
  • 网络policy of national debt
  1. 论积极财政政策和长期建设国债政策的调整

    Discuss the Adjustment of Positive Financial Policy and the Long-term Construction Policy of National Debt

  2. 对近期国债政策取向的思考

    Thinking of the Policy Choice of Government Bonds in the Near Future

  3. 促进经济发展的国债政策选择

    On National Debt Policy Options which Promote the Economic Development

  4. 论我国财政风险与国债政策的可持续性

    The View of Financial Risk and the National Debt Policy Sustainability of Our Country

  5. 我国当前的国债政策主要不是依据凯恩斯主义。

    The national debt policy in China at present is not based on Keynesianism .

  6. 对我国当前国债政策的分析

    Analysis of Contemporary Policy of National Bond

  7. 但是,我国的国债政策并没有有效启动国内最终消费需求,而且国债规模的急速膨胀导致了我国赤字率、政府偿债率和国债负担率的快速增长。

    But the increase of bonds scale lead to deficit problem and government payment burden .

  8. 适度调整国债政策是防范中央财政债务风险的要求。

    Adjusting public debt policy moderately is the way of keeping central financial debt risk away .

  9. 第一章研究国债政策可持续性的经济必要性。

    Chapter one is to research on the economical necessity of the continuance of national debts policy .

  10. 在开放经济条件下,经济增长的影响因素扩充到国际间的贸易往来和资本流动,国债政策对经济增长的影响也扩充到其对国际间贸易和资本领域的作用上。

    In a open country , the factors affecting economic growth include international business and oversea capital flow .

  11. 财政政策主要包括财政收入政策和财政支出政策,具体包括税收政策,投资政策和国债政策等。

    Fiscal policy includes fiscal revenue policy , expenditure policy , tax policy , investment policy and government debt policy .

  12. 积极的财政政策是指以税收政策、财政支出政策以及国债政策作为政府宏观经济的调控手段,使衰退的经济走出低估。

    Expanding fiscal policies include tax reducing , increasing government spending and excess of government expenditures by means of public debt issue .

  13. 而社会性的最优增长状态,可以通过设定适当的税收和国债政策,在混合经济中得以实现。论我国适度的社会保障水平选择

    The social optimum condition for mixed economy can be realized through setting up appropriate policies on tax and national debt . Choice of Optimum Social Security Level in China

  14. 20世纪30年代大危机使凯恩斯主义在美国经济生活中占据统治地位。我国当前的国债政策主要不是依据凯恩斯主义。

    In the 1930 's Great Depression , Keynesianism began to occupy a dominant position . The national debt policy in China at present is not based on Keynesianism .

  15. 从1998年开始实施的以国债政策为主体的积极财政政策对我国经济发展功不可没。

    The positive financial policy taking policy of the national debt as subject implemented since 1998 performs meritorious deeds never to be obliterated to the economic development of our country .

  16. 旅游业财政政策工具包括:预算政策、政府投资政策、政府采购政策、转移支付政策、税收政策和国债政策。

    Budgetary policies , government investment policies , government purchase policies , transfer payments policies , tax policies and treasury policies are the instruments of fiscal policies in tourism industry .

  17. 大萧条后的凯恩斯理论出现为西方国家推行赤字财政提供了理论基础,国债政策的运用在世界各国兴起,并在推动经济增长的过程中扮演了重要角色。

    The developed country in the west begin to use deficit policy to improve economical growth based on the Keynes theory after 1929 , and bond policy emerging in most country .

  18. 近年来,我国政府采取了积极的国债政策,扩大国债发行规模,筹集资金用以加大公共投资支出。

    In recent years , our government took positive policies in national debt , increase the population of scale about national debt , raise funds to increase the public investment of expenditure .

  19. 国债政策是政府实施宏观经济调控的重要手段,在促进经济发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    National debt policy is one of the important means of governmental macroeconomic adjustment and control , and it plays a more and more important role in the promotion of economic development .

  20. 2005年起,我国开始实行稳健的财政政策,经济运行方式发生了变化,国债政策作为以前积极财政政策调节经济方向的重要工具也应采取相应变化以促进经济向前发展。

    Since the steady financial policy was implemented , the economic movement has changed , the national debt policy should also be adapted to the corresponding change to promote the economy development .

  21. 在武彦民教授的指导下,笔者以当前我国国债政策可持续性研究为题,对这一问题进行了力所能及的研究。

    Under the guidance of professor Wu , the writer research on this problem and name it " Continuable Research of Present National Debts Policy in Our Country " . The article contains three parts .

  22. 近年来,国债政策作为积极财政政策的重要组成部分发挥了很大作用,但与此同时,我们不得不考虑实施国债政策可能带来的后果。

    In recent years , as an important part of active financial policy , the National Debt ( N_D ) policy makes a great difference , but meanwhile we have to consider consequences it may lead to .

  23. 序言部分阐述了本文探讨的国债政策可持续性的基本概念,研究背景和研究思路。

    The main ideas in each chapter are expressed as follows : The preface expatiates on the basic concept of the characters of continuable national debts policy and the background and the way of thinking in the research .

  24. 本文从国债政策、税收政策、投资政策、货币政策、外资政策、民间资本等几个方面提出了淡出积极财政政策的相关对策。

    Some counter - measurements a-gainst the fading - out positive financial policy are put forward after a close analysis of the national debt policy , revenue policy , investment policy , currency policy , foreign capital policy and folk capital .

  25. 笔者从动态和静态两个角度对我国国债政策的可持续性和债务风险进行了分析,从动态看未来我国保持1&2%的基本赤字率可将债务风险控制在安全范围之内。

    Dynamically and statically , the paper analyses the sustainability of national debt policy and financial risk in China : Dynamically , financial risks can be within safe scope if basic deficit ratio can be kept between 1 percent and 2 percent ;

  26. 通过分析各类影响国债政策运行效果的因素,笔者认为:国债政策极大的带动了我国经济,但也仍存在亮点不足,国债运作体制仍需不断完善。

    Through analyzing the factors influencing national debt policy operation results , I think : The national debt policy gives a great effect to economy development , but the operation system of the national debt still has several problems which need to improve .

  27. 本文提出衡量国债政策可持续性的首要标准就是国债政策是否能够根据宏观经济的变化适时进行力度及方式的调整,使经济不至于偏离潜在经济增长水平太远;

    This paper raises that the primary standard of evaluating the sustainability of government debt is whether the government debt policy can be regulated according to the macro-economic change , so that the economy is unable to deviate too far from potential increase level ;

  28. 国债政策怎样在对经济增长的正负作用之间进行平衡抉择,文中提出应进一步优化政府投资结构,鼓励、扩大民间资本投资,完善政策配套手段等。

    As for how to get balance between the positive and negative roles of treasury bonds policy to economic growth , the paper gives some countermeasures such as further optimizing the government investment structure , encouraging and expanding the private capital investment and perfecting the support policies .

  29. 英国央行(BOE)昨日保留了自己的选择权,宣布不延续其买进英国国债的政策,这项政策意在压低国债收益率。

    The Bank of England yesterday left its options open , announcing no extension to its policy of buying gilts , which is meant to keep yields down .

  30. 研究发现银行间质押式回购收益率具有较好的动态运动性质,比样本国债和政策性银行金融债更适宜作为短期金融产品定价的基础。

    The result shows the buyback rate in the interbank market is more feasible for the valuation of short-term financial instruments in China .