
  • 网络management automation;Building Management Automation
  1. PLC在高炉控制和管理自动化中的应用

    The Automation of PLC in Blast Furnace Control and Management Automation

  2. 管理自动化是CIMS的神经中枢,指挥控制着各个部分有条不紊地工作。

    Management automation is the crucial core of CIMS , which directs other parts in the system working in harmony .

  3. 用Access实现学报管理自动化的探讨

    Discussion on realizing automation of management of journal by Microsoft Access

  4. 基于GIS的勘探钻孔信息管理自动化研究

    Automatic Management of Geological Information from Exploration Drilling Based on GIS

  5. PortfolioManager利用其功能和资源计划特性将资源管理自动化。

    Portfolio Manager automates resource management with its capacity and resource planning feature .

  6. 利用PortfolioManager,您可以通过建立触发器和逐步上升的工作流,帮助将风险管理自动化。

    With Portfolio Manager you can help automate risk management by establishing triggers and escalation workflows .

  7. 介绍了大同配电网自动化系统的基本构成、软硬件配置及功能特点,该系统现为SCADA系统与GIS的结合,实现了该地区配电网监控及设备管理自动化。

    The structure and functions of Datong distribution network automation system are introduced together with its software and hardware disposition . This system . combining the SCADA system and the GIS .

  8. 该项目的设计要求是要建立一个基于可编程序控制器(PLC)的小型集散系统(DCS),实现过程自动化与信息管理自动化的监控功能。

    The design requirement of the project is to establish a monitoring and supervisory system , a small DCS . The system is based on PLC which can achieve processing automation and information management automation .

  9. 为适应用电管理自动化和网络化需求,融合GPRS和SOC嵌入式技术,提出了远程无线用电参数检测管理系统方案。

    To adapt to power consumption administration automation and networking need , merging GPRS and SOC embedded technology , a project of remote wireless electric power parameter detection management system has been introduced .

  10. 为了改变新疆塔河供水首站落后的计量方式,提高供水首站的控制与管理自动化水平,采用SCADA技术,组建一套自动化监控方案。

    In order to improve the metering system , and control and management automation level of Xinjiang Tahe water supply station , SCADA Technology is used to construct a Monitor and Control project .

  11. 系统体现了先进的管理自动化思想,用户界面友好,系统结构灵活、扩充性强,实现了内江峨眉柴油机厂ERP的第一阶段任务,为系统的后续开发打下了基础。

    The advanced management automatic idea was embodied in the system , and it has the merits : friendly interface , flexible structure and convenient extension . As the first step of ERP system experience , it provides the footstone for the latter work .

  12. 目前的分散型控制系统是以CIMS为目标,以新的控制方法、智能化仪表、专家系统和局域网络等新技术为用户实现过程控制自动化与信息管理自动化相结合的管控一体化的综合集成系统。

    Today , DCS takes CIMS as a target ; combine the process control automation and the information management automation by using new control method , intelligent instruments , expert system and network technology etc , to realize the comprehensive integrated system of management and control .

  13. 近年来随着电力生产和管理自动化水平的提高,对电力线载波通信提出了更高的要求,要在4kHz的通道内传输多路语音信号和远动信号,这就需要采用全数字的电力线载波机。

    With the increasing demanding , we need to use DPLC to transmit multiple speech and data signals in every channel .

  14. 面向二十一世纪机械工业管理自动化技术展望

    Expectation of automatic management technology for mechanical industry on 21st century

  15. 信息技术的应用大大提高了企事业单位管理自动化水平和信息共享度,提高了工作效率,并从根本上改变了企业经营和管理的模式。

    The application of information technique improves the level of management .

  16. 河闸、水库多媒体综合调度管理自动化系统

    The Integrated Multimedia Managing Automatic System for River Gate and Reservoir

  17. 智能小区综合信息管理自动化的研究和实践

    Research and Practice on Automation of Information Management of Intelligent Uptown

  18. 定量化的测试过程管理自动化解决方案的研究

    The Research of the Auto-Solution for Measurable Software Testing Process Management

  19. 建设工程测量生产管理自动化系统开发应用

    Development Applies of the Construction Project Survey Production Management Automated System

  20. 实验室管理自动化大功率汽轮机的自动化技术

    Automation in laboratory management AUTOMATIC CONTROL FOR LARGE POWER TURBINE

  21. 建筑管理自动化系统集成技术的研究与应用

    Search and application of integrated technique of construction auto-management system

  22. 公路工程施工管理自动化设计系统研究

    The Study on the Design System of Highway Engineering Construction Management Automation

  23. 农务管理自动化系统在甘蔗制糖生产中的应用

    Application of the automatic agriculture management control systemin the sugar manufacturing process

  24. 办公与管理自动化发展动态及规划实例

    Office and Management Automation Development and an Example of Plan

  25. 期刊管理自动化的现状与发展趋势

    Present situation and Development Trend of the Periodical Management Automation

  26. 燕山水库信息管理自动化系统集成技术

    Integrated Technology in Information Management Automation System of Yanshan Reservoir

  27. 企业铁路物流管理自动化技术的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of Automatization Technology on Enterprise Railway Logistic Management

  28. 焦炉控制和管理自动化的实践与选择

    Practice and Selection of Coke Oven Control and Management Automation

  29. 井灌区管理自动化控制装置系统的研制与应用

    Research and Application of Automatic Control System in Well - irrigated Areas

  30. 实验室管理自动化

    A discussion about the management of computer room Automation in laboratory management