
wèn xún chù
  • information desk
  1. 最晚也能预订,只需电话电传,说明日期、航班和信用卡详况,随后至机场问询处与我们接洽。

    For late bookings simply phone telex with dates , Wight and credit card details . Then meet us at the Airport information Desk .

  2. 我们正在为我们的旅游问询处寻求有经验的人员。

    We are looking for experienced personnel for our tourist information office .

  3. 附近有问询处吗?

    Is an information around here ?

  4. 你的传真已经送到问询处了,请您到那儿去取。

    Your fax has been sent to the information , please go there to take it .

  5. 我们来到问询处,那里的小姐告诉我说飞机还没有抵达。

    We asked for information and the girl there told us that the plane hadn 't even arrived yet .

  6. 今年,浙江大学的问询处挂起条幅:请家长放手,让我们护航。

    At Zhejiang University , a banner hanging in the information center says Parents let go please ; let us escort your children .

  7. 今年,浙江大学的问询处挂起条幅:“请家长放手,让我们护航”。而这条标语的发起人正是浙大本科生院副院长陆国栋。

    At Zhejiang University , a banner hanging in the information center says " Parents let go please ; let us escort your children . " Lu Guodong , dean of undergraduate studies at Zhejiang University , coined the slogan .