
  1. 这些皇室成员们还和慈善机构包括Place2Be(关注儿童心理健康),东盎格利亚儿童收容所(EastAngliaChildren'sHospices)和佛洛伊德安娜国家中心(AnnaFreudNationalCentre)中的对口帮扶家庭中的小朋友们进行了会面,

    The royals also met with children involved with the charities the family works with closely , including Place2Be , East Anglia Children 's Hospices and Anna Freud National Centre .

  2. 闽宁对口帮扶系统发展动力学模型及其应用

    The development dynamics model and its application of the counterpart-assistance system between Fujian and Ningxia

  3. 该署安排洁净人员,在市区和郊区清扫街道。目前各级妇联拉手结对子已达66万对,10个发达省与贫困地区妇联建立了对口帮扶关系。

    The department provides manual street-sweeping services in all urban and rural areas . The consistent efforts made by women 's federations at all levels have brought the forming of 660,000 pairs . Ten developed provinces have established close relationship with women 's federations in poor areas .

  4. 库区后期扶持时期的对口支援现状及对策分析深圳、河源对口帮扶的现状及可能的创新举措

    Analysis of " Hand in Hand Aid " Status and Countermeasures to the Reservoir Area of Three Gorges at the Later Supporting Stage Shenzhen helping Heyuan city 's present situation and possible innovative behavior

  5. 军队和武警部队108所医院对口支援西部贫困地区县级医院130所,军以下医疗卫生单位对口帮扶乡镇卫生院(所)1283个。

    A total of 108 PLA and PAPF hospitals have paired up with 130 county-level hospitals in poverty-stricken areas in the western parts of the country , while medical and health units below the corps level have paired up with 1,283 clinics and health centers in towns and townships .