
  • 网络a clerk;clerical;Office Clerk
办事员 [bàn shì yuán]
  • (1) [clerical personnel;office worker]

  • (2) 负有一定责任的公务人员

  • 俱乐部举行会议来选举当年的办事员

  • (3) 机关工作人员的一种职别,在科员以下

  • (4) [clerk]∶受雇(如在一个企业办公室)保存记录或账目,或多少执行些办公室的例行任务的雇员

  1. 一名办事员会感到如此受人忽视,令人觉得不可思议。

    It was strange , how invisible a clerk could feel

  2. 有个神态安适的办事员在当班,在手动打字机上啪嗒啪嗒地打着字。

    There was a comfortable-looking clerk on duty , tapping away on a manual typewriter

  3. 他在一家银行当办事员。

    He serves as a clerk in a bank .

  4. 他们贿赂那位办事员的企图没有成功。

    Their attempt to bribe the clerk had failed .

  5. 办事员很快就让这位绅士进入了站长办公室。

    The clerk quickly allowed this fine gentleman to enter the station master 's office .

  6. 将办事员提升为经理。

    To upgrade a clerk to manager .

  7. 正当此人沮丧地离开保险公司时,他遇上了一位办事员,此人无意中听到了经理和他的谈话。

    As the man was leaving the office , depressed , he met a clerk who had overheard the conversation .

  8. 办事员B:他在邦蒂的办公室。

    Clerk B : He 's in Bandy 's office .

  9. ROBERT:办事员是在办公室工作的,他写信和文章,还有打字。

    ROBERT : He works in an office . He writes letters and reports , and he types .

  10. 但据TVLine报道,剧组正在寻找一位演员扮演过度劳累的婚礼教堂办事员,这似乎证实这一季的确会上演结婚典礼。

    However , TV Line reports that an actor is currently being sought to play an overworked clerk at a wedding chapel - seemingly confirming that there will be a ceremony .

  11. 渣打集团(standardchartered)昨日强烈回击美国监管机构称其涉嫌违反对伊朗的制裁、将其形容为“流氓机构”的做法,指出任何违反行为只是“小小的办事员差错”。

    Standard Chartered hit back hard yesterday against US regulatory attempts to cast it as a " rogue institution " for allegedly breaching sanctions on Iran , describing any transgressions as " small clerical errors " .

  12. 新泽西一家意大利餐馆的女办事员最近也对我和妻子克拉丽莎(Clarissa)来了这一手。

    A waitress in an Italian restaurant in New Jersey recently pulled the same number on my wife , Clarissa , and me .

  13. 用户和系统的面向性:OLTP是面向顾客的,用于办事员、客户、和信息技术专业人员的事务和查询处理。

    Users and system orientation : An OLTP system is customer-oriented and is used for transaction and query processing by clerks , clients , and information technology professionals .

  14. 波莉是四姐妹,他们都工作,一个是书籍在银行门将,一个教音乐,Polly和她的妹妹已办事员,像珍珠小姐。

    Polly was one of four sisters , and they all worked ; one was book-keeper in the bank , one taught music , and Polly and her younger sister had been clerks , like Miss Pearl .

  15. 我科里有两名办事员在我手下工作。

    I 've got two clerks under me in MV section .

  16. 办事员:你跟医生核实了吗?

    Clerk : Have you had it verified with your physician ?

  17. “这可不那么简单,”办事员回答。

    " It 's not that simple ," the clerk replied .

  18. 提供如何改进计划回馈意见给基金会办事员。

    Provide TRF staff with feedback on how to improve programs .

  19. 这个市政办事员估计那座房子的价值为两万美元。

    The town clerk has assessed that house at $ 20000 .

  20. 他看见原来是办事员,人就瘫了。

    When he saw it was the clerk , he collapsed .

  21. 委员会的办事员将所有关于建筑物维修资料的出处标上重点符号

    The committee clerk flag all the reference to building repair

  22. 办事员紧张地把手放在膝盖上。

    The clerk rested his hands nervously on his knees .

  23. 旅行社办事员在她的电脑屏幕上核对名字。

    The travel agent checked the name on her monitor .

  24. 了不起,办事员?什么,你归档文件?

    Big deal . a clerk ? What , you file things ?

  25. 我打算做一名办事员。

    ROBERT : I 'm going to be a clerk .

  26. 试述系(部)办事员的角色定位及基本素质

    Discussion on the role and basic quality of department secretary

  27. 我们这里需要一个人做办事员的工作。

    We need someone to do the clerical work here .

  28. 笔译事务秘书办事员她是办公室女职员。

    Translation secretary / clerk She 's an office girl .

  29. 办事员用计算机算出总教。

    The clerks figures up the sum on a computer .

  30. 教给办事员商业和生意方面知识的学校。

    A school for teaching the clerical aspects of business and commerce .