
duì zhànɡ
  • Reconciliation;verify an accounting record
  1. 从而有效的提高了ATM对账效率和准确性问题。

    So this system improves the efficiency and accuracy of ATM account reconciliation .

  2. 在对G.(4)企业对账管理系统;

    The enterprise account checking system ;

  3. 并针对银行复杂多变的错账处理规则,采用XML配置文件模型,设计了可疑交易的差错处理流程,从而使错账规则可配置,在一定程度上增强了对账过程的灵活性。

    Thanks to the complex processing rules for errors of account , this paper designs an error processing for suspicious transactions by using XML configuration file model .

  4. 将值从带有对账规则的账户复制到所有使用货币转换码U、V、X和Z的账户。

    Values are copied from accounts with reconciliation rules to all accounts with the currency conversion codes U , V , X and Z.

  5. 问:有没有一个应用软件可以让我在Mac电脑上写支票和打印支票,并且能在线对账?

    Q. Is there an app for the Mac that I can use to write and print checks and reconcile my account online ?

  6. 不远的将来,Facebook的用户可以一边上传度假照片向好友们炫耀,一边付水电账单、进行支票本对账甚至汇钱。

    Someday soon , Facebook users may pay their utility bills , balance their checkbooks , and transfer money at the same time they upload vacation photos to the site for friends to see .

  7. 同时以银行利用自建的NIC-NAP网络,客户可使用电子借记卡在全国银行的ATM和EDC(电子对账终端系统)上实现消费和取现。

    In the meantime , the NIC-NAP network of the Bank enables clients to realize consumption and cash withdrawal by using electronic debit cards through the ATMs and EDCs of the bank in the whole country .

  8. 负责处理应收账款、应付账款及银行对账工作。

    Handle A / R , A / P , and bank reconciliation .

  9. 每月应收账款和应付账款对账。

    AP and AR reconciliation in a monthly manner .

  10. 后因收账速度快、正确率高而被提拔为兼职对账员。

    After collecting for high speed , accuracy and was promoted for part-time reconciliation .

  11. 此外,还提供对账功能,记录意外故障信息。

    In addition , it also provides reconciliation functionality , fault information recorded accidents .

  12. 我们会把每月的对账单寄给你,以便你可以核对余额。

    Well send you the monthly statement so that you can check your balance .

  13. 负责应收款的对账。

    Responsible for the reconciliation of receivables .

  14. 负责日常医疗和保险援助业务相关的账务处理,及时和客户对账,销账。

    In charge of daily medical and travel assistance business related booking and payments reconciliation .

  15. 为给公司对账,那位会计一直工作到深夜。

    EXAMPLE : The accountant worked late at night trying to reconcile his company 's accounts .

  16. 对账环节效率的高低将直接影响电信行业的工作效率。

    The efficiency of reconciliation has a direct impact on the work efficiency of the telecom industry .

  17. 系统按照对账周期,实现了对账客户信息的动态管理及对账差异化管理。

    Based on the reconciliation cycle , the system achieves dynamic management of customer information and reconciliation information .

  18. 在这方面,联邦政府采用的是财务报表和预算之间对账的办法。

    In this regard , the federal government is based on the financial statements and reconciliation between the budget approach .

  19. 使用它们可以方便地对账、设置每个月的预算,评估和控制项目进度。

    They 're handy for balancing a checkbook , setting up a monthly budget , and estimating and controlling project schedules .

  20. 对于每次对账业务,无论是否账账相符,都应编制对账余额调节表,后附双方的明细账页备查。

    Work out the account checking reconciliation during the account checking with subsidiary ledger of both parties enclosed , regardless of the divergence .

  21. 活期存款就是存款人不用预先通知,就能立即提取存款的一种对账账户。

    A demand deposit is a checking account that enables the depositor to withdraw funds from the account immediately and without advance notice .

  22. 建立重点账户数据库,密切关注重点账户的业务数据及对账信息,提供个性化服务。

    It can establish a key account database , pay close attention to business data and account reconciliation information , and provide personalized service .

  23. 首次对账单表的插入(在笔记本电脑中)耗时1m16s(第二次耗时1m17s)而且引擎配置文件内容如下

    Our first insert into the bills table ( on my laptop ) took1m16s ( the second took1m17s ) and the engine profile looks like this

  24. 主要作用在于为管理行提供完整、真实的对账数据,加强对客户和银行资金的安全管理。

    The main purpose is to manage the lines provide complete , true The reconciliation of data , strengthen customer and bank funds in security management .

  25. 而每张单独的对账单户仅仅说明了,在那个时点,如果有少数投资者试图出售股票,这个投资者大概能够获得多少收入。

    Each separate statement indicates only what an investor might expect to receive if a small number of them try to sell the stock at that point .

  26. 包括订单支付总览、撤销管理、支付单管理、退款单管理、支付状态查询和支付对账六个部分。

    This sub-module includes six parts : order overview , revoked management , payment order management , refund order management , payment status inquiry , check for payment .

  27. 而账单作为银行与客户之间沟通的直接渠道,其意义远远超出其本身的对账功能,在一定程度上反映了银行的客户管理水平。

    As the direct communication channel between bank and customer , statement means far more beyond the function for reconciliation . Statement somehow reflects the level of bank customer service .

  28. 针对对账检测功能监控到的数据同步失败,将同步失败的数据包采用二次打包方法后,重新补发。

    Using the repack correction method , to solve the synchronization failed . Through verification detection monitoring database synchronization , after repack correction the failed XML document , then resend .

  29. 价值投资挑选买卖价格低于内在价值的投资方法。价值投资者一般选择价格对账面值比率或市盈率比市场平均低的股票。

    Value investing the process of selecting stocks that trade for less than their intrinsic value . a value investor typically selects stocks with lower than average price-to-book or price-to-earning ratios .

  30. 在技术创新上,通过银电联网系统的功能扩充,实现银行与供电之间的实时对账,从技术层面支持管理创新。

    In technological innovation , through the bank-power system expansion , the real-time checking between bank and Power Enterprise can be implemented successfully , so as to support the management of innovation .