
sī rén fēi jī
  • Jet;private jet;airport;personal aircraft
  1. 她的工资当中有20万美元是私人飞机使用费。

    Her paycheck included $ 200,000 for personal aircraft use .

  2. 最后,还有一个更重要的问题:如果你乘坐的碰巧是,比如RodStewart的私人飞机,机上人员会告诉你吗?

    Which leaves us with the even bigger question : if you happen to be flying on , say , Rod Stewart 's private jet , will they tell you that it 's his ?

  3. 乘私人飞机去华盛顿的路上,有一段行程是他自己驾驶的。

    He piloted his own plane part of the way to Washington .

  4. 这些土地所有者不得不卖掉自己的私人飞机。

    The landowners have had to sell their private aircraft

  5. 顶级的明星待遇和无上的权力体验肯定要数私人飞机了。

    The biggest star perk , and the biggest power trip , must be the private plane .

  6. 虽然这些私人飞机的确是属于那些名人的。

    Obviously , though , they do belong to famous people .

  7. 私人飞机承包公司发现,他们的飞机在把乘客送到某个目的地之后有时会空驶飞回基地,于是,他们决定特价出售这些空驶航段。

    Private jet charter firms , realizing that their aircraft have to return to base at some point and often do so without the human cargo1 they have just ferried somewhere swanky , have taken to offering these return " empty " legs for cut-price rates .

  8. 这样,他们可以在某个大人物的单程旅途中额外挣到钱,消费者则可以特价体验一次私人飞机旅程,而且可以在飞机起飞前15分钟到达机场,上了飞机就能起飞。

    They get to make some extra money out of someone 's one-way trip , and the consumer gets a cut-price private jet experience -- about which more later -- and the flexibility2 to just show up 15 minutes before take-off , get right on board and fly .

  9. 几天前,两人刚刚被拍到乘坐私人飞机一同出国。据E!

    days after the pair were seen jetting out of the UK together on a private jet . According to E !

  10. apologize:道歉plane:飞机我不是在道歉,不是在没有为你准备一架私人飞机而道歉,Jenny。

    Rufus : I am not apologizing for not having a private plane for you , jenny . -

  11. 这是一种大型长续航力无人机(UAV),容易地被误认为是某种双发动机私人飞机。

    This is a large endurance UAV that can easily be mistaken for any number of private twin-engine passenger aircraft .

  12. 歌手们也参与了挑战。德雷克为粉丝提供乘坐自己的私人飞机AirDrake的机会,以及未来举行的一场音乐会的门票。

    On the musician front , Drake is providing a ride on his private jet , Air Drake , and tickets to a future concert .

  13. 如果都可以开一年,你愿意开私人飞机,还是布加迪威龙(BugattiVeyron)的“GrandSport”跑车?

    Which would you rather own for a year : a private jet or a Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport ?

  14. 吉尼正在与一家名叫PresidentialPrivateJetVacations的公司合作,这家公司专门规划完全定制化的旅行线路,所有行程安排都是通过私人飞机完成的。

    Genier is working with Presidential Private Jet Vacations , which plans an entirely customizable itinerary , makes all the arrangements and escorts their guests through it in a private plane .

  15. 当时AC和曼城都想得到他,但曼联当时的主席爱德华兹坐着私人飞机在当地机场就和他黔娱乐。

    Milan and Manchester City had both wanted him , but it was Manchester United 's chairman , Martin Edwards , who arrived in a private jet at the local airport to sign him up .

  16. BAA打算通过私人飞机管理和租赁业务赚取大部分收入。

    BAA aims to derive most of its revenue from managing and chartering private jets .

  17. 所有的模特都将搭乘维密私人飞机前往秀场,届时Instagram又有机会出场了。

    All the models will then travel to the location together via a VS private jet providing many an Instagram opportunity .

  18. 缪斯是HicksMuseTate私募基金的共同创始人,在登上私人飞机前,他已经被加尔佩林说服了。

    The co-founder of the Hicks Muse Tate private equity fund was persuaded by the time he boarded his private jet .

