
  1. 如果股权转让合同当事人未将股权转让事宜通知其他股东,征询其意见,则该股权转让合同宜认定为部分无效合同,具体是指股权交付无效,可得以补正,且该补正具有溯及力。

    If the parties in the share transfer contract fail to notify the other shareholders for advice , the share transfer contract should be recognized as a partial invalid contract , which refers to correcting the valid of share transfer .

  2. 通知所有用户企业邮箱更换事宜,通知进行邮件备份,以及新邮箱的使用方法。以免丢失邮件,影响工作。

    Inform all user email server transform matters concerned , inform to save email , new email server 's use method , avoid email lose infection work .

  3. 加入本公约应通知国际联盟秘书长。该秘书长应将该加入事宜及通知加入日期告知有关国家。

    Accession will be notified to the Secretary-General of the League , who will inform all Powers concerned of the accession and of the date on which it was notified .

  4. 司法部关于颁发香港、澳门特别行政区律师事务所与内地律师事务所联营许可证有关事宜的通知

    Circular of the Ministry of Justice of the People 's Republic of China , on Issues Concerning the Grant of Licenses for Cooperation between the Law Firms of Hong Kong SAR / Macau SAR and the Mainland

  5. 阿里巴巴坚称,有关支付宝的转让事宜一直都通知了董事会。

    Alibaba maintained that the board had been kept informed regarding the transfer .

  6. 业务信息数据展现中实现了查看重要指标数据、查看待办事宜、查看停电通知功能。

    Some functions are completed through the representation of business information , including viewing the data of important indicator , checking the To Do list and seeing the blackout notification .

  7. 此费用包括报告公告的许可通知办理公告事宜、获准注册通知领取及寄上注册证书以及缴付官方费用。

    The fees includes professional service fees of reporting the allowance of publication , preparing for the publication of government gazette , paying official fees , reporting acceptance of registration , obtaining and forwarding the certificate of registration .