
  • 网络Private sector
  1. 多数人都理解政府和企业在社会中的角色,也知道“公共部门”和“私人部门”。然而,很少有人知道社会的“第三部门”,第三部门关注于满足社区中公民的需要。

    Most people understand the role of governments and corporations2 in society and know the terms " public sector " and " private sector . " However , few people know anything about a third sector of society that is focused on meeting the needs of citizens in communities .

  2. 上上周,英国央行(bankofengland)开始购买企业用来为其业务融资的优质私人部门资产。

    Last week the Bank of England began purchasing high-quality private sector assets that companies use to finance their business .

  3. 委员会由政府和私人部门两方的代表组成。

    The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors .

  4. 委员会由政府和私人部门的双方代表组成。

    The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors .

  5. 世界银行(worldbank)的私人部门国际金融公司(ifc)也准备在香港发行人民币计价债券。

    International Finance Corporation , the private arm of the world bank , is also preparing to issue renminbi-denominated bonds in Hong Kong .

  6. 正如野村综合研究所(nomuraresearch)的辜朝明(richardkoo)所言,财政赤字帮助私人部门实现去杠杆化。

    As Richard Koo of Nomura Research has argued , fiscal deficits help the private sector deleverage .

  7. 较低的利率水平然后会提振私人部门的支出,部分抵消增税以及政府减支带来的财政拖累(fiscaldrag)。

    Lower interest rates then boost private sector spending , partially offsetting the fiscal drag from higher taxes and government spending cuts .

  8. 私人部门参与(psi)成为一种新的信条。

    Private sector involvement ( PSI ) was the new doctrine .

  9. 目前,在零利率水平下,私人部门储蓄仍占到国内生产总值(GDP)的9%,这一数字之高令人震惊。

    Today , the private sector is saving 9 per cent of gross domestic product at zero interest rates , a shockingly high number .

  10. 当奥巴马上任时,这个国家正处于一轮新大萧条(GreatDepression)的边缘。罪魁祸首就是私人部门的不称职与不负责任,外加宽松的监管。

    As he came into office , the country stood on the brink of a new Great Depression . The primary causes were private-sector incompetence and irresponsibility , compounded by lax regulation .

  11. 那一年,德国和日本这两个盈余国家私人部门的盈余几乎占到本国国内生产总值(GDP)的8%。

    In that year , two external surplus countries Germany and Japan were running private sector surpluses of close to 8 per cent of gross domestic product .

  12. 英国私人部门平衡的转移幅度,预计也将达到GDP的8.9%,被财政赤字的大幅上升所抵消。

    The UK 's private balance is also forecast to improve by 8.9 per cent of GDP , offset by the huge deterioration in the fiscal position .

  13. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)已认定需求不足是经济增长的主要阻碍,并从就任总统以来一直努力提振公共及私人部门需求。

    Barack Obama has recognised the inadequacy of demand as the main barrier to growth and sought to bolster public and private demand since becoming president .

  14. 根据法院备案文件,瑞信受到sec的传讯,涉及在一宗私人部门诉讼中曝光的指控。

    Credit Suisse was subpoenaed by the SEC in relation to allegations made in a private lawsuit , according to court filings .

  15. 我2003年1月离开了效力30年的FBI,进入私人部门工作。

    I left the FBI in January 2003 after 30 years to go and work in the private sector .

  16. 其中,西班牙的赤字最高:2007年,该国由泡沫推动的私人部门赤字占到了GDP的12.3%,经常账户赤字为10.1%。

    Spain 's were the most important : its bubble-fuelled private sector deficit was 12.3 per cent of GDP in 2007 and its current account deficit 10.1 per cent .

  17. 预计美国、英国和爱尔兰的私人部门盈余将几乎占到GDP的10%,甚至高过了德国。

    The surpluses of the US , UK and Irish private sectors are forecast at close to 10 per cent of GDP , which is even higher than in Germany .

