
  • 网络contrastive analysis;comparative analysis approach;comparative analysis
  1. 对比分析法在日语教学中的应用及效果分析

    Application of the Contrastive Analysis in Japanese Teaching and Its Effective Analysis

  2. 本文是把对比分析法运用于大学英语课堂句子翻译教学的一个尝试。

    An Empirical Study of Applying Contrastive Analysis to Vocabulary Instructions in Chinese College English Classes ;

  3. 论文对服务贸易出口和GDP从投入产出的角度进行实证分析,研究过程采用了直接分析和间接分析以及对比分析法。

    Study trade in services exports and GDP from the perspective of empirical input-output analysis which adopts direct analysis , indirect analysis and comparative analysis .

  4. 结果表明,应用对比分析法成功地实现了对O2传感器的故障检测。

    The test results show that the application of contrastive analysis method successfully accomplishes fault detection on oxygen Sensor .

  5. 方法采用对比分析法,检测TSGF的敏感性、特异性及诊断正确率。

    Methods By using contrasting analysis to value the specificity ? sensitivity and efficiency of examining serum TSGF in the preceding diagnosis of lung cancer .

  6. 基于O2传感器的结构和工作原理详细介绍了在本项试验中应用的对比分析法。通过对试验数据的统计分析,对检测到的O2传感器常见故障进行时域分析。

    Based on structure and operating principle of oxygen sensor , in detail author introduces the application of contrastive analysis method and the common fault of oxygen sensor detected by testing data statistic analysis and time-domain analysis in the hot test .

  7. 研究方法:比较研究法、对比分析法,对比分析FAO/UNEPLCCS与美国、欧洲等国际知名机构,用于遥感监测和制图而建立的土地利用/覆被分类体系。

    And it presented the comparison and analysis between the international famous classification systems for remote sensing monitoring and mapping , such as FAO / UNEP-LCCS , EC-CORINE and USGS , etc.

  8. 前后对比分析法在战略环境评价中应用初探

    Application of before and after comparison methods to strategic environmental assessment

  9. 采用对比分析法,主要论述受贿罪与非国家工作人员受贿罪的区别。

    Using comparative analysis , discusses the bribery crime and bribery difference .

  10. 本文采用定性的分析方法,利用例证法和对比分析法来研究问题。

    The paper uses exemplification and comparative analysis to study this topic .

  11. 采用文献资料法、调查研究法、对比分析法和归纳分析法,对田径教学过程进行优化设计并对其结构进行分析。

    By literature , research , analysis , etc .

  12. 本研究主要采用归纳法,例证分析和对比分析法。

    The methodology here mainly includes induction , example illustration and comparative study .

  13. 研究方法:实地调查研究、区域对比分析法。

    Methods of demonstration and regional comparison were employed .

  14. 此外,本文还采用对比分析法、例证法。

    In addition , this article uses comparative analysis , example of law .

  15. 研究方法主要是文献研究法、历史研究法及对比分析法。

    Research methods are mainly literature research , historical research and comparative analysis .

  16. 然后阐述研究方法,主要采用文献研究法和对比分析法进行研究。

    Then research methods , mainly adopts literature research and comparative analysis were studied .

  17. 对于传感器的标定采用对比分析法,检测传感器的测量精度及线性程度。

    System uses the comparative analysis method to check the accuracy and linearity of sensors .

  18. 对比分析法主要是将马克思的思想家同其它的思想家分工思想进行对比分析的方法。

    Mainly to the comparative analysis with other Marxist thinkers thinkers Division Thought comparative analysis .

  19. 对比分析法在自然地理野外实习中的作用

    A preliminary study on the function of contrast and analysis method in natural geography field practise

  20. 对比分析法是统计分析的基本方法之一,可以启迪人们的思维。

    Comparative analysis that could enlighten men is one of the basic methods of statistic analysis .

  21. 全文撰写当中主要应用了文献法、数据收集法、求平均法、对比分析法等研究方法。

    This paper utilized methods of documentary analysis , data collection , averaging and comparative analysis .

  22. 对比分析法是外语学习和教学的一种重要方法。

    The method of contrastive analysis has long been an important way in foreign-language learning and teaching .

  23. 人类学是一个重视实地考察的学科,在研究中大量使用对比分析法。

    Anthropology is a field-study oriented discipline which makes extensive use of the comparative method in analysis .

  24. 采取层次分析法、对比分析法,不断优化管理模式体系。

    Take the analytic hierarchy process , comparative analysis , to constantly optimize the management model system .

  25. 采用对比分析法测定普通玉米、甜玉米完熟果穗、鲜穗和速冻保鲜果穗的主要感官品质和营养品质成分,以探讨速冻保鲜处理对甜玉米品质的影响。

    Using analogical analysis method determine the effect of quack-freezed fresh-keeping technique on the quality of sweetcorn ears .

  26. 对比分析法;

    Analysis to running ;

  27. 方法:以市场营销学理论为基础,采用文献检索和对比分析法。

    METHODS : This study was conducted based on marketing theory using literature retrieval and contrast analysis method .

  28. 本研究主要的研究方法是文献分析研究法,实验研究法和对比分析法。

    The main method of the research is the method of literature analysis , experiment study and comparison analysis .

  29. 本文的研究方法:实证分析法、规范分析法、对比分析法、系统研究法。

    The main research methods are that positive analysis , normative analysis , contrast analysis and system analysis method .

  30. 文章运用文献资料法、对比分析法等方法对高校武术教学中的合作学习教学进行了分析。

    Based on documents and contrast analysis the paper analyzes the cooperative study in the Wushu teaching of University .