
  1. 中国作家毕飞宇获得了2010年英仕曼亚洲文学奖(ManAsianLiteraryPrize),而他几乎没赶上周四举行的颁奖典礼。

    The winner of the the2010 Man Asian Literary Prize , Chinese author Bi Feiyu , almost didn 't attend the awards ceremony Thursday .

  2. 论毕飞宇小说创作的历史·现实观

    The Historical and Realistic Viewpoint of Bi Feiyu 's Novel Creation

  3. 毕飞宇前期小说语言艺术论

    Commentary on the Art of language in Bi Feiyu 's Early Novels

  4. 在写作中解放自己&论毕飞宇的小说创作

    To Liberate Himself in Writing & On Bi Feiyu 's Novel Creation

  5. 在毕飞宇小说中,他的悲剧叙事是一以贯之的。

    In his novel , his tragedy narration is consistent .

  6. 反讽,精制的瓮&毕飞宇短篇小说分析

    Irony and highly finished jars & Analyzing the short stories by Bi Fei-yu

  7. 荡气回肠的人格尊严&毕飞宇的小说《推拿》论析

    The Soul-stirring Personal Dignity & Comment on the Novel Massage of Bi Feiyu

  8. 毕飞宇:一镜、一钟、一影、一胡琴而已

    Bi Feiyu : Just a Mirror , a Clock , a Shadow and a Huqin

  9. 生命的悲歌&论毕飞宇笔下的小人物

    Elegy of Life & On the Bi Feiyu Described by the " Little Man "

  10. 毕飞宇小说的历史意识

    Historical Consciousness of Bi Feiyu 's Novel

  11. 毕飞宇是当代文坛上创作风格独特的一位作家。

    FeiYu Bi is a unique style author in the present age of China literary world .

  12. 从心灵出发的日常化叙事&对毕飞宇小说文体的一种理解

    The Daily Narrations from the Mind & The Understanding on Bi Fei-yu 's Style of Novels

  13. 新生代作家毕飞宇因自己鲜明的创作个性而受到文坛关注。

    Cenozoic writer Bi Feiyu attracts wide attention of the literary world because of his distinct creation individuality .

  14. 毕飞宇用其独特的创作追求在文坛上受到越来越多的人重视。

    Bi Feiyu gets more and more concerns from the literary circle with his unique pursuit on writing .

  15. 2000年以来,随着一系列文学奖的获得,毕飞宇日渐蜚声文坛。

    Since 2000 , with the acquisition of a series of literary awards , literary Bi Feiyu become famous .

  16. 苏童和毕飞宇是当下中国文学发展中有一定分量的男作家。

    Su Tong and Bi Feiyu are two of the most influential male writers in contemporary Chinese literature filed .

  17. 毕飞宇在回眸自己的创作时曾说过,他创作的母体是两个字:疼痛。

    When looking back at his creation , Mr. Bi said that his matrix is one word : pain .

  18. 在叙事结构方面,毕飞宇小说在双调式的表层叙事结构下昭示了匮乏的因循这种深层叙事结构模式,从而增强文本的叙事表现力。

    In narrative structure , it enhance the text 's expressive force by double structure in Bi Feiyu 's novels .

  19. 毕飞宇《玉米》系列在叙事艺术上有着独到之处。

    Bi Feiyu 's Corn series has a distinctive style of its own art of narration which contains three conspicuous features .

  20. 鬼文化带来的伤痛&读毕飞宇的《玉米》

    The pain of injury that " Spirit s Culture " brings & reading Bi Feiyu ′ s novel " Maize ";

  21. 物欲狂欢背后的疼痛&以毕飞宇城乡互望视角小说为例

    " Pains " behind the Carnival Material Desires & Based on the novel " Urban and Rural Perspectives " by BI Fei-yu

  22. 毕飞宇是崛起于新生代溢出文坛之际的一位具有独特风格的小说家。

    Bi Feiyu is a novelist with a unique style who rises on the " new generation " in the modern Literature .

  23. 关注现实生活中的生存疼痛&试析毕飞宇小说的艺术特点

    Pay Attention to the " Survival Pain " in the Real Life & Analysis on the Artistic Features of Bi Feiyu 's Novels

  24. 毕飞宇是当代一位备受关注的作家,他以其独特的创作风格和对人的生存的关注而著称。

    As a famous writer , Bi Feiyu is known for his special writing style and the concern of the living of human .

  25. 在叙事时间方面,毕飞宇小说通过有意味的时间设置和收放自如的叙事节奏把握,达到了特别的叙事效果。

    In narrative time , Bi Feiyu 's novels realize a especial narrative effect by setting the meaning time and grasp the narrative rhythm .

  26. 到了90年代中后期,毕飞宇脱掉了先锋外壳,并置入了现实主义内核关照生活。

    To the 1990s , he took off the coat of the Pioneer style , and turned into the realism , caring of lives .

  27. 毕飞宇是对历史有着深厚兴趣的作家,创作了一系列的历史寓言小说。

    Bi Feiyu is a writer , who has deep interest of " history ", and he has written a series of historical fable novels .

  28. 毕飞宇是一位以塑造女性形象而被人们所熟知的男性作家,且是一位有着独特创作个性的当代作家。

    As a contemporary male writer , Bi Feiyu is well-known to shape the female images in his writings , which reflect his uniquely creative personality .

  29. 对毕飞宇而言,反讽不仅仅是一种单纯的修辞方法、叙事手法,也是一种看待世界的方式。

    Irony is , in his eyes , not only a rhetorical devise or a narrative technique , but a way to see the world as well .

  30. 作为近年来崛起势头极为迅速的一位年轻作家,毕飞宇以他丰厚的创作实绩在喧嚣热闹的新时期中国文坛独占一隅。

    As a young writer , Bi Feiyu who is rising abruptly in recent years gets achievement with his creation in the new period Chinese Literary Circles .