
  • 网络condominium;private apartment;Private Condominium
  1. 本周,加利福尼亚北部贝尔蒙特市(Belmont)郊外住宅区正在争论私人公寓禁烟的想法。这一想法四年前曾在马里兰州某小镇开会讨论过,后来却淹没在反对声中。

    This week the northern California dormitory community of Belmont was debating the idea of banning smoking from private apartments , an idea first mooted , but then howled down , in a Maryland town four years ago .

  2. 就像在女王绝大多数的私人公寓一样,一如既往的,女王将过世母亲太后伊丽莎白女王的照片放在了显眼的地方。

    As always , a photograph of the Queen 's late mother - Queen Elizabeth , the Queen Mother - has pride of place , as it does in most of her private apartments .

  3. 许多伦敦人准备将私人公寓出租,大赚一笔。

    Many Londoners plan to rent out their homes for huge profits .

  4. 麦格纳森的办公室在顶层.就在他私人公寓下面

    Magnussen 's office is on the topfloor , just below his private flat .

  5. 私人公寓套间的租金和质量差别也很大。

    There is also a considerable range in the price and quality of privately owned apartments .

  6. 公开你认为在强特私人公寓最应该遵守的是什么?

    What do you feel is the most important thing to abide by here at KTPA ?

  7. 你知道新加坡私人公寓在明年的供需数据吗?

    Do you know the demand and supply numbers of private condominiums in Singapore for the next year ?

  8. 在梵蒂冈,他们甚至进入了教皇的私人公寓,得以一睹长袍。

    City , they even manage to enter the personal apartment of the Pope and have a look at his robes !

  9. 整幢大楼将会改造成拥有58套私人住宅公寓及23间套间的精品酒店。

    The building will be turned into 58 private residential apartments and a boutique hotel with 23 suites .

  10. 酒店设有一个室外温水游泳池,并提供设有私人阳台的公寓。

    It offers bright apartments with sea views and an outdoor pool .

  11. 私人投资学生公寓这一领域,也受到了一些广为人知的失败案例的影响。

    But the sector of privately financed student housing has been marred by some well-publicized failures .

  12. 至于校外私人所有的公寓套间,有些是除了炉灶和冰箱不配备别的家具的。因此不适合那些其预算不容许购置或租用家具的外国夫妇。

    As with privately owned off-campus apartments , some are unfurnished and thus may be unsuitable for the foreign couple whose budget does not allow for the purchase or rental of furniture .