
yùn xínɡ shí jiān
  • run time;elapsed time
  1. 这两个数据源可以通过Spring代理随意访问,插装这个代理的目的是监控获取连接的运行时间。

    The data sources can optionally be accessed through Spring proxies that are instrumented to monitor the elapsed time of acquiring connections .

  2. 注意,图表显示JDBC批处理比pureQuery需要更多运行时间。

    Notice that the chart indicates that JDBC batching is taking more elapsed time than pureQuery .

  3. 2017年9月,京沪高铁列车成功实现时速350公里商业运营,京沪之间的运行时间缩短为4小时28分钟。

    In September 2017 , China increased the maximum speed of bullet trains on the railway to 350 km per hour . The speed increase cut the Beijing-Shanghai journey to 4 hours and 28 minutes .

  4. 由此提出了一种新的布局算法来解决这个问题,该算法是基于OTREE结构,旨在减少总的运行时间且简便。

    A new packing algorithm based on O-tree and aiming to reduce the total run time is proposed .

  5. 因此一个进行大量I/O和少量计算的程序的运行时间可能远远超过maxexecutiontime。

    Thus a program that does lots of I / O and few calculations may run for much longer than max_execution_time .

  6. 同时为了减少系统功耗尽量缩短CPU的运行时间。

    And in order to reduce the power consumption , the running time of cpu is minimized .

  7. 稀、浓燃状态运行时间对装有吸附还原催化转化器的稀燃汽油机NOx排放的影响

    Effect of Lean and Rich Mixture Operating Time on NO_x Emission from Lean Burn Gasoline Engine with Adsorber - Reduction Catalytic Converter

  8. AdobeSystems和IBM可以为客户提供工具、运行时间,以及构建这些解决方案所需的客户服务。

    Adobe Systems and IBM can provide customers with the tools , run times , and custom services needed to build these solutions .

  9. 在有限域GF(2n)上的椭圆曲线公开加密系统已经得到了广泛的应用,其中最重要并且花费运行时间最多的运算就是计算标量乘。

    Scalar multiplication is the core operation in Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems ( ECC ) .

  10. 运行时间框架(RTI)设计中数据管理的研究

    Research on Data Management in RTI Design

  11. 我们喜欢收到客户的来信,不仅是关于Domino性能和可伸缩性方面的成功,还包括正常运行时间方面的成功。

    We love to hear from customers , not only about successes with Domino performance and scalability , but also with uptime .

  12. 同直接算法及二维FFT算法进行了运行时间比较,得到了满意的结果。

    The computer programs are compared with the direct and 2-D FFT algorithms in actual computer execution time . The results are satisfactory .

  13. 在本文中,我将重点介绍这些可利用来影响SLA中正常运行时间有效性的漏洞。

    For this article , I 'll highlight those exploitable vulnerabilities that would impact the uptime availability in the SLA .

  14. 第二个查询使用一个XML谓词来确保只生成对应于“95141”的行,从而减少了运行时间,对于大型的数据集,这种方法带来的性能好处尤其显著。

    The second query uses an XML predicate to ensure that only the rows for " 95141 " get generated , resulting in a shorter runtime , especially on a large data set .

  15. 迭代ML算法从迭代的角度对ML算法作了分析,它使ML算法在执行步骤上有了简化,从而加快了程序的执行速度,缩短了程序运行时间。

    Iterative ML algorithm analyzes ML from the point of iteration . It simplifies implementary process of ML algorithm . Accordingly quicken the implementary speed of the procedure .

  16. 正常运行时间开始下降会降低到服务水平协议(SLA)上所规定的保证水平之下。

    Uptime availability begins to slide down from the guaranteed level set forth in a service level agreement ( SLA ) .

  17. 请注意:Levenshtein算法的运行时间总是O(mn)。

    Note that the running time for the Levenshtein algorithm is always O ( mn ) .

  18. 同时针对硬件资源条件对DCT变换和量化算法进行优化,使算法运行时间减少40%左右,在一定程度上提高系统的性能。

    Meanwhile taking the hardware resource in account we optimize the algorithms of DCT transform and quantification and gain the better performance of the system .

  19. 因此,DRM内容所有者和服务供应商面临提供可靠的高正常运行时间可用性的挑战。

    For this reason , DRM content owners and service providers face the challenge of providing guaranteed high uptime availability .

  20. 对n×n二值图像,算法的运行时间是O(n2logn)的。

    The algorithm runs in O ( n 2logn ) time , where n × n is the size of the binary image .

  21. 加上运行时间和内存消耗的限制,大多数优化算法无法解决大规模的OnetoOne营销优化问题,这就需要对OnetoOne营销优化模型和优化方法进行研究。

    In addition , the restriction of running time and memory consuming , most of optimization algorithms can 't solve the large-scale One to One marketing optimization problems . For this reason , there is a necessity to study the One to One marketing optimization model and optimization methods .

  22. MBR内出现了溶解性微生物产物的积累,但随着运行时间的延长可被进一步降解。

    Accumulation of soluble microbial products ( SMP ) is occurred in MBR but it could be degraded further along with test progressing .

  23. 将调用的运行时间提交给应用程序性能管理(APM)系统。

    Submits the elapsed time of the invocation to the application performance management ( APM ) system .

  24. 用PVDF管式膜处理含乳化油废水,研究了膜面流速、运行时间等操作条件对膜通量的影响,并研究了不同清洗方法的清洗效果,确定了合适的操作条件。

    Oil / water emulsion was treated by PVDF tubular membrane . Running pressure , running time and some methods of washing membrane are studied .

  25. 它提供了有关JVM的详细信息,包括总的运行时间、线程信息、装载的类、内存统计信息、垃圾收集和操作系统信息。

    It provides detailed information about the JVM , including total uptime , threading information , classes loaded , memory statistics , garbage collection , and operating-system information .

  26. 基于CPU运行时间的MaaS可确定每个请求的实际使用量,然后再在每个月底会合并使用量。

    MaaS based on elapsed CPU time determines the actual usage of each request and is consolidated at the end of each month .

  27. P环、QRS环的总运行时间、QRS环及T环最大电压的对比,两组人群之问的差异不仅有统计学上的意义,而且也有其临床意义。

    On the contrast of P and QRS ring moving time and QHS and T ring maximal voltage , there was vot only meaning on statistic , but also there was clinica meaning .

  28. 有时候,由于一个请求会比通常情况使用更多的CPU时间,DaaS供应商会将CPU运行时间包含到数据库使用量计费中。

    Sometimes , DaaS providers may bill for database utilization by including the elapsed CPU time since one request used more CPU time than what is typical .

  29. 在六个约束条件下,程序的运行时间大约是3~5min。

    Run time of operation is about 3-5 min under six restrains .

  30. 合成半球图像的实验结果表明,与三角形面元算法相比,新算法恢复高度的平均相对误差和CPU运行时间分别减少了37.2%和20.22%。

    The experimental results of the synthesized hemisphere image show that the relative height error and CPU time of the proposed SFS are dropped by 37.2 % and 20.22 % respectively compared with the triangular-facet-based algorithm .