
bèi wàng lù
  • memorandum;memo;memoire;aide-memoire;memorial;aide-mémoire;memorandum book
备忘录 [bèi wàng lù]
  • (1) [aide-memoire;memo;memoire;memorandum]

  • (2) 非正式的外交信件;特指政府部门或外交部致大使馆或公使馆的书面声明,尤其用于例行传达或询问,无需签署

  • (3) 备忘或保留准备将来用的非正式的记事录;帮助或唤起记忆的记录;日记本里的记事录

备忘录[bèi wàng lù]
  1. 透露给报界的文件中有一份是秘密警察局长写的备忘录。

    One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police .

  2. 和之前的备忘录相比,他递交给总统的总结报告措辞要更为温和得体。

    His final report to the President was far more temperate and balanced than the earlier memorandum .

  3. 我想让这份备忘录送交到所有经理手中。

    I want this memo to go to all managers .

  4. 这份备忘录可能是调查人员一直在寻找的证据。

    This memo could be the smoking gun that investigators have been looking for .

  5. 她给他的私人秘书写了一份简短的备忘录。

    She penned a short memo to his private secretary .

  6. 整个备忘录写了满满两页纸。

    The entire memo took up all of two pages

  7. 备忘录的结尾写道:“请将此事作为亟待处理事项。”

    The memo ends : ' Please give this matter your most urgent attention . '

  8. 从备忘录中将之删去。

    Strike that from the minutes

  9. 您要我把这份备忘录分发出去吗?

    Do you want me to send the memo out ?

  10. 您能帮我打一份备忘录吗?

    Can you type a memo for me ?

  11. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)获得了巴拉塔之前一日发给黑石员工的内部备忘录。

    Fortune has obtained an internal memo baratta sent to Blackstone employees yesterday .

  12. 你可以回应备忘录写一项报告吗在?之上(4.3个C)假如你是分划上的人员经理。

    Could you write a report in response to the memo on ( 4.3 C )? Suppose you were the Divisional Personnel Manager .

  13. 当有上述c类变更要求时,变更需求部门应使用备忘录的形式通知相关部门。

    1 departments whose requirements need to change should inform related departments in the form of memoire , when the C class changing requirements are being asked .

  14. 公司内部备忘录向OnionNewsNetwork透漏,Fuentes愿意用更少的薪水为他们工作。

    An internal memo leaked to the Onion News Network revealed that Fuentes was willing to work for significantly less .

  15. 但是很显然,微软公司(Microsoft)有自己的渠道,也能推出流媒体游戏,所以这份备忘录让人很好奇。

    But surely Microsoft has the pipes to be able to stream games too , so it was a curious to see that memo .

  16. 他一定给了phelps一些备忘录。

    He must 've sent some sort of memo to phelps .

  17. 而实际上,这出自美国五角大楼(Pentagon)的一份备忘录,内容是全球气候变暖可能带来的影响。

    In fact , it is from a Pentagon memo on the possible consequences of global warming .

  18. 字处理软件(如WORD、WPS)广泛用于办公系统以用来书写信函及备忘录。

    Word Processing Software such as WORD , WPS etc. is widely used in The office environment to prepare letters and memos .

  19. 设在佐治亚州的美国湾流宇航公司(Gulfstream)最近与民生银行(MinshengBank)签署了总额为26亿美元的谅解备忘录。

    Georgia-based Gulfstream recently signed a $ 2.6 billion Memorandum of Understanding with Minsheng Bank .

  20. Oracle的一份内部非官方备忘录概述了与OpenSolaris操作系统相关的策略。

    An internal unofficial Oracle memo has outlined a new policy regarding the OpenSolaris operating system .

  21. EMG在2005年时还曾与一家名叫以色列电力公司(IEC)的上市企业签署过一项谅解备忘录。

    In 2005 , EMG signed a memorandum of understanding with the Jewish state 's public Israeli Electricity Company ( IEC ) .

  22. 周五,商会与OECD签署了一项合作备忘录,意图为这些原则的实施制定更详细的说明。

    The chamber on Friday signed a memorandum of understanding with the O.E.C.D. to create more detailed directives for enacting the guidelines .

  23. 据这份备忘录显示,一家还没命名的公司将承担生产Cell及RSX的任务。

    According to the memorandum , a so far nameless new company will be producing the Cell CPU and the RSX chip .

  24. 一个出名的例子是,几个月前,雅虎(Yahoo)在发给员工的备忘录里声称,所有员工必须集中在一起办公&实质上禁止员工在家工作。

    Notoriously , a few months ago Yahoo sent round a memo stating that all employees must work physically together – essentially banning working from home .

  25. 诺基亚首席执行官发表的“燃烧的平台”(“BurningPlatform”)备忘录,确实十分精彩、令人震撼。看过的人都说:“如果我们不采取行动,我们会被甩在后面。”

    This shake things up [ " Burning Platform " ] memo from the CEO was brilliant , with people saying " OK , we 're about to be left behind if we don 't do something . "

  26. 这些非同寻常的陈述被呈报给时任FBI局长埃德加胡佛,这份备忘录名为飞盘。

    Their extraordinary accounts were sent to Edgar Hoover , the director of the FBI , in a memo titled " Flying Discs " .

  27. 斯蒂芬•埃洛普(StephenElop)那篇题为“Hellothere”(你好)的备忘录才发出不久,就已成为彰显在裁员时要避免哪些做法的经典案例。

    Barely 10 days old , Stephen Elop 's " Hello there " memo has already become a classic example of how not to fire people .

  28. SWEO备忘录提供了一个解决方案,这个解决方案为每一种数据格式实现了一个独立的URI,另外还有一个“通用的”URI。

    The SWEO Note provides a solution that implies one individual URI for each data format , plus one " generic " .

  29. 知情人士表示,瑞银亚洲投资银行业务负责人蔡洪平(henrycai)今日向员工发送了一份备忘录,提到他决定“放个长假”,因为他“非常累”。

    People familiar with the matter said that Henry Cai , head of investment banking Asia , sent a memo to staff today outlining his decision to " take a long break " because he was " very tired " .

  30. 本文所引用的所有电邮、备忘录和报告均出自Norex公司上月提交的文件。

    All emails , memos , and reports cited in this story were filed by norex last month .