
guī dìng
  • require;provide;regulate;state;set;stipulation;stipulate;prescribe;institute;fix;formulation;prescription;dictate;lay down;ordain
规定 [guī dìng]
  • (1) [stipulate]∶法律用词。预先制定规则,以作为行为的标准(如在合同、条约、契约、遗嘱、法律中)

  • 他在遗嘱里规定,他的儿子们都得学手艺

  • (2) [prescribe;stipulate;institute]∶权威性地确定为一种指导、指示或行动规则

  • 只有政府的告示和报纸上的文章,其中规定着禁止什么,他才觉得一清二楚。--《装在套子里的人》

  • [stipulation;prescription;formulation]∶预先制定的规则

  • 关于奖金如何发放,上级最近有新的规定

规定[guī dìng]
  1. 国际规则规定了外国参赛者的人数。

    International rules stipulate the number of foreign entrants .

  2. Paypal的政策规定,卖家需核实买家已收到商品。

    PayPal policies stipulate that sellers must prove buyers received an item .

  3. 两个拳击手赛前量的体重都比规定限度少几磅。

    Both boxers weighed in at several pounds below the limit .

  4. 政府给地方议会的经费支出规定了最高限额。

    The government has placed a cap on local council spending .

  5. 据宣布,将有新的限速规定出台。

    It was announced that new speed restrictions would be introduced .

  6. 法律规定进口货物必须如实标明。

    The law mandates that imported goods be identified as such .

  7. 今天有数百人违抗禁止政治集会的规定。

    Hundreds of people today defied the ban on political gatherings .

  8. 这项工程必须在规定期限内完成。

    The project must be completed within a specific time span .

  9. 请在每一页上用姓名的首字母签署并在规定的空白处签字。

    Please initial each page and sign in the space provided .

  10. 我们得为这项工作规定个期限。

    We have to set a time limit for the work .

  11. 这项规定适用于巡官及以下人员。

    This ruling applies to the ranks of Inspector and below .

  12. 合同明确规定谁可以操作机器。

    The contract clearly specifies who can operate the machinery .

  13. 这事没有什么硬性的规定。

    There are no hard and fast rules about this .

  14. 教学大纲明确规定了哪些是必读的书。

    The syllabus prescribes precisely which books should be studied .

  15. 法律规定父母必须送子女入学。

    Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school .

  16. 你必须遵守俱乐部的规定。

    You 'll have to abide by the rules of the club .

  17. 他同意每天按规定的数额付款。

    He agreed to pay at specified rates per diem .

  18. 预算案规定支出总额为270亿英镑。

    The budget provided for a total expenditure of £ 27 billion .

  19. 这些规定是为了保证每个人的安全和快乐。

    The rules are there to ensure everyone 's safety and enjoyment .

  20. 今年,政府对公共开支规定了严格的限额。

    The government has set strict limits on public spending this year .

  21. 租约明确规定,一切损坏必须赔偿。

    The lease plainly states that all damage must be paid for .

  22. 新规定从下周起实施。

    The new rules come into operation from next week .

  23. 合同规定了雇主与承包人分担的风险。

    The contract defines the apportionment of risks between employer and contractor .

  24. 宪章规定,各州皆允建立各自的政府。

    The charter proclaimed that all states would have their own government .

  25. 新宪法重新规定了总统的职权。

    The new constitution redefined the powers of the president .

  26. 政府正在修改申领失业救济金的规定。

    The government is changing the rules for claiming dole .

  27. 新的业余工作条例规定,做促销工作可获得报酬。

    New rules on amateurism allow payment for promotional work .

  28. 法律规定必须系安全带。

    The wearing of seat belts is required by law .

  29. 按照法律规定,18岁之前是未成年人。

    By law , you are a child until you are 18 .

  30. 政府被控违反条约中的规定。

    The government is accused of breaching the terms of the treaty .