
  • 网络alternative;option;plan B;BATNA
  1. 一些职业顾问正在帮助校友制定“备选方案”鼓励他们拓展职业取向,在各行各业中寻找机会。

    Some career advisers are helping alumni craft a " plan B " - encouraging them to expand their career options and look at different sectors .

  2. 有时,备选方案也毫不逊色。

    Sometimes , plan B is pretty good .

  3. 已提出八项备选方案供审议。

    Eight options were presented for consideration .

  4. 我需要你帮我在两个小时以内想出这个项目的五个备选方案。

    I need you to help me come up with five alternative plans for the project in two hours .

  5. 在将office作为您的项目中的服务器端组件之前,请先考虑备选方案。

    Before involving office as a server-side component in your project , consider alternatives .

  6. 在此基础上,结合SWOT原理,制定了山东临工产品战略的备选方案。

    Then , the paper makes viable product strategy by using SWOT theory .

  7. 在风险控制阶段,针对不同的风险因素实施不同的风险策略,运用AHP在各种备选方案中选择最佳的风险响应措施。

    At risk control stage , using AHP to choose the best respond measure in various alternative schemes .

  8. 在此基础上,运用STEM法对永利化工发展钛白粉产品的备选方案进行了评价并进一步完成了永利化工发展钛白粉产品的战略设计。

    On the base of above all , the article estimated the prepared proposals of development titanium industry and accomplished its strategic design by applied STEM method .

  9. 多输入多输出(Multi-inputmulti-Output,MIMO)系统是下一代无线通信系统的重要备选方案。

    Multi-input multi-output ( MIMO ) system is an important scheme for the next generation wireless communication .

  10. 通过指定特殊的标注,开发人员可以创建EJB组件的POJO类,并将其作为XML的备选方案。

    By specifying special annotations , developers can create POJO classes that are EJB components , as an alternative to XML .

  11. 在技术层次,必须制定的决策数目相同,但是在构建RESTfulWeb服务时必须要考虑的备选方案更少。

    On the technology level , the same number of decisions must be made , but less alternatives have to be considered when building RESTful Web services .

  12. 但是这些备选方案没有哪一个能像这里的SVG技术那样带来明显的劳动分工。

    None of those alternatives make for as compelling a division of labor as the SVG technique here , however .

  13. 如果要寻找轻量的低成本备选方案来替代中间件代理方法,使用EJB代理可能比较合适。

    If you 're looking for a lightweight , low-cost alternative to the middleware proxy approach , using an EJB proxy might be suitable .

  14. 约翰·W·金顿的《议程、备选方案和公共政策》一书透彻地分析了政府议程的建立,为后来关于政策制定过程的学术研究奠定了重要的理论基础。

    W.Jinton , analyzes thoroughly the establishment of the governmental agenda , thereby laying down a significant theoretic foundation for later academic studies on the process of policy formulation .

  15. 该技术对于控制PD后肝动脉假性动脉瘤破裂出血提供了一种好的备选方案,尤其是对那些不能进行介入栓塞治疗的患者。

    This technique provides a good alternative option for the control of hemorrhage from ruptured hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm after PD , especially in those who cannot undergo embolization .

  16. 作为一个备选方案,GoogleMaps提供了一个易于使用的文本界面,大大提高了使用屏幕阅读器或者盲文显示器来查询行车路线及地理位置的效率。

    As an alternative , Google Maps also provides a simple to use a textual interface that serves up directions very efficiently when working with a screenreader or a Braille display .

  17. 在此基础上再通过SWOT分析法对备选方案进行战略定位,并确定昆明市主导产业选择的战略决策;

    In this foundation through the SWOT analytic method it chooses the plan again with the strategic localization , and determines the strategic decision of Kunming leading industry choice .

  18. 不幸的是,Soundex算法是一个差劲的拼写检查备选方案。

    Unfortunately , the Soundex algorithm is a poor candidate for spell checking .

  19. 对于轻量级应用而言,Shoes仍会继续作为一个不错的备选方案,不过如果你想要一个完整的解决方案,同时还可以使用任意GUI工具包时:来用Anvil吧。

    Shoes will still remain a good alternative for lightweight applications , but when you want a full solution with options to use any GUI toolkit : go Anvil .

  20. 由于工作流服务不断增加,服务聚合往往会出现大量的备选方案,用户期望从这些方案中选择满足Qos全局最优的工作流服务聚合流程。

    As a result of the number of workflow service increasing , the service aggregation often has a lot of options , but users expect to get the workflow service process meeting the Qos global optimum .

  21. 其次,应用SWOT分析法对战略的备选方案进行论证、评价与选择,确定了市场渗透为主兼差异化的竞争战略。

    Secondly , we can use the SWOT analysis to demonstrate , evaluate and select strategic options , and determine the competition strategy which mainly to market penetration and part time alienation .

  22. 然而,使用SOAD描述问题和备选方案还包括对知识工程的承诺。

    However , using SOAD to describe the issues and alternatives involves a commitment to knowledge engineering .

  23. 与糟糕的计划扯上关系的CEO只有(通常也会如此)迅速拿出一项成功的备选方案,才能证明自己有资格继续留任。否则,就该输入新鲜血液了。

    A CEO associated with botched plans can only justify staying on if he ( as it usually is ) launches a speedy and successful Plan B. Otherwise , time to call in new blood .

  24. 在3GPPLTE的上行方案中,基于OFDM的单载波系统因为其PAPR比较低的优势,成为最有竞争力的备选方案。

    Due to the low PAPR , single-carrier systems based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ) modulation is a promising technique for the uplink of the 3GPP LTE .

  25. 作为一个备选方案,您可以配置EJBImport来指向一个本地JNDI应用,这是在服务器上配置的,可以修改,不需要重新部署到Mediation模块。

    As an alternative , you can configure the EJB Import to point to a local JNDI reference , which is configured on the server and can be changed without having to redeploy the Mediation module .

  26. 转让、信托和担保都是风险隔离机制的备选方案,而不仅仅是SPV(特殊目的载体)。

    Special purpose vehicle ( " SPV " ) is not necessarily the single institution in achieving risk-remoteness , and transfer , trust and security are alternatives .

  27. 理解了上述几种投资备选方案,很容易就能解释投资者对wmps趋之若鹜的原因。

    Given these alternatives , it is easy to explain why investors are flocking to wmps .

  28. 作为一个备选方案,考虑一下Sphinx,它是一种开源和免费的搜索引擎,可以非常快速地搜索文本。

    As an alternative , consider Sphinx , which is an open source and free ( as in speech and beer ) search engine designed to search text extremely quickly .

  29. 在此基础上,本文应用了SWOT分析等技术方法,对该公司的机会、威胁、优势、劣势进行了定量分析,并制定出若干战略备选方案。

    Based on the above analysis , the thesis employs the methods of SWOT analysis and carries out a quantitative analysis of the opportunities , threats , strengths and weaknesses that the company is faced with , putting forward alternative schemes .

  30. 当被要求解释立场突然转变的原因时,欧盟高级谈判官员回答称,决定性因素是apec的决定,因为它“向我们表明,你们有一个备选方案,而我们没有”。

    When asked to explain the abrupt change in their position , top European negotiators replied that the decisive element was the APEC decision because it " showed us you had an alternative that we did not " .