
  • 网络Reform of the pension insurance system;reform of pension system
  1. 当前,我国养老保险制度改革中遇到的最大难题就是养老保险基金不足问题,逐年扩大的基本养老保险基金缺口已经使现行养老保险制度面临严重的财务危机。

    Currently , the biggest problem in the reform of pension system of China is short of capital . With the fund deficit is becoming wider and wider , it has caused the serious financial crisis that the current pension system is faced with .

  2. 养老保险制度改革对工资增长趋势的影响分析

    Analysis of the Effects of Pension Reform on Wage Rate Changes

  3. 论农村社会养老保险制度改革中的政府角色

    The Government Roles in Reform of Rural Social Old Age Insurance System

  4. 我国城镇养老保险制度改革形成庞大的基金滚存结余。

    The reform of endowment insurance system has formed immense cumulative balance .

  5. 我国养老保险制度改革及存在问题

    Discuss the Reform and the Problems in Our Country 's Old-age Insurance

  6. 林业企业养老保险制度改革探讨

    Urgent Need for the Reformation of Current Insurance System of Forest Enterprises

  7. 地方社会养老保险制度改革对军队的启示

    The reform of social old-age insurance system and the enlightenment

  8. 启动事业单位基本养老保险制度改革试点。

    Start-up business unit is basic endowment insurance system reform .

  9. 辽宁养老保险制度改革试点模式对企业效率的影响

    Influence of Liaoning 's Elderly Insurance Institution Experimental Reform Model on Corporate Efficiency

  10. 1984年,中国各地进行养老保险制度改革。

    Reform of the old-age insurance system was initiated throughout China in 1984 .

  11. 养老保险制度改革的私有化发展趋势

    The Privatization Trend of the Endowment Insurance System Reform

  12. 第二章介绍说明国外养老保险制度改革和养老保险基金投资实践。

    It also defines several terms which are relevant with pension fund investment .

  13. 20世纪80年代以后,西方国家纷纷进行养老保险制度改革。

    After the 1980s , Western countries have a pension insurance system reforms .

  14. 世界养老保险制度改革趋势分析

    Reforming Trend of Endowment Insurance Institution in the World

  15. 从现收现付制到预筹积累制&中国养老保险制度改革研究

    On the Reformation of Chinese Endowment Insurance System

  16. 现行养老保险制度改革和完善十分迫切。

    So it is urgent that the current endowment insurance system be reformed and improved .

  17. 名义账户:事业单位养老保险制度改革的理性选择

    Notional Defined Contribution : The Rational selection of The Reform of Institutions Pension Insurance system

  18. 人口老龄化与我国养老保险制度改革中美养老保险制度公平与效率的比较

    Comparing the fairness and efficiency of the pension insurance systems of China and the United States

  19. 经济转轨过程中养老保险制度改革的思考

    Endowment Insurance Reforms in Economic Transition

  20. 加强审计监督职能对深化养老保险制度改革的作用

    Strengthen the Supervision Functions of the Auditing and Deepen the Reform of the Endowment Insurance System

  21. 第三章,从历史角度分析了中国养老保险制度改革的原因以及取得的成就,并就现存制度所存在的问题及其原因进行了比较透彻的分析。

    The third part analyzes the reform practice and the existing problems of China 's social ageing insurance .

  22. 日本养老金制度改革对我国养老保险制度改革具有一定的借鉴意义。

    Accordingly , it has some reference meaning to the reform of social security system in our country .

  23. 研究制定机关事业单位养老保险制度改革方案。

    We will work out a plan for reforming the old-age insurance system in government bodies and institutions .

  24. 落实养老保险制度改革要多渠道克服空账&以山西省养老保险制度为个案的研究

    Mutil-Channel Overcoming Empty Account , Implementing the Reform of Endowment Insurance System & Taking Shanxi Province as case

  25. 如何维持养老金收支均衡一直是各国养老保险制度改革的重点。

    How maintains the pension revenue and expenditure balanced has been various countries old-age insurance system reform key point .

  26. 养老保险制度改革关系到所有企业职工和退休人员的切身利益,关系到社会的稳定和发展。

    Establishing and improving the old-age insurance system is the basic requirement of social sustained , rapid and sound development .

  27. 而后,以养老保险制度改革为基础,探讨我国商业年金的定位与发展。

    Then , in order to reform old-age insurance system based on the positioning of our annuity business and development .

  28. 国有企业、金融市场改革与养老保险制度改革的互动效应&中国如何解决老年保障问题?

    The Interaction between Pension , SOEs and Financial Market Reform : How can China Solve its Old Age Security Problem ?

  29. 国际养老保险制度改革的共同取向就是建立个人账户和向基金积累制转化。

    The common tendency in the international pension system reform is to establish personal accounts and transform to accumulation pension system .

  30. 此外,学术界对养老保险制度改革也有着广泛的解读和建议,尤其是在农村养老保险制度的完善,不同群体养老保险制度的衔接,以及如何统筹城乡养老保险制度等方面。

    In addition , the academia also has lots of interpretation and recommendations , especially with the rural endowment insurance system .