
  • 网络private villa;private residence;private house
  1. 福1088建于6个月前,由一座非常宽敞的私人别墅改造而成。

    Opened six months ago , Fu 1088 is a conversion of what must have been a remarkably spacious private villa .

  2. 最好的选择是为旅游者的私人别墅的所在地的省、自治区、直辖市的空间是绝对不是一个问题,并享受去超出他们可以期待。

    One of the best options for discerning travelers'is the private villa where space is absolutely not an issue , and the comforts go above and beyond anything they could rightly expect .

  3. 有些游客身穿Speedo泳装,其他游客则穿着高跟鞋。伴随拔地而起的众多高尔夫球场、水疗中心、购物商场以及度假中心的是公开发售的私人别墅及公寓房。

    Some holidaymakers sport Speedos , others wear stilettos . Among the many golf courses , spas , shopping malls and resorts that have sprung up are private villas and apartments sold as second homes .

  4. 女王夏季在她的私人别墅度假,而且其他皇室成员也经常会去陪她。

    The Queen spends her summer months at the private residence and is frequently joined by other members of The Royal Family .

  5. 集中供热的发明要归功于古罗马。他们在公共浴池和私人别墅的墙内和地板内安装所谓火炕的风道系统。

    The invention of central heating is often credited to the ancient Romans , who installed a system of air ducts called " hypocaust " in the walls and floors of public baths and private villas .

  6. 有着阿尔卑斯山脉世外桃源之称的奥柏萨尔斯堡山曾是阿道夫·希特勒私人别墅的所在地,现在一座豪华的温泉饭店已在那里拔地而起。

    Rising out of the mist amid some of the most sublime alpine scenery in Europe , a spa hotel built on the site of Adolf Hitler 's mountain eyrie hopes to exorcise the ghost of the Nazi leader .

  7. 许多私人度假别墅采用玻璃地板的构造,并直接修建在水上。

    Many private villas with glass bottom floors perched directly over the water .

  8. 位于一个风景如画的环境中,斑岩度假酒店里私人泳池别墅和自带水流按摩浴缸别墅供您选择。

    Set in a beautiful landscaped environment , the resort offers a choice of private pool villas and villas with a Jacuzzi .

  9. 据悉,哈里王子夫妇上周四乘私人飞机到达别墅,他们将于本周日晚六点从马尔彭萨机场离开。

    The royal couple are said to have arrived last Thursday evening , on a private flight , and left on Sunday at 6pm from Malpensa airport .

  10. 游艇、私人飞机和海边别墅。

    Yachts , private jets , seaside mansions are so2007 .

  11. 其中的私人会所式度假别墅是本论文针对旅游度假者的旅游交往活动类型研究提出的新型旅游度假别墅概念。

    Tourist villas with a personal club are the new concept for tourist villas which is raised by this paper during the research of activities among tourist .