
yùn suàn
  • operation;operating;calculate;arithmetic;mathematics
运算 [yùn suàn]
  • [operation;calculate] 根据数学法则进行计算

  • 四则运算

运算[yùn suàn]
  1. 全部运算在三秒内完成。

    The whole operation is performed in less than three seconds .

  2. 为了将一个或另一个半字节分离出来,你可以使用一个八位屏蔽,并进行一次“与”运算。

    You could use an8-bit mask and an and operation in order to isolate one or the other numeric nibble .

  3. 多数大公司现在用计算机进行会计运算和内务操作。

    Most large companies now use computers for accounting and housekeeping operations .

  4. 你的运算正确吗?

    Is your math correct ?

  5. 计算机通过电路的开合来进行运算。

    A computer calculates by switching currents on or off .

  6. 他记了一点笔记,然后做了运算。

    He took a few notes and made computations .

  7. 计算机会完成大部分运算。

    The computer does most of the number crunching .

  8. 我们对求职者的要求是具备运算能力,熟练使用电脑,精力充沛而且工作积极主动。

    We look for applicants who are numerate , computer-literate and energetic self-starters .

  9. 会有对加、减、乘、除运算的简单测试。

    There will be simple tests in addition , subtraction , multiplication and division .

  10. 计算机重复着一组运算。

    The computer repeats a set of calculations

  11. 识数能算,就是运算的能力。

    Comprehension of figures and mathematics generally is numeracy .

  12. 数据处理是按照数据而进行的一系列运算。

    Data processing is the series of operations that are carried out on data .

  13. 环境通常以每秒浮点运算次数(FLOPS)加以度量

    HPC environments are often measured in terms of FLoating point Operations Per Second ( FLOPS ) . HPC

  14. 只有计算机运算专家才能看懂这份报告。

    This report would be intelligible only to an expert in computing .

  15. (许多人用计算器来减少枯燥繁琐的数字运算。)

    Many people use a calculator to cut down on tedious number-crunching .

  16. 与微分相反的运算叫做积分。

    The operation that is the inverse of differentiation is called integration .

  17. 例句这台新电脑能非常有效地处理大量的数字运算。

    The new computer is very good at number-crunching .

  18. 一个男孩儿教一个女孩儿四则运算,他说那是他的任务。

    A boy was teaching a girl arithmetic , he said it was his mission .

  19. 并对Fuzzy矩阵的复合运算提出了初步的改进意见。

    Besides , the compound operation of Fuzzy Matrixes is improved initially .

  20. 关于C编译器对++运算编译的研究

    About C Compiler to + + Operation Translation Research

  21. 高精度CT图像重建的并行运算实现

    High Spatial Resolution CT Image Reconstruction Using Parallel Computing

  22. 在max-⊙复合运算下,基于Rb的模糊推理方法

    A Fuzzy Reasoning Method based on Rb under Max - ⊙ Compositional Operation

  23. Fuzzy数及其运算

    Fuzzy Number and Operation

  24. 将MATLAB应用于多项式运算,充分发挥了其强大而方便的功能。

    MATLAB is applied to polynomial operation , which function is greatly exerted .

  25. MatLab具有强大的符号运算功能。

    MatLab has a strong symbolic operation function .

  26. 关系代数运算与SQL查询的对应关系

    Corresponding relation of the relational algebra calculus and SQL query

  27. RSA加解密运算的FPGA硬件实现研究

    Research on the FPGA Implementation of the RSA Encryption / Decryption Algorithms

  28. MATLAB与结构中的矩阵运算

    MATLAB and Structural Matrix Calculation

  29. 用VB实现任意位数大整数的四则运算

    The Realization of Four Arithmetic Operations of Large Integer with Visual Basic

  30. 改进的IIR滤波器避免运算溢出和定点DSP的实现

    Improved IIR Filters to Avoid Calculating Overflow and Fixed-point DSP Realization