
  • 网络Preparation;Prepare;advance preparation
  1. 没有相当充分的事前准备和全过程风险评价,而仓促购并,很容易导致购并失败。采用HASTE序列进行黑血扫描,最后以反向电影序列扫描获得心脏电影图像。

    It is not easy to achieve one 's goal if one goes into purchasing and amalgamation in haste and without fairly sufficient preparation and the risk evaluation through the whole process . Both HASTE and c in e sequence were used .

  2. 检讨事前准备并提出改善方法;

    Reviewing the advance preparation and offering the improving methods ;

  3. 此外,我们还能通过事前准备来让自己表现得更好。

    And we can prime ourselves to perform better , too .

  4. 到国外出差时,事前准备是非常重要的。

    Advance preparations are very important when having a business travel abroad .

  5. 我们还用事前准备好的吧。

    Let 's put the prep on hold .

  6. 审核及批准所有事前准备的工作;

    Auditing and approving all the advance preparation ;

  7. 它是事前准备、努力工作和吸取经验的结果。

    It is the result of preparation , hard work , learning from experience .

  8. 证件是他事前准备好的。

    He had prepared the papers beforehand .

  9. 多次参加此类会议,事前准备资料是非常重要的。

    To make more of such conference , it 's important to make preparations beforehand .

  10. 即便你事前准备的问题没有被问到,准备的过程也能给你信心。

    Even if you arent asked the questions you prepare , the practice will give you confidence .

  11. 在实施时采取事前准备、事中检查监督、事后总结3步进行。

    Preparing beforehand , checking in , summing afterwards are the three steps of its operating course .

  12. 一般来说谈判越是艰难就越需要事前准备:为谈判制定出相应的决策。

    Generally , the tougher the negotiations are , the more you should prepare : to make a proper decision analysis of negotiation .

  13. 多次在商务会议或座谈会上,常有不预期,或无法事前准备、且意想不到的问题出现。

    Many times at business meetings or public forums , unexpected questions will come up that weren 't anticipated or prepared for in advance .

  14. 你可以现在就制定计划,但是随着水星倒退,你最好等到所有事前准备都好了再开始。

    You can draw up plans now , but with Mercury retrograde , it would be best to wait before you set things in stone .

  15. 问问以下问题:这就是治疗因想知谈论什么而感到不安的最好方法,或者你可以事前准备好一些东西。

    Ask questions this is the best cure for the anxiety of wondering what to talk about or you can prepare a few in advance .

  16. 建立了系统的房地产业经营开发企业进行融资运作的事前准备计划,这将有助于房地产业经营开发企业进行包括传统渠道方式&银行借贷在内的多种融资运作。

    Establishing the plan of enterprise financing strategy , which is helpful to the enterprise to obtain enough capital , including by the traditional bank way .

  17. 请注意,我们整学期课程将有一次正式的课堂辩论,一次即席课堂抽问,以及一次事前准备的上台报告。

    Please note that we will have one formal class debate , one extemporaneous class presentation , and one planned class presentation over the course of the semester .

  18. 危机小组组长:挑选小组成员;制定应变政策;审批事前准备工作;订立预算控制;与高层进行沟通。

    Head of crisis team : selecting team members , drawing up response policies ; examining and approving advance preparation ; instituting the budget control , communicating with the high level .

  19. 本论文从房地产业进行融资的事前准备开始,研究了包括融资计划制定、融资方式比较、未来融资方式创新及融资环境探索、多种融资风险的分析与防范在内的诸多与融资风险息息相关的问题。

    The paper aims at applying some new solutions for solving the problem from the beginning , including making plan , comparing and innovating the ways of financing , exploring the atmosphere of financing , analyzing the various risks and so on .

  20. 这些项目进一步证明事前土壤准备的价值。

    These projects continually affirm the value of advanced soil preparation .

  21. 事前的准备比事后的补救要好得多;

    It 's much better to be proactive rather than reactive ;

  22. 你能事前做好准备使自己不致措手不及吗?

    Can you prepare in advance so you won 't be caught off guard ?

  23. 希电告到达日期,以便我们事前做好准备工作。

    Please cable the date of your arrival , enabling us to make the necessary preparations .

  24. 任何事情,事前有准备就可以成功,没有准备就要失败。

    Anything , had the preparation in anticipation , might succeed , the preparation has not had to be defeated .

  25. 依据您对潜在客户事前的准备资料,对不同的潜在客户应该有不同的理由。

    Based on your potential customers prior to the preparation of information on the different potential customers should have different reasons .

  26. 有件事情是我们总要提醒自己的。我们在事前总是准备充分,对嘛?总是好象面面俱到。

    One of the things we always like to remind ourselves , before we 'd run into any job was expect the unexpected , right ? right ?

  27. 事后分析表明:事前正确准备,在谈判期间巧妙运用经过数学优化的方案,通常能达成各方更满意的成果。

    Ex-post analysis shows that the right kind of preparation followed by skillful use of mathematical optimization during negotiation usually leads to a better outcome for all parties to the negotiation .

  28. 在全场听众面前,处理能力、机智和反应速度能有平常的70%就非常不错了,关键靠事前的准备。

    Standing before the audience , one shall be lucky to have 70 % of his usual aptitude in the face of emergencies . Thorough preparation is very important and the earlier the better .

  29. 本次会议能全程以英语顺利进行,有赖大家事前的充分准备。

    Today 's conference has processed smoothly in English thanks to all of your well-preparation .

  30. 只要操作简单就是好厂牌,不必要事前多做准备即能拍出好照片。

    For simple operations this is a good brand ; gives a perfect picture without much pre-arranging .