
yǎng mǎ chǎng
  • stable;ranch;haras
养马场[yǎng mǎ chǎng]
  1. 要拥有一座养马场需要很多钱。

    Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money .

  2. 我有一个朋友叫蒙蒂•罗伯茨,他拥有一座养马场。

    I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch .

  3. 柯林小姐在来自米克·特里齐养马场的两匹马身上下了注,结果她赢了。

    Miss Curling won on two horses from Mick Trickey 's stable .

  4. 马夫长负责确保密尔顿及其他来自同一养马场的赛马都安全到达。

    The head groom is responsible for seeing that Milton and his stablemates have safe journeys .

  5. TMZ网站曾报道,比伯从他2.25亿美元资产中豪掷500万美元购置安大略湖一所四室宅邸,这所宅子拥有私人马术设施、养马场以及5/8英里长的跑道。

    TMZ reported that Bieber dropped $ 5M of his $ 225M fortune on a four-bedroom Ontario mansion featuring a private equestrian facility with stables and a 5 / 8 mile race track .

  6. 他的养马场在牛津附近。

    His stables are near oxford .

  7. 那天夜里,他写了长达七页的文章,描述了自己将来有一天能拥有一座养马场的目标。

    That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch .

  8. 古画《百马图》收藏在故宫,画的内容是古代国家养马场。

    The ancient painting , A Hundred Horses , reserved in the Imperial Palace , presents an ancient national farm .

  9. 这个农场住着一个团,以种水稻为主,还有一个养马场,但没几匹马,也不放出来。

    A regiment was stationed in the farm , in charge of growing rice mainly , and running a military ranch with only a few horses that had never been let out .

  10. 省长和他告辞时说。一离开省长那里,尼古拉随即雇了一辆驿车,带上司务长乘车直奔二十俄里外的地主养马场。

    Nikolay took a posting carriage , and making his quartermaster get in beside him , galloped straight off from the governor 's to the gentleman with the stud of fine horses twenty versts away .