
  • 网络Employment Agency;placement;Employment;occupation introduction
  1. 我一直在一家职业介绍所做临时工。

    I 've been temping for an employment agency .

  2. 她在一家职业介绍所登记谋求秘书职位。

    She enrolled with an employment agency for a secretarial job .

  3. 他在职业介绍中心办理了失业登记。

    He has signed on at the job centre

  4. 他说他21岁,职业介绍所毫不怀疑就相信了他。

    He said he was twenty-one years old and the employment agency took him on faith .

  5. 职业介绍所门前有许多想找工作的人。

    In front of the labour exchange there are many people desiring to get a job .

  6. 6.jobcentre职业介绍中心英国的大小城市中有许多职业介绍中心,它们由政府设立,提供就业信息和相关咨询。

    In Britain , there are many job centres set up by the government in towns and cities where people can look for jobs or ask for advice on finding jobs .

  7. 职业介绍公司Challenger,Gray&Christmas表示,12月就业指数创下13年新低,上个月失业人数增加。

    The outplacement firm Challenger , Gray & Christmas says after hitting a 13-year-low in December , it is on uptake in layoff last month .

  8. 职业介绍公司Challenger,Gray&Christmas表示,他们最新的人才市场调查显示,有经验的经理找工作相对更容易一些。

    Outplacement firm , Challenger , Gray & Christmas says their latest job market survey shows the search is a little easier for experienced managers .

  9. “很多人都在拼命推销自己,”密歇根州罗切斯特市职业介绍公司AngottSearchGroup的总裁马克•安哥特(MarkAngott)说。

    ' A lot of people are selling themselves hard , 'says Mark Angott , president of Angott Search Group , a recruiting firm in Rochester , Mich.

  10. 我是通过职业介绍所得到了申请加入ETS家族的机会的。ETS是一个很棒的工作的地方。

    I was given an opportunity to apply to join the ETS family via a professional introduction and ETS is a wonderful company to work for .

  11. 这是Kurt和一位职业介绍所女职员之间的对话。职业介绍所是可以帮你找到工作的公司。

    It 's a conversation between Kurt and a woman who works at an " employment agency ," a company that helps you find a job .

  12. 费城大型职业介绍机构RightManagement执行副总裁桑特拉(TonySantora)说,2007年一位IT经理在参加面试时,在有关缺点的问题上败下阵来:他的回答居然是,“我真正的缺点是,我的烹饪技术很糟糕。”

    Tony Santora , an executive vice president for Right Management , a major outplacement firm in Philadelphia , says an information-technology manager flubbed a 2007 interview by choosing a personal foible as his reply : ' My true weakness is that I am a terrible cook . '

  13. 我在忙有关职业介绍所的节目。

    I 've been working on the story on employment agencies .

  14. 他在职业介绍所登了记以谋求一个教师的职位。

    He enrolled with an employment agency for a teaching position .

  15. 职业介绍所安排我到当地的一家律师事务所工作。

    The employment agency placed me with a local law firm .

  16. 康妮:我正在做一个有关职业介绍所的报道。

    Connie : I 'm doing a story on employment agencies .

  17. 第七条设立中外合资、中外合作职业介绍机构,应依法向拟设立企业住所地省级外经贸

    To set up job referral agencies of Chinese-Foreign joint ventures and

  18. 职业介绍所每天帮助各个公司寻找合适的雇员。

    Every day employment agencies help companies find the right employees .

  19. 我们必须先在职业介绍所登记找工作。

    We must register for work at the employment agency first .

  20. 采访斯坦福德的一家职业介绍所时,我们提出了这个问题:

    Visiting an agency in Stamford , we asked this question :

  21. 试论北京市职业介绍服务体系建设的问题与对策

    Problems and countermeasures of Beijing 's employment service system construction

  22. 我和迈克今天下午要去两个职业介绍所。

    Mike and I are going to two employment agencies this afternoon .

  23. 他通过职业介绍所得到了新工作。

    He got a new job via an employment agency .

  24. 职业介绍所能帮你找份工作,

    And employment agency can help you find a job .

  25. 陕西职业介绍机构在西部开发中的机遇与挑战

    Chances and Challenges Job Introduction Agencies Meet in the West China Development

  26. 我准备到职业介绍所去申请工作。

    I 'm going to call the employment agency for a job .

  27. 我必须给职业介绍所负手续费吗?

    Do I have to pay the agency any commission ?

  28. 中国职业介绍服务系统的运行与管理研究

    Movement and Management Study on Chinese Occupation Introduction Service System

  29. 第六条申请设立中外合资、中外合作职业介绍机构应当具备以下条件,并应按本规定第

    Ventures and cooperatives , the applicant agencies should meet the following criteria

  30. 他在职业介绍所登记要当秘书。

    He enrolled with an employment agency for a secretary .