
yǎnɡ cán yè
  • sericulture
  1. 家蚕种质资源是改进养蚕业和丝绸业的物质基础。

    Silkworm germplasm resources are the bases to develop sericulture .

  2. 发展养蚕业拓宽宁夏黄河农业致富之路

    Develop sericulture for Yellow River agriculture

  3. 家蚕的饲料效率与养蚕业的经济效益密切相关。

    The feeding efficiency of Bombyx mori is closely related to the economic benefit of sericulture .

  4. 这项活动甚至得到了在该林区的禁区中从事养蚕业的政府许可。

    This enterprise has even gained the government 's permission for sericulture in forbidden parts of the forest .

  5. 养蚕业作为我国的传统产业,在农业上一直占有重要的经济地位。

    As a traditional industry of our country , the sericulture has been playing an economic important role in agriculture all the time .

  6. 认为,养蚕业虽然是蚕农的主要收入来源之一,但如今面临诸多困境。

    It finds out that although the sericulture is one of the serigrowers ' incomes , but it confronts with a lot of difficulties .

  7. 家蚕微粒子病对养蚕业是一种毁灭性病害,我国每年因微粒子病和带毒种造成的直接经济损失高达上千万元。

    Pebrine is devastating for sericulture industry , and the economic losses caused by the disease in China are up to millions of yuan annually .

  8. 中国是养蚕业的发源地,养蚕,缫丝是我国古代在纤维利用上最重要的成就。

    China is the birthplace of seri-culture . Raising silkworms and reeling the silk from their cocoons was ancient China 's greatest achievement in the utilization of natural fibers .

  9. 它提供了一种构建表达纤维素酶的转基因家蚕的可能性,该纤维素酶转基因家蚕能够在家蚕消化道中特异性地表达纤维素酶,更有效地促进桑叶饲料的代谢过程,对于养蚕业意义重大。

    It provided a possibility to generate transgenic silkworms , which can produce bioactive cellulase especially in the digestive tract and catabolize dietary fibers more efficiently . It might be of great significance for sericulture industry . 5 .