
  • office-software;Microsoft Office
  1. 这台电脑随机预装了办公软件。

    The PC comes with office software preloaded .

  2. 在办公软件、电子邮件、网络检索等个人电脑应用方面,申请人应具备良好的操作技能。

    Applicants should have good PC skills with common office software , email and internet recherche .

  3. 基于Web技术的煤矿办公软件的开发与研究

    Development and Research of Software of Mine Office Automation Based on Web Technique

  4. GIS与办公软件的无缝结合关键技术研究

    A Research on Technology of Integrating Seamlessly GIS with OA Software

  5. 熟练使用日常办公软件,特别是Word。

    Be familiar with office software , esp.

  6. 《我的世界》距离Office等微软的核心办公软件/服务似乎很遥远。

    Minecraft seems distant from Microsoft 's core " productivity " services such as Office .

  7. 熟练操作办公软件和cad绘图技巧。

    Familiar with office software and basic CAD skills .

  8. 语言表达能力强,熟练使用OFFICE办公软件,有较强的团队合作精神。

    Language ability , OFFICE skilled use of office software , there is a strong team spirit .

  9. 熟练掌握MS办公软件,懂得SAP相关知识的优先考虑;

    Familiar with MS office software , SAP knowledge is preferred ;

  10. 想Windows这样的办公软件可能是这个信息时代最好的发明之一。

    Office software like Windows might be one of the best inventions in this information age .

  11. 最近我们又推出了新一代的办公软件OfficeXP。

    We recently released Office XP , the next generation of office software .

  12. 利用常用办公软件Excel和Origin快速求取滞回环面积的方法

    Rapid Calculation Method of Loop Area by Using Usual Office Software of Excel and Origin

  13. 如果你想要货真价实的东西,诺基亚Lumia2520平板上预装有微软办公软件(MicrosoftOffice)。

    If you want the real deal , Microsoft Office comes preloaded on the Nokia Lumia 2520 tablet .

  14. Delphi与Office办公软件集成方法探讨

    Delphi and Office Software Integration Methods

  15. •“如果你是一款微软(Microsoft)办公软件,你会是哪一款?”

    • " if you were a Microsoft office program , which one would you be ? "

  16. 对微软而言,这是一件麻烦事:多年来,办公软件Office和操作系统Windows都是这家公司最赚钱的两大产品。

    For Microsoft , that spelled trouble : Office and Windows have long been two of the company 's most lucrative products .

  17. WPSOffice办公软件包装装潢设计

    Packaging Design of " WPS Office " Software

  18. 2014年,微软公司就被举报其Windows操作系统和Office办公软件相关信息没有完全公开,从而造成兼容性问题。

    In 2014 , Microsoft was suspected of not fully disclosing information of its Windows operating system and Microsoft Office application , causing incompatibility problems .

  19. 熟悉Word,Excel和其他办公软件的母语版本以及外语版本。

    Learn to use advanced functions of Word , Excel , and other Microsoft Office applications in both your native and non-native languages .

  20. 软件包括计算机的操作系统、游戏以及办公软件(如PowerPoint或者Word)。

    Software includes the computer 's operating system , games and office productivity software ( like PowerPoint or Word ) .

  21. 通过两个实例介绍了Excel、Word综合应用的具体制作过程,说明办公软件的功能是相当完善的。

    An introduction to the specific process about the comprehensive application of Excel and Word shows that the function of office software is quite perfect .

  22. 单纯的使用Word、Excel等办公软件已经不能满足防雷检测业务的发展和防雷机构内部的规范化管理。

    Simple to use Word , Excel and other office software , businesses can no longer meet mine detection and mine-house development of standardized management .

  23. MicrosoftOffice和FoxPro是适用性很强的办公软件。

    Microsoft Office and FoxPro are suitable for work . Usually , the data can be convenient exchanged between Microsoft Office and FoxPro .

  24. Delphi编程平台和Office办公软件具有互补的优势,可以将二者结合起来开发办公自动化软件。

    Integration of Delphi programming platform and the Office has the supplementary superiority , which two can be unified to make a powerful OA software .

  25. 在人机界面和操作方式上,PrePost借鉴了当今使用广泛的办公软件和CAD软件,并提供了用户可定制的用户界面形式。

    As HCI and the interaction style , we studied many kinds of popular software , such as Office and CAD , and provide a custom user interface .

  26. Excel是微软公司开发的功能强大的办公软件,在一切皆表格的今天被广泛应用。

    Excel is a sort of Office software with great functions which was also produced by Microsoft and was extensively used nowadays .

  27. 8月,有报道说微软将会发布免费的,广告支持版本的MicrosoftWorks,它是一个lite版的办公软件。

    In August , it was reported that Microsoft will offer a free , ad supported version of Microsoft Works , its'lite'office suite .

  28. 因此这次收购跟进入办公软件市场没有太大关系,主要是因为看到了一个出色的Web应用的巨大潜力,以及它所展示的这种技术的威力。

    So it 's not so much as getting into the Office market space as it 's just seeing a great Web application that has a lot of potential and shows what the technology can do .

  29. 参与制定公司管理制度及安全制度,三年ERP使用经验,熟练掌握办公软件。

    Participate in the making of corporate management systems and security systems ,( have ) three years'experience in the use of ERP , skillfully master office software .

  30. 在系统实现中,本文使用了微软的Office2003办公软件作为系统平台,利用Office2003提供的VBA完成系统编码。

    We used Microsoft Office 2003 office software as the platform , with Office 2003 VBA coding system completed .