
bàn xué
  • run a school
办学[bàn xué]
  1. 第三部分对贵州省基础教育分配及办学体制改革进行SWOT分析。

    The third part deals with the analysis on SWOT of basic educational distribution and system reformation on how to run a school in Guizhou Province .

  2. 关于办学思想大讨论的几点思考

    A Reflection on the Grand Discussion of How to Run a School

  3. 他公布的计划旨在提高学校办学标准,加强家长权力,分散管理。

    His declared agenda is to raise standards in schools , fortify parent power and decentralise control .

  4. 我不赞成给学校交了办学费用而不利用它。

    I don 't hold with the idea of paying for the upkeep of a school and then not making use of it .

  5. 要围绕建设高质量教育体系,以教育评价改革为牵引,统筹推进育人方式、办学模式、管理体制、保障机制改革。

    To build a high-quality education system , the reform of the evaluation .

  6. 四是办学行为不规范。五是教育教学质量下降。六是安全问题较多或拒不接受教育督导。

    major decreases in education quality and multiple safety concerns or opposition5 to education inspection .

  7. 坚持社会主义办学方向,坚持教育公益性原则,办好人民满意的教育。

    The Ministry . We should stick to the socialist in running schools , the non-profit nature of education and developing education that people are satisfied with .

  8. 第五十九条经县级人民政府批准,乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府根据自愿、量力的原则,可以在本行政区域内集资办学,用于实施义务教育学校的危房改造和修缮、新建校舍,不得挪作他用。

    Article 59 With the approval of the people 's governments at the county level , people 's governments of townships , nationality townships or towns may , on the basis of voluntariness and according to their own capability education ; such funds shall not be diverted to any other purposes .

  9. 企业事业组织、社会团体及其他社会组织和个人依法举办的学校及其他教育机构,办学经费由举办者负责筹措,各级人民政府可以给予适当支持。

    With respect to schools and other institutions of education established and run by enterprises , institutions , public organizations , other social organizations or individuals , their operating expenses shall be raised by the respective sponsors ; the people 's governments at various levels may provide them with appropriate support .

  10. 基于模糊DEA的高校办学效益评价方法及应用研究

    Research on Evaluation Method of Cost-Effectiveness of IHEs Based on Fuzzy DEA

  11. 建设高校MIS系统,不仅是时代发展的要求,而且是发展教育事业、提高高校教学管理水平和办学效益的需要。

    Construction of MIS system for colleges and universities is the development of The Times . It is for developing education and to improve college teaching management level and teaching efficiency .

  12. 我国高校办学自主权研究的历史、现状与问题

    History , Status quo and Problems on University-running authority in China

  13. 关于提高体育学院办学效益的思考&近期改革与发展的途径

    Thoughts on Increasing the Economic Benefits from Education in PE Institutes

  14. 高等学校办学特色的生成机制研究

    Research on Formative Mechanism of School-Running Feature in Colleges and Universities

  15. 社区教育办学模式上缺少整合;

    The pattern of running the school being lack of integration ;

  16. 立足师范教育,实现办学模式的多样化;

    Base upon normal education , realize variation of teaching mode ;

  17. 独立学院办学特色观探析&以云南大学旅游文化学院为例

    An Analysis of Characteristics View for Operating Schools of Independent College

  18. 教育科研与特色兴校&新余五中办学思路与实践

    Developing the school by means of education scientific research and features

  19. 多校区办学:学生工作面临的困难与对策

    Difficulties in Student Management and Solutions for Multi-campus Colleges and Universities

  20. 沈阳农业大学园林绿化专业办学情况回顾

    Retrospect of the Speciality of Landscape Architecture in Shenyang Agriculture University

  21. 浅谈高校人才流失的预防策略地方普通高等学校办学定位探讨

    Local Universities and Colleges ' Precautionary Measures Against Outflow of Talent

  22. 创新办学体制办有特色的护理教育

    To innovate the school-running system for establishing special nursing education

  23. 强调坚持社会主义办学方向和教育方针;

    The emphasis persists the socialism school direction and the educational policy ;

  24. 现代大学办学理念的形成与表述

    Formation and Formulation of Idea of Running a Modern University

  25. 高校多校区办学学生管理工作的探索

    Exploration on the Students ' Management Work in Multi-campus Colleges and Universities

  26. 将市场的观念引入高校办学机制

    Lead the Sense of Market into Mechanism of Running Colleges and Universities

  27. 摘要高校办学工作永恒的主题是教育教学质量。

    The everlasting theme of running a higher institution is teaching quality .

  28. 对社会力量办学及其管理的思考

    Ideas about Social Strength 's Running Schools and Its Management

  29. 农村中等职业学校办学难的经济学分析

    Economic analysis to the problems within the rural vocational education

  30. 促进学校办学体制和管理机制的创新。

    Accelerating the innovation of school-running system and management system .