
  • 网络etching
  1. 通过一个类似于水彩画制作的过程制作出来的蚀刻版画。

    An etching made by a process that makes it resemble a water color .

  2. 进行检验,比如照片底片,蚀刻版画,排版的文字等。

    Make or take a proof of , such as a photographic negative , an etching , or typeset .

  3. 他要买那幅圣克利门特的丹麦人教堂蚀刻版画,把它从画框上卸下来,塞在蓝制服的上衣里面带回家去。

    He would buy the engraving of St clement danes , take it out of its frame , and carry it home concealed under the jacket of his overalls .