
ɡuǎn lǐ ɡōnɡ jù
  • management tool
  1. 传统上,企业使用微软的MicrosoftProject作为管理工具。

    Traditionally , enterprises have used Microsoft Project as their management tool .

  2. 此外,还设计实现了一个管理工具,方便了用户对Agent服务的管理。

    Besides these , the paper introduces a new management tool to manage the agent service conveniently .

  3. 使用Web管理工具设置同步器

    Use the web admin tool to set up the synchronizer

  4. Web框架可以提供更好更可靠的会话管理工具。

    Web frameworks could , in many cases , provide better and more reliable session management tools .

  5. 将数据库访问功能封装成Web服务,创建引用该Web服务的Web管理工具。

    Referring to Web service that is obtained by encapsulating database access function , the Web management tool is created .

  6. 一种新的工具计划用来报告调度统计,而且在不久的将来,还将会有一种基于Web的管理工具。

    A new tool is planned to report scheduling statistics , and in the near future , a web-based administration tool .

  7. 修改管理工具以使用supportpac

    Modify the administration tool to use the support pacs

  8. RationalRequirementsComposer正迅速成为一种行业标准的需求定义和管理工具。

    Rational Requirements Composer is quickly becoming an industry standard requirements definition and management tool .

  9. KPI(KeyPerformanceIndication)可作为企业远景目标的绩效管理工具。

    KPI ( Key Performance Indication ) can be used into the performance management to make organizational objectives .

  10. RationalClearQuest是一个企业级的变更管理工具。

    Rational ClearQuest is an enterprise-level change management tool .

  11. 考虑应用一套组合管理工具(例如IBMRationalPortfolioManager)使得公司的管理能够更好的得以进行。

    Consider applying a portfolio management tool such as IBM Rational Portfolio Manager to better enable corporate governance .

  12. 最佳联系人管理工具:AddressBook(MacOSX);

    Best Contact Management Application : Address Book ( Mac OS X )

  13. 接着,下载Eucalyptus管理工具来管理虚拟镜像。

    Next , download the Eucalyptus management tools to manage virtual images .

  14. DominoDocumentManager虽然是世界一流的文档生命期管理工具,但是把文档发布到Web站点上并不容易。

    Despite the world-class document life cycle management , publishing documents to a Web site with Domino Document Manager is not so easy .

  15. 基于SPC的需求变更管理工具的研究

    Research of Requirements Change Management Tool Based on Statistical Process Control

  16. ISA是基于Web的跨平台的数据库服务器管理工具,用于监视多个Informix服务器。

    ISA is a Web-based cross-platform database server administration tool , used to monitor multiple Informix servers .

  17. 在敏捷软件开发的快节奏中,越来越多的团队开始采用RationalTeamConcert来作为他们的项目管理工具。

    In the fast pace of agile software development , increasing numbers of teams are adopting Rational Team Concert as their project management tool .

  18. AGSServerStudio是一个拥有一组系统的IDS管理工具的多平台套件。

    AGS Server Studio is a multi-platform suite that has a system of management tools for IDS .

  19. HLA仿真系统联邦管理工具(FMT)的设计

    A Project of the Federation Management Tool in HLA Simulation System

  20. 一种面向制造的BOM通用管理工具

    A General Management System for Manufacture-Oriented BOM

  21. Linux平台具备功能强大的带宽管理工具集,为应用的分类和带宽保证提供有效手段。

    Linux supports us with functional bandwidth-management tool sets , which make it feasible to classify our applications and give assurance to their bandwidth accordingly .

  22. 企业缺乏专业的RD预算管理工具,这是造成当前RD预算效率低下、效果不佳的重要原因。

    Corporations lack of professional R D budget management tool , which is causing the current R D budget inefficiency , and the important reasons for poor results .

  23. 因此,本文主要是对VaR风险价值法这一新型风险管理工具如何在我国证券市场中得到有效应用进行一些探讨。

    So this paper is about that how to apply VaR method as a new risk management efficiently in our country .

  24. 要让一个类可以通过管理工具进行访问,我们需要为其创建一个Admin子类。

    To make a class accessible through the admin tool , create an Admin subclass to it .

  25. 在UNIX上,您将使用iKeyman密钥管理工具处理数字证书。

    On UNIX , you would use the iKeyman key management tool to handle digital certificates .

  26. 大多数缺陷管理工具提供XML或ATOMfeed格式的报告,可以构建mashup应用程序,它们以缺陷跟踪指示板的方式使用这些feed。

    Most defect management tools provide reports in XML or ATOM feed format , and we can build mashup applications that serve as a defect tracking dashboard using these feeds .

  27. 这与VeritasVolumeManager提供的磁盘管理工具类似,但它可以与AIX操作系统集成,且不收取任何额外费用。

    This is similar to how Veritas Volume Manager can provide disk management tools but comes integrated with the AIX operating system at no extra charge .

  28. 实践证明,运用Witness仿真技术与6σ管理工具相结合的方法实施6σ管理,可以达到6σ管理的预期实施目标,是企业提高质量水平的有效途径。

    Practice has proved it is an effective method for improving the quality level of the enterprise to combine Witness simulation technology and 6 σ management tools together .

  29. 基于pool交易模式,本文的主要研究工作及创新点包括以下五个方面:第一:引入新的风险测量和管理工具。

    Based on pool trade model , the main work and the key contributions of this dissertation are as follows : Firstly , a new risk measure and management tool is introduced .

  30. 当前战略业绩评价的一种理想的思路是运用平衡计分卡作为基本的分析框架,融合其他管理工具的一些优点,如EVA。

    One of the ideal methods for strategic performance evaluation is to use BSC as a basic framework , integrating with some traits of other tools .