
  1. 依法行政的内涵包括职权法定、法律保留、法律优先、依据法律和权责统一。

    The meaning of administration by law includes authority and responsibility designed by law , law retaining , the prevalence of law and the integrity of the authority and responsibility .

  2. 认为行政职权法定、法律保留、法律优先、依据法律和权责统一是统一的整体,相互融合,全面诠释了依法行政的深刻内涵。

    Opinion that the executive powers of statutory , legal reserves , the law of priority , according to the law and accountability unity is a unified whole , mutual integration of a comprehensive interpretation of the profound meaning of administration by law .

  3. 新《企业破产法》创设的破产管理人制度,首次确立了破产管理人的法律地位,并将其职权法定化,但同时也导致破产管理人执业风险的增加。

    With the law updating in China , the new enterprise bankruptcy law appearances which establishes bankruptcy manager system . It makes the legal status and authority of bankruptcy trustee statutory , which causes more and more professional risk for the bankruptcy trustee .

  4. 清算人具有存续期间的特定性、利益关系的中立性、行使职权的法定性、功能的多重性、任职资格的专业性等特征。

    Liquidator shows certain characteristics including the specialty of its duration , neutrality of its interest , legal authority of its duty , multiplicity of its function and the speciality of its qualification .

  5. 金融行政执法是指国家金融行政主管机关依法定职权和法定程序执行和实施金融法律、法规和规章的活动的总称。

    Financial administrative enforcement of law is a sum of the action that states responsible financial administrative institute , as its main-body , enforce laws and regulations on finance according the legitimate authority and the legal Proceeding .

  6. 第六条海关及其工作人员应当依照法定职权和法定程序履行关税征管职责,维护国家利益,保护纳税人合法权益,依法接受监督。

    Customs and its staff shall implement the duty of collection of customs duties in line with their delegated power and legal procedures , protect the national interests , safeguard the lawful benefits of taxpayers , and accept supervision according to laws .

  7. 警察人性化执法是指警察在遵守法律的前提下,依照法定职权和法定程序,改变执法观念和执法方式,以人为本,最终实现执法公正的一项专门活动。

    Enforcing law in humanization of police is a special exercise which the police changes concepts and ways of enforcing law , give the object human cares and realizes fair of enforcing law in the premise of obeying law and in the light of lawful authorities and procedures .

  8. 司法是国家司法机关及其工作人员依照法定职权和法定程序,具体运用法律处理案件的专门活动,是解决社会纠纷的终极机制。

    The administration of justice is national judicial authority and staff members , according to the legal functions and powers and due course of law , use the law to handle the special activity of the case specifically , it is the ultimate mechanism of solving the social dispute .

  9. 在依职权更正登记的法定事由上,应当采取谨慎的态度,避免公权力对私权利的过多干涉。

    It is good to be cautious on the statutory reasons of corrected registration in accordance with the terms of reference to avoid the public power excessively interference private rights .

  10. 法律适用是国家机关、公职人员以及被授权的单位依照其职权范围,通过法定程序实现法律规范的一种方式。

    Application of law is a pattern for government offices , civil servants and authorized unit to carry out their legal standards in accordance its functions , powers and procedures prescribed by law .