  19. 沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)持有的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)旗下私人飞机业务NetJets正进军中国,在这里看到了巨大的增长潜力。

    The private jet company owned by Warren Buffett 's Berkshire Hathaway is moving into China , where it sees huge growth potential .

  20. 该公司的会员项目能令你获得亲近一系列精挑细选的高端腕表的机会,这一曾经只和私人飞机、豪华汽车及度假屋联系在一起的会员模式正在ElevenJames的手中发扬光大。

    With a membership program offering access to a curated collection of high-end watches , Eleven James is extending the membership model that has previously been associated with private jets , luxury cars and vacation homes .

  21. 去年6月,中航工业旗下的一家公司收购了总部位于美国明尼苏达州的私人飞机制造商西锐飞机工业公司(CirrusIndustriesInc.),由此获得了一个轻型螺旋桨飞机生产线以及一种正在研发中的小型喷气机。

    Last June , an AVIC unit acquired Minnesota-based private-aircraft maker Cirrus Industries Inc. , giving the Chinese company access to a line of light propeller aircraft and a small jet under development .

  22. 参加这个班的英语系学生安德烈•里昂(AndreLyon)说,老师“有几次隐约提到菲尔下课后坐私人飞机离开”。

    The instructor'made several vague allusions to Phil taking off in his private jet , 'recalls Andre Lyon , an English major enrolled in the class .

  23. 有一个故事始于2001年9月11日深夜,当时任高盛(GoldmanSachs)首席执行官的保尔森正在太平洋上空一架飞往中国的私人飞机上。

    One episode started at the dead of night on September 11 2001 , when Paulson , then chief executive of Goldman Sachs , was in a private jet over the Pacific flying towards China .

  24. 过去一年里,包机飞往夏令营营地的家庭也明显增多。私人飞机公司&蓝星航空公司(BlueStarJets)表示,与宿营旅游业务相关的利润增长了30%。

    The number of families chartering aircraft to fly to summer camps has also dramatically increased over the past year , with one private jet company , Blue Star Jets , reporting a 30 per cent rise in camp-travel related profits .

  25. 他是一位白手起家的亿万富翁,他会带着他的F1合约乘坐私人飞机穿梭于世界各地,他从一个二手摩托车交易商起步,一步步攀升到现在的位置。

    He is a self-made billionaire who criss-crosses the world in a private jet with his Formula One contracts , having scrambled his way up from a humble start as a second-hand motorcycle trader .

  26. 调查人员昨夜仍不知道艾伦爵士的下落。据CNBC报道,他曾试图在休斯敦租用一架私人飞机飞往安提瓜&其斯坦福国际银行(StanfordInternationalBank)所在地。

    Sir Allen , whose whereabouts was still unknown to investigators last night , was reported by CNBC to have attempted to hire a private jet in Houston to fly to Antigua , where his offshore Stanford International Bank is based .

  27. 过去的每天几乎都会产生一位新罪人,成为众矢之的–乘坐私人飞机前往华盛顿乞求救济的CEO们,领取亿元高薪却毁掉银行的金融界巨人们。

    Hardly a day passes without a new culprit to throw stones at : CEOs who fly to Washington in private jets to beg for a handout , financial titans who were paid hundreds of millions to ruin their banks .

  28. 他用自己的私人飞机把bergdorfgoodman的一名裁缝接到他在迈阿密和安提瓜岛的家中为自己量尺寸。

    Mr Stanford flew a Bergdorf Goodman tailor on his private jet to his homes in Miami and Antigua for measurements .

  29. 第二位特首曾荫权(DonaldTsang)在任期最后的几个月里,日子也过得不安稳,他被指从香港富豪那里收受好处,包括曾经搭乘他们的私人飞机。

    Its second , Donald Tsang , limped through his last months in office after allegations that he had received favours from local tycoons , including flights on their private jets .

  30. 佩尔穆特的长期商业合作伙伴、同为以色列人的艾维阿拉德(AviArad)表示:他会乘坐普通飞机,而非私人飞机。

    He will take a regular plane and not a private plane , says Avi Arad , a fellow Israeli and a long-time business partner .