
  1. 规模化:超强竞争时代企业的首要战略

    Scale : The Paramount Strategy at the Age of Super Competition

  2. 虽然没有大量有形资产,但他们果断地创建了一种新模式来满足传统需求&这种模式也是通过规模化来实现竞争优势,但并非传统意义上的实际控制物业。

    And , absent a vast footprint of physical assets , they did it by acting decisively to create a whole new model for meeting this traditional need – a model that delivers competitive advantage through scale but not in a traditional sense of physically controlled properties .

  3. 服务外包企业也要从分散经营的同质化低水平竞争转变为规模效应的差异化竞争。

    Service outsourcing enterprises should also change from decentralized management of " homogeneous low level of competition " into scale effect " differentiation competition " .

  4. 本研究得到以下重要结论:邮政便民服务站的竞争战略确定为基于规模化的低成本竞争战略。

    This research was supported by the following important conclusions : The competitive strategy of the postal convenience service station to determine based on the large scale , low-cost competitive strategy .