
  • 网络graduate creation
  1. 寻找&毕业创作工作报告

    Search & Report on My Graduate Creation

  2. 第四章是在总结上面对画面比例的分析经验之后结合我自己的毕业创作从多方面进行的具体分析,以示本文写作的最终意义。

    The fourth section is the variously specific analysis about my graduate creation combining with my experience of the conclusion of frame ratio , which reflects the main idea of this paper .

  3. 展览、求变与反思:对摄影教育的再思考从北京电影学院摄影学院2006届学生毕业创作展说开去

    Exhibition , Innovation , and Meditation : Reconsideration to Photographic Education

  4. 在美院的时候,毕业创作画这类作品,有发表吗?

    Did you publish your artwork when you were in the university ?

  5. 关于中国画毕业创作指导的几点思考

    On Guiding of Graduated Creation of Chinese Printing

  6. 2004届毕业创作的一点感想

    Sentiment of Graduation Creation in 2004

  7. 这些尝试在我的毕业创作中,已经产生了较好的视觉效应。

    These attempts in the creation of my graduation , have produced a better visual effect .

  8. 毕业创作获中央美术学院王嘉廉油画奖学金和日本冈松家族油画奖学金。

    His graduation piece earned him a scholarship from the Wang Jialian and Japan Gangsong Family .

  9. 基础与创造的互动&2004雕塑专业毕业创作展感言

    Interaction of Foundation and Creation

  10. 同时,尝试将研究成果应用到毕业创作中去。

    At the same time , try to apply the research results to the graduation creation to .

  11. 本文结合毕业创作,分析了不同时期漆画的装饰特征和表现形式。

    In the light of graduation works , this paper analyzes the decorative features of lacquer paintings in different times .

  12. 2008年在西安美术学院油画高研班进修,毕业创作夏日系列。

    In2008 in Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts oil painting classes of high research studies , graduate creative summer series .

  13. 从一次凉山写生开始,我产生了以彝族人作为我的毕业创作题材的念头。

    Liangshan from a sketch started , I had to Yi people as I graduated from the idea of creative themes .

  14. 毕业创作可以说是四年学习生活的一个总结,为每个人的四年青春岁月划下完整的句点。

    Graduate invent is a sum-up of the study and life in the four years , make each four adolescent years end integrallty .

  15. 本人这次毕业创作的几幅作品就是充分利用西部民间艺术&户县农民画的元素,结合漆画的技法进行创作表现。

    My works of my graduation creation make full use of the western folk arts & Hu county elements of painting , combined with painting techniques .

  16. 她的毕业创作是以《黑客不武》、《武林不防》、《英雄不战》三联画来展开的。

    Her graduation piece was a triptych titled 《 Hackers Don 't Use Force 》,《 Martial World Without Defense 》,《 The Hero Doesn 't Fight 》 .

  17. 结合毕业创作,本文浅析了新闻摄影、讽刺漫画与公益海报等媒介在揭露楼房质量问题方面所展示出的不同艺术表现力。

    Combined with the graduation paper writing , photography and cartoons and news media in exposing commonweal poster etc building quality problem which show different artistic expression .

  18. 最后根据前述理论并且结合本人毕业创作进行分析,进一步得出地域差异对于油画创作的影响的结论。

    Finally , according to the theory and the combination of my graduation thesis writing analysis to find the influence of regional differences in oil painting creation .

  19. 同时,也是让本人在创作中形成的这些体验有了思考和比较的着力点:二、毕业创作的实践总结和分析,这是本人提出并证明本文结论最重要的基础与支点。

    In two , the graduation creation practice summary and thinking , this is I is proposed and proved the conclusion of this paper is the most important foundation .

  20. 全文从画像石的装饰艺术形式角度展开,论述了汉画像石对当代壁画创作的的借鉴意义逐一分析,有助于自己的毕业创作。

    Full-text from the Stone angles decorative art form , discusses the Han stone of contemporary mural painting of reference for each analysis , help to create their own graduation .

  21. 由于毕业创作的绘画风格最终定在了抽象表现主义上,所以就着这个契机整理出关于抽象表现主义的脉络。

    Graduated creation of the painting style of the final set in the abstract expressionism , and so on with this opportunity to sort out the context of abstract expressionism .

  22. 我的论文是通过艺术案例来分析一种艺术方法,而这种方法正是我在毕业创作中使用的主要方法。

    My thesis is trying to analyze a method of art by specific art cases , which is exactly the main method that I used during my creation of the graduation work .

  23. 最终结合我在此次毕业创作中对用笔的理解与体会,以求进一步明晰用笔在中国写意山水画创作中的审美价值。

    At last , combined with the understanding and felling during graduate creation , I want to explain the aesthetic value of application of writing-brush in Chinese freehand mountain and water paintings .

  24. 最后,结合本人毕业创作以及平日绘画实践,进行黑白灰构图实践,总结其作用与意义,以进一步探究黑白灰构图。

    Lastly , to better understand black white and gray composition , I will also explore it in real practice which is through my own thesis painting as well as everyday painting practices .

  25. 在很多绘画形式中,寻觅系列的毕业创作采取了油画和黑白线条画的创作技法,而创作的基本理念源于对生命的热爱与珍视。

    In many forms of paintings searching series of graduation creation adopt oil painting and black-and-white line drawings techniques whereas the basic idea of creation originates from the love of life and value .

  26. 从我个人对雨花石的情感历程和雨花石收藏的历史两个方面进行叙述,对毕业创作的动机和背景做了一个基本的说明。

    From my personal , emotional journey to the stone and stone collection of the history of two aspects of narrative , a basic description of the motivation and background of the graduation work .

  27. 本文第四章结合自己在毕业创作中的情况,对油画创作中的文人画的心性和意境进行艺术体察并对文人画趣味进行艺术反思,从正反两方面讨论了文人画的现代价值与意义。

    This fourth chapter in conjunction with their graduation Creation situation , the oil paintings of literati painting " Mind " and " mood " artistic understand . Conclusion literati painting interesting part is the art of reflection .

  28. 文章主要从材质色彩、材质肌理和特殊工艺质感这三种视觉语言表现方面,并结合本人的毕业创作心得,来论述平面设计作品的质感之美的表达。

    This paper discusses the expression of beauty of texture feeling in graphic design from three aspects as color , texture , and subsequent special craft of material texture , and expresses what I learn from this graduation work .

  29. 全文主要围绕我毕业创作作品所选取的造型形象,即摸这一状态,试图得到一些关于这一不适感的具有启发式的展示和理解。

    The full text mainly revolves the modelling image selected by my own graduation creation work , namely " feel for " this condition , and attempts to gain some heuristic demonstration and understanding about this kind of uncomfortableness .

  30. 本论文结合自己的毕业创作《洛神》的制作,论述动画和中国传统文化各自的特点和两者的共通之处。

    In this paper , combined with the production of my graduate project " Tale of goddess of River Luo ", I would like to elaborate the own characteristics of animation and traditional Chinese culture and common between these two .