
  • 网络management competitiveness
  1. 中国企业信息化正向纵深发展,信息化对提升企业管理竞争力也发挥着越来越巨大的作用。

    The informatization of Chinese enterprises plays an important role in its management competitiveness while the process is deepening .

  2. 但在存在诸多竞争优势的同时,武汉市也在结构竞争力、企业管理竞争力,基础设施竞争力等方面存在着很多劣势因素。

    But on the other hand , Wuhan has a lot of disadvantages such as construction competitiveness , enterprise management competitiveness , and basic facilities competitiveness .

  3. 快速构筑建筑企业人力资源管理竞争力的思考

    On the Competitiveness of Human Resource Management in Construction Enterprise

  4. 建筑企业管理竞争力指标体系的构建及评价

    Evaluation and construction of corporation 's management competence

  5. 企业的核心竞争力包括四大要素:产品竞争力、科技竞争力、营销竞争力和管理竞争力。

    Enterprise 's core competitive power contains four key elements : product , technology , sale and management .

  6. 就现代企业而言,核心竞争力表现为公司治理结构竞争力、管理竞争力、产品竞争力和市场竞争力这四个层面。

    For modern enterprises , core competence represents four meanings , governance structural competence , management competence , production competence and market competence .

  7. 摘要通过对建筑企业管理竞争力及其构成要素的分析,构建了建筑企业管理竞争力指标体系,并采用模糊综合评价法对建筑企业管理竞争力进行评价。

    Based on analyzing the compose of management competencitson , we set up an index system of management competence in construction corporation , and applied fuzzy comprehensive evaluating model to evaluate construction corporation 's management competence .

  8. 企业竞争力管理。竞争力研究的目的就在于管理,此处对企业竞争力管理做一简单说明。

    Part 5 , briefly explain to the management of enterprise competitiveness .

  9. 基于物元模型的物业管理企业竞争力评价

    The Evaluation on Competitiveness of Property Management Enterprise Based on Matter-element Model

  10. 首先依据质量管理和竞争力等领域的经典理论重新解构质量竞争力的内涵和特征。

    Firstly , we deconstruct the connotation of quality competitiveness according to the classical theory of quality management and competitiveness .

  11. 可以促成教育培训方式的革命、实现知识管理提升竞争力、加速企业迈向学习型组织。

    Education and training can contribute to revolution in the way , to achieve knowledge management to enhance competitiveness and accelerate business into a learning organization .

  12. 企业竞争力包括企业产品竞争力、企业技术开发和创新竞争力、企业市场营销竞争力、企业制度创新竞争力、企业管理创新竞争力、企业文化竞争力等六个方面。

    The competitiveness of a company consists of production competitiveness , technology development and innovation competitiveness , market competitiveness , system , management and culture competitiveness , etc.

  13. 而衡量一个健康管理公司竞争力的强弱,除了各种硬件器材和人员素质外,服务才是在市场竞争中取得成功的关键。

    It is the service to compete successfully in the market that kills in the measure of a health management company competitive strength , in addition to a variety of hardware equipment and personnel quality .

  14. 如何连接供应商和客户的各个环节,如何运用供应链管理提高竞争力,已经变得不再是企业的目标,而变成了企业迫切需要具备的基础。

    How to connect with suppliers and customers of the various links , how to apply supply chain management to improve the competitiveness , has become no longer is the target of the enterprise , and become enterprises urgently need to have the foundation .

  15. 第三章根据核心竞争力的标准,识别了学院在师资、教学、科研、专业、营销、组织文化六个方面所拥有的核心竞争力,并指出了在培育和管理核心竞争力方面的不足。

    And the third chapter discerns six key competitiveness of the college in teachers , teaching , scientific research , speciality , marketing , organize culture according to the standard of the core competitiveness , . It also points out the deficiency in fostering and managing the key competitiveness .

  16. ERP工程:提高企业管理水平和竞争力的新选择

    ERP Project : A New Choice to Promote the Level of Management and the Capability of Competition

  17. 实践企业资本安排(EnterpriseResourcePlanning,ERP)恰是变革企业管理,提升竞争力的有用路途。

    The implementation of ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning , ERP ) is the transformation of enterprise management , improve the competitiveness of an effective way .

  18. 兽用生物制品生产企业实施兽药GMP管理是提高竞争力和产品质量的有效途径。

    The GMP management implemented by a veterinary bio-products factory is an efficient way to improve competence and quality of products .

  19. 为了从整体上提高产品设计的效率,降低设计成本,提高设计业务管理水平和竞争力,在研究流程管理本质的基础上,开发了基于Web的流程管理模块。

    In order to improve the efficiency of the product design , to reduce the design cost and to raise the design business management level and the competitive ability , through studying the flow management essence flow administration module based on the Web has been developed .

  20. 数字化管理增强企业竞争力&瑞士AZM牛奶公司应用CSB系统心得体会

    Digital Management , Strengthen Enterprise 's Competitiveness

  21. 随着中国信息化投资的加大和企业信息化进程的推进,越来越多的企业开始应用ERP系统软件来进行企业资源的计划和整合,以提高企业的管理水平和竞争力。

    With the increase investment and developing process of informationization in China , more and more enterprises have begun implying ERP system to plan and integrate enterprise resources , in order that they could improve the management ability and competency .

  22. 正确运用客户服务和管理提高医院竞争力

    Correctly use customer service and management to elevate hospital competition ability

  23. 人力资源管理;核心竞争力;人才配置。

    Human Resource Management ; Core competition ; Talented person deploys .

  24. 加强职业管理提升企业竞争力

    Strengthen occupation management , upgrade enterprises competitive power of the enterprises

  25. 实行目标成本管理增强企业竞争力

    Implementing the Target Cost Management and Building up Enterprise Competition Ability

  26. 二是管理咨询企业竞争力薄弱。

    Second , the competitiveness of management consulting enterprise is weak .

  27. 谈运用战略成本管理提高企业竞争力

    Employing the Strategic Cost Management to Enhance the Competition of Enterprises

  28. 企业知识管理提升企业竞争力的作用机制研究

    Study on the Function Mechanism of Knowledge Management for Enterprise Competitiveness

  29. 基于信息化人力资源管理的组织竞争力提升

    The Promotion of Organization Competition Based on Informational Human Resources Management

  30. 提升中小型物业管理企业核心竞争力的研究

    Research on Increasing Middle and Small Property Management Enterprises ' Core Competition