
  • 网络Occupational Activity;professional activity;Career Activity
  1. 即:宗法制度、道德观念、文化教育、职业活动。

    Namely , patriarchal clan system and cultural education , moral , occupational activities .

  2. 公共管理职业活动是公共管理者社会生命实现的途径。

    The occupational activities of public administration are an approach to realizing social life values of public administrators .

  3. 情绪稳定性(emotionalstability)是从事航空航天等高应激、高认知负荷和高危险性职业活动所必须的基本心理品质,是这一特殊环境和条件下完成高技术作业的前提和条件。

    Emotional stability is basic psychological character which is essential for such professional activities as aviation and space , etc. which are high dangerous and high cognitive workload . Meanwhile it is precondition that the high tech tasks are accomplished under the special condition and circumstances as well .

  4. 图书馆员的素质决定着图书馆职业活动的成效。

    Their qualities determine the effect of the library career activity .

  5. 公共管理职业活动中的三个伦理问题

    Three Ethical Issues Concerning the Professional Activity of Public Management

  6. 汽车检测与维修高级技工职业活动导向课程开发的实践与研究

    Research on the Development of Career-Oriented Curriculum for Vehicle Maintenance and Testing Specialty

  7. 中国的师道文化随着社会的教育职业活动的产生而产生,并在中国古代及近现代中,不断得到发展。

    Teachers ' professional moral culture has been promoted with China 's social progress .

  8. 翻译工作者在职业活动中应该不作任何不诚实的竞争。

    The translator shall refrain from any unfair competition in carrying out his profession ;

  9. 论职业活动的社会前提

    On the Social Premise of Professional Activities

  10. 高职自动化专业职业活动导向教学课程体系的构建

    The Construction of Curriculum System for Professional Activity-oriented Teaching of Automatization Specialty in Higher Vocational Education

  11. 更应当是元素,语文能力本身也是学生从事职业活动的一项基本能力。

    In short , Chinese ability is a basic factor for students ' future professional activity .

  12. 教师是在文化环境中从事职业活动的,文化环境会对其职业幸福产生直接的影响。

    The teacher conducts professional activities in cultural environments , which can directly affect professional well-being .

  13. 构建以职业活动为导向的项目化课程评价体系

    Research on the Constructing of Evaluation System for the Project-Based Curriculum the Perspective of Vocational Activity

  14. 论作为职业活动的公共管理&公共管理伦理学视角中的公共管理活动伦理学视角下政府救助弱势群体的原因分析

    On Public Administration by Way of Occupational Activities Reasons the Government Gives Assistance to the Underprivileged Group

  15. 抗日战争时期国统区妇女职业活动研究

    A Study of Women 's Vocational Activities in the Kuomintang-controlled Areas during the War of Resistance against Japan

  16. 基于职业活动的中职计算机网络专业教师培训教材的设计研究

    Research of Designing Training Materials Based on the Professional Activities for Computer Networks Teacher of Secondary Vocational School

  17. 他曾经严重地渴望那种职业活动,在它出现时他便非常欢迎。

    He once yearned so frightfully for that occupation , and it was so welcome when it came ;

  18. 有效评估教材是外语教师非常重要的一项职业活动。

    The ability to evaluate teaching materials effectively is a very important professional activity for all EFL teachers .

  19. 新闻关怀是指新闻工作者在新闻职业活动中所表现出来的人文关怀。

    Journalism concern is a kind of humanist concern which was reflected in News Workers ' professional activities .

  20. 批判反思型教师以自己的职业活动为思考对象,对其进行审视和分析。

    Critically reflective teacher , considering professional education as the object of study , analyses and examines the profession .

  21. 新闻关怀具有四个特征:与新闻职业活动密不可分、复杂性强、涉及面广、影响力大。这些特征指导着新闻关怀实践活动。

    Journalism concern has four features : close to Journalism activities , complicated , widely concerning , profound effect .

  22. 数据录入服务涵盖了大部分的商业和职业活动,包括数据转换、文件处理和图像处理。

    Data entry services cover most business and professional activities , including data conversion , document processing and photo manipulation .

  23. 在这个博客里,有你的个人经历和职业活动,你在研究或是将要研究的东西。

    In such a blog * there is joined personal experience and professional activities , studies under way and studies planned .

  24. 教师职责及其劳动的特殊性和重要性,使教师在职业活动中面临着很大的压力。

    The duties of a teacher and particularity and importance that work make teachers face great pressure among their professional activity .

  25. 以职业活动为导向的高职园艺技术专业实践教学体系的研究与构建

    Research on and Construction of the Practical Teaching System of Horticulture Technology Specialty Guided by Occupational Activity in High Vocational College

  26. 在商业或者职业活动中,你能有良好的组织力,把人们组织起来是他们能一起最有效地工作。

    In business or social activities you are able to organize very effectively , grouping people together so they can work most efficiently .

  27. 上海华籍律师从事职业活动的法制环境是极其复杂的,这种复杂性主要表现在适用法律的多元与审判机关的多元上。

    The legal environment of Shanghai Chinese lawyer was very complicated and it showed mainly in the multivariate of applying law and judicial organ .

  28. 与高等教育相比,高职教育课程更多地承担着传递职业活动经验的任务,因此,在高职院校课程改革中,应特别强调构建开放式课程教学模式。

    Comparing higher education , higher vocational curriculum mainly transfer vocational experience . Therefore , it should focus on construction of opening curriculum teaching mode .

  29. 社会适应能力是指人们适应社会环境,承担一定社会角色,从事职业活动所需要的基本能力。

    The ability of social adaptability means that people can adapt to the social environments , act as a social role and engage in social activities .

  30. 常吃甜食是超重的相关影响因素,重体力职业活动可以减少其危险性,体育锻炼是肥胖的保护因素。

    Certain eating habits , especially the intake of sweet was one of relative factors , heavy occupational physical activities and physical exercises were protective factors .