
  • 网络company logo
  1. 画一个公司标志的草图。

    Draw a rough design for a logo

  2. 数字水印是一个包含例如作者ID,公司标志,产品序列号等信息的代码。

    A watermark is a digital code containing information of author ID , company logo , product serial number or something else .

  3. 这款塑胶封条采用PC为原料,通过注塑一次成型,可用热烫电化铝、激光方式喷印公司标志与号码。

    This plastic seals used PC for raw materials , through cast a shaped , and can be used hot Dianhualu : , laser jet printing company logo manner With the numbers .

  4. 该公司标志产品iPod风靡亚洲,但iTunes商店却依然在大多数亚洲消费者所能企及的范围之外。

    While the company 's iconic iPod is popular in Asia , Apple 's iTunes store remains out of reach of most Asian consumers .

  5. 周二,艰难挣扎的加拿大智能手机制造商黑莓(BlackBerry)大幅度改变一贯路线,宣布停止生产最后一款拥有该公司标志性实体键盘和触控板的手机。

    The struggling Canadian smartphone maker BlackBerry made a sharp detour from its history on Tuesday with the announcement that it was discontinuing the last phone to have the company 's iconic physical keyboard and trackpad .

  6. 2008年6月30日,沃尔玛公开了新的公司标志,完整的没有连字符的“Walmart”名称加上一个设计精美的火花图案,一如卖场广告上出现的标志。

    On June 302008 , Walmart unveiled a new company logo , featuring the non-hyphenated name " Walmart " followed by a stylized spark , as it is referred to on store advertisements .

  7. 没人知道RatPac是干嘛的但是公司标志还挺洋气

    Not sure what RatPac does but that logo is macho

  8. 为响应地球日,员工服饰和公司标志都采用了绿色为主的主题。

    Employees and signage have been themed green to mark Earth Day .

  9. 带有公司标志的大货车;空军的徽章蓟,苏格兰的象征。

    Trucks marked with the company emblem ; the emblemof the air force .

  10. 你想添加你或你的公司标志的任何视频?

    Do you want to add Your or your Company Logo to any video ?

  11. 可在塑料亚克力IC卡的表面上印制个人喜欢的色彩图案或是公司标志!

    You can print pictures on company logo on the Surface of IC card .

  12. 设计了一个新的公司标志

    to come up with a new logo .

  13. 他们会送出带有公司标志的冰箱贴、日历、以及圣诞装饰等。

    They gave away refrigerator magnets , calendars , and Christmas ornaments emblazoned with the company logo .

  14. 本页夹杂物,让你放入菜单栏,公司标志等,以产生美观看结果页面上。

    Page inclusions enable you to add menu bar , company logo etc. to generate attractively looking result pages .

  15. A:我要发个传真,你有带公司标志的传真扉页吗?

    A : I need to send a fax . Do you have a cover page with company logo ?

  16. 公司标志应该是你公司的象征,专业设计,并在市场上展示你的专业性。

    The business logo should symbolize your business be expertly designed , and show your expertise in the market .

  17. 然后,你将学习如何定制并发布起始页面(例如,增加一个公司标志)。

    Then you will learn how to customize the published Start page ( for instance , adding a company logo ) .

  18. 保证您选择的媒体在特定位置,赞助,产品图片和公司标志方面拥有高见度及难忘的选择性。

    Ensure that proposed solutions offer highly-visible and memorable options such as featured positions , premier sponsorships , product images and logos .

  19. 您可以获取任何现有的报告文件并修改它以适合您的需求(例如,添加公司标志)。

    You can take any existing report file and modify it to suit your needs ( add company logo , for instance ) .

  20. 这是扩大品牌和公司标志的知名度的好方法,而且无需为此花钱。

    This is a great way for spreading awareness of your brand and corporate identity , and it won 't cost you a cent .

  21. 一旦你有你的公司标志的发展,这是很诱人科列和延伸,以便使它看起来不同,各有其用途。

    Once you have your company logo developed , it is tempting to branch out and extend it so that it looks different for different purposes .

  22. 成千上万的美国小孩都是吃鲸鱼福吉长大的,鲸鱼福吉是卡维尔冰淇淋公司标志性的吉祥物及招牌冰淇淋蛋糕。

    Millions of American children grew up with Fudgie the Whale , the iconic mascot and signature ice cream cake of the Carvel ice cream company .

  23. 作为一家认证公司标志的诚信度、美誉度,代表市场上的消费者对安全认证标志的认可程度,只有产品的安全性才能使消费者对于认证标志有信心。

    As a certified company logo integrity , reputation , representing the market consumers on safety certification accreditation level , only the safety of products so that consumers can have confidence for the certification mark .

  24. 61岁的鲁冠球回忆道:我们不得不忍受这种羞辱,并且坚持下去。此时,他正穿着一身整洁的黑西服,并带着印有公司标志的领带夹。

    " We just had to bear the humiliation and carry on ," says the 61-year old Mr Lu , who now sports a neat , dark suit and a tie-pin with the company logo .

  25. 这已经成为安伯电影公司的标志性技术。

    It 's a technique that has become the hallmark of Amber Films

  26. 安东尼指出:我们的很多产品是绿色的。青柠绿是JosephJoseph公司的标志色,就连会议室的椅子也是这个颜色。

    We do sell a lot of green , Antony notes , referring to the signature Joseph Joseph lime that is even used to upholster their boardroom chairs .

  27. 当汽车制造商AndréCitroën(雪铁龙)得知这一计划之后,准备出资赞助这一工程,不过条件是要用灯光组成其汽车公司的标志。

    When car manufacturers Andr é Citro ë n ( Citroen ) that the plan , ready to sponsor the project , but on condition that the composition of their car lights to use company logo .

  28. 其实,设计一个公司的标志是,远不止于此。

    Actually , designing a logo for a company is much more than that .

  29. 最为光滑的那些羽绒服豪不含蓄的在面料上打上出产国或公司的标志。

    The slickest of puffers have their nation or company name emblazoned somewhere prominently on the material .

  30. 运用化学工程式及元素作为碳酸饮料公司的标志。

    The concept behind this design is using chemical elements as a logo of this carbonated drink company .