
shòu piào chù
  • ticket office;booking office
售票处[shòu piào chù]
  1. 售票处排着长队。

    There is a long line at the ticket office .

  2. 那些影迷们正在售票处门口等着。

    Those film fans were waiting at the ticket office .

  3. 歌迷们围着售票处,试图买到音乐会门票。

    Fans besieged the box office to try and get tickets for the concert .

  4. 她所在的售票处收到铺天盖地的购票请求。

    Her office was inundated with requests for tickets

  5. 我们在剧院售票处见面吧。

    Let us meet at the box office .

  6. 来到售票处,小伙子对售票员说:“请给两张票。”

    When they were at the ticket box , the young man said to the ticket seller , " Two tickets , please . "

  7. boxoffice:票房;售票处这部电影的票房收入已达到1.8亿美元。

    The film has taken $ 180 million at the box office .

  8. B是的,我拿到了。今天早晨售票处开门的时候我拿到的。

    Yes , I did . I collected them this morning when the ticket-office opened .

  9. bebookedup被预定空了;bookingoffice售票处所有明早的飞机票都预定光了。

    All the morning flights have been booked up .

  10. 上海南站B1层售票处&请您到主站屋二楼。

    Booking Ticket B1 of Shanghai South Railway Station & please go to the main building , second floor .

  11. 如果你是独特隐蔽门和时尚家庭影院的超级粉丝,那么,创造性建筑资源(CBR)设计的家庭影院售票处的门将两者完美地结合在一起。

    If you are big fan of unique hidden doors and cool home theaters , the Home Theater Ticket Booth Door from Creative Building Resources ( CBR ) combines the best of both worlds .

  12. 那时候还没有互联网和Ticketmaster订票网站,要买大牌明星的演唱会票子,一般只有一种办法:整晚在街上和大群死忠歌迷一起排队,等着售票处或卖票的唱片店上午9点开门。

    Before the Internet and Ticketmaster stepped in , big-name tickets were typically purchased one way : by lining up on the street at night alongside throngs of hardy fans and waiting for a box office or a record store to open at 9 a.m. Since most of my early concertgoing took place in Scotland ,

  13. 售票处通常都是提前3天售票。

    The booking office usually sells tickes three days in advance .

  14. 辛好售票处排队不长。

    Fortunately there isn 't long line at the box office .

  15. 正在那时,一个男人匆匆奔向售票处。

    Just then , a man hurried to the ticket office .

  16. 售票处前站着一条好长的队。

    There 's an awfully long queue at the ticket office .

  17. 但是她最后还是走到售票处去打听。

    She did manage to inquire at the box-office , however .

  18. 我在机场的售票处进行了一番思想斗争。

    I went through a silent struggle there at the airlines .

  19. 民航局所有的售票处都用计算机连接起来了。

    All the CAAC offices have been joined by new computers .

  20. 今天早晨售票处开门的时候我拿到的。

    I collected them this morning when the ticket-office opened .

  21. 售票处排起了一条长队。

    There is a long queue at the ticket office .

  22. 售票处接受电话信用卡订票吗?

    Does the box office accept credit card bookings over the phone ?

  23. 您应该去国内中转售票处确认一下。

    You should reconfirm your reservations at the domestic transfer booking office .

  24. 到地铁的售票处去就行了。

    Just go to the ticket office in the subway .

  25. 请到中国民航售票处订飞机票。

    Please go to the CAAC office to book your plane ticket .

  26. 售票处是卖票的地方。

    A booking-office is a place where tickets are sold .

  27. 在售票处窗口外排了一长队人。

    There was a long line of people at the box-office window .

  28. 有人在售票处碰巧看到了她。

    Someone in the ticket office happened to notice her .

  29. 只能在售票处买到两张票。

    Only two tickets were available at the ticket office .

  30. 演出的票售票处有售。

    Tickets for the performance are on sale at the box office .