,同时国际投资规则与国际环境保护规则两类法规的交叉制约也愈加深入复杂。

    There has been an increasing impact between investment liberalization and environmental protection these days . Meanwhile , the inter-restriction of international investment law and international environmental protection law has also become more and more complex .

  23. 要为国际投资创造一个良好的投资环境,就要借助国际间的条约,而双边投资条约在维护国际投资环境过程中发挥了巨大的作用,是促进国际投资的最有利的措施。

    International investment to create a favorable investment environment , it is necessary to use international treaties and bilateral investment treaties in the maintenance of international investment environment played an enormous role in the promotion of international investment are the most beneficial measures .

  24. 国际投资活动频繁,对国际投资法制环境提出了新的要求。

    International investment between countries becomes so frequent that the legal environment of international investment is put forward new demands to .

  25. 首先在简要介绍环境保护责任的基础上,论述了环境保护与国际投资的关系,讨论了国际投资中保护环境的实施主体和途径。

    Firstly , on the basis of introduction of environment protection , this chapter set forth the relationship of environment protection and international investment , the way and the principle to protect environment .

  26. 本文研究的出发点在于考察国际税收竞争对FDI流动的影响。这对于我国准确把握国际直接投资环境,制定合理的税收政策具有十分重要的现实意义。

    The starting point of the paper is to study the impact of international tax competition on FDI flows , which has important practical significance for our government to judge accurately the international direct investment environment and to establish a reasonable tax policy .