  18. 由于IMF贷款相对于其它未偿贷款有优先地位,这两个国家可能会失去进入私人部门信贷市场的入场券。

    As IMF loans have senior status vis - à - vis any outstanding loans , the two countries may lose access to the private credit market .

  19. PPP的突出特点是公共部门向私人部门转移风险和私人部门向公共部门传递现金价格。

    The outstanding characteristic of PPP is that public sectors transfer risks to private sectors and private sectors pass VFM to public sectors .

  20. 答案是,许多经济体正处于杰罗姆列维预报中心(jeromelevyforecastingcenter)所称的“受控萧条”,即私人部门持续去杠杆化的时期。

    The answer is that a number of economies are in what the Jerome levy forecasting center calls a " contained depression " a period of sustained private sector deleveraging .

  21. 例如,在美国,私人部门债务总额与GDP的比率从1976年的112%升至2008年296%的峰值(见图表)。

    In the US , for example , total private sector debt rose from 112 per cent of GDP in 1976 to a peak of 296 per cent in 2008 ( see chart ) .

  22. 如何通过发展政府部门和私人部门的合作伙伴关系(PPP)推进城市环境基础设施建设,已成为东亚各国今后环保投资中的重大战略课题之一。

    How to develop Public-and-Private Partnership ( PPP ) for promotion of Urban Environmental Infrastructure ( UEI ) is a critical strategic issue in East Asia .

  23. 另外,根据预测,经合组织至少有8个成员国2007年至2010年间的私人部门收支平衡转移将超过GDP的10%(见图表)。

    Moreover , the shift in the private sector balance between 2007 and 2010 is forecast to exceed 10 per cent of GDP in no fewer than eight OECD member countries ( see chart ) .

  24. 虽然其中大部分将是私人部门所借,而非获得imf贷款的政府,但这仍说明总资本流动规模将非常大。

    And while most of that will be borrowed by the private sector rather than the government to which the IMF lends , it still illustrates the huge size of gross financial flows .

  25. 拉托日前是在出席由主要国家决策者参加的一次会议上发表上述言论的。会上私人部门金融家敦促美联储(Fed)和欧洲央行(ECB)采取更多行动,以恢复市场信心。

    Mr de Rato was attending a conference of leading policy makers at which private-sector financiers urged the Federal Reserve in the US and the European Central Bank to do more to reassure the markets .

  26. 本周二,美国交通部长玛丽彼得斯(marypeters)宣布“彻底放弃”现有政策,承诺将资金压力转向公路收费和私人部门投资。

    On Tuesday Mary Peters , the Transportation Secretary , announced a " clean break " from existing policy and promised to shift the burden of funding to road pricing and private-sector investment .

  27. 鉴于政府计划削减由其出资的就业岗位,hays表示将把资源重新分配给私人部门。

    With the government planning to axe state-funded jobs Hays said it would reallocate resources back to the private sector .

  28. 欧洲央行(ECB)实施扩张性货币政策,也可以解决这一问题。欧洲央行成功地刺激了盈余国家的私人部门支出,同时也将德国的通胀水平推升至远高于欧元区平均水平的程度。

    It might also be resolved by an expansionary monetary policy from the European Central Bank that successfully spurred private spending in the surplus countries and also raised German inflation well above the eurozone average .

  29. 美国私人部门总债务占国民生产总值(GDP)的比例,已从1978年的118%飙升至2008年的290%。债务通缩可能引发大规模破产、需求下降和进一步通缩的螺旋式下行。

    In the US , whose private sector gross debt soared from 118 per cent of gross domestic product in 1978 to 290 per cent in 2008 , debt deflation could trigger a downward spiral of mass insolvency , falling demand and further deflation .

  30. 美国大型贷款机构CIT集团带来了更多抱以希望的理由,该集团通过一宗私人部门交易,无需额外政府资金就避免了破产命运,这改写了近来的纾困脚本。

    CIT Group , the big US lender , gave greater reason for hope by averting bankruptcy in a private sector deal with no fresh government money a change from the recent script .