
  • 网络ocean management;Marine Management
  1. 海洋管理学理论初探及其应用

    The Preliminary Research of the Ocean Management Theory and Application in Ocean Management

  2. 全球变化中的海洋管理问题国际会议

    International Conference on Ocean Management in Global Change

  3. 因此这种安全利益表现为沿海国的海上军事力量、海上执法力量和海洋管理力量在其EEZ的活动,同时兼备海防、海洋执法和海洋管理功能。

    Therefore , appeared as the activities of naval and air force , law of the sea enforcement and marine management strength in EEZ , these interests combine the functions of the sea defense , law of the sea enforcement and marine management as well .

  4. 区域海洋管理的理论与实践研究进展

    Research Progress on Theory and Practice for Regional Ocean Governance

  5. 区域海洋管理中地方政府间关系模式构建的探讨

    Building the Pattern of the Relationship among Local Governments in Regional Ocean Governance

  6. 缺乏现代海洋管理体制;

    The lack of modern management system ;

  7. 海洋管理信息系统的应用

    Application of information system for marine management

  8. 福建省海域使用综合管理信息系统建设和海洋管理信息化

    Management Information System for Use in Sea Area of FuJian and Construction of Oceanic Management Information System

  9. 海洋管理理事会水产品认证制度概述全球变化中的海洋管理问题国际会议

    The Fisheries Products Certification of Marine Stewardship Council ( MSC ) International Conference on Ocean Management in Global Change

  10. 如何加强海洋管理是当前我国海洋管理体制改革所面临的一个重大课题。

    How to enhance the ocean management has become a major issue to the current reform of marine management system .

  11. 区域海洋管理作为有效模式为海洋综合管理服务,而能力建设是其中的核心手段。

    The common solution is through the regional integrated marine management , which is an effective tool for marine management .

  12. 从海洋管理的发展历程可以看出,海洋管理的本质是协调管理,协调问题是海洋管理的核心问题。

    From the development of the marine management , we can know that the essence of it is " coordinate management " .

  13. 区域海洋管理的能力建设体系主要包括:制度机制的建设、科学技术的支撑、人力资源的建设和公众参与机制等几个部分。

    Capacity building is introduced into regional marine management and the potential economic benefits of regional systems are analyzed in this study .

  14. 海洋管理制度的演变与从事海疆管理的实践者的个人努力关系密切。

    The evolvement of marine administration system had a close relation with endeavor of the men who were engaged in the marine administration .

  15. 实现我国海洋管理工作的和谐发展&海洋管理中经济基础与上层建筑

    ACHIEVEMENT OF HARMONIOUS DEVELOPMENT OF MARINE MANAGEMENT IN CHINA & From the point of view of economic base and superstructure of marine management

  16. 系统对提高海洋管理工作的科学性和信息的时效性,具有重要的理论和应用价值。

    The application shows that the system has important theoretical and application value in improving the science of marine management and information efficiency .

  17. 除此以外,行业管理或交叉或推脱的问题、海洋管理机构设置、职能配置和协调的问题等,都是我国需要解决的。

    In addition , we still need to solve the problem in the industrial management sector , the setting of organization and its function .

  18. 海洋管理是一个国家海洋政策的反映,随着世界各国海权意识的加强及《联合国海洋法公约》的生效实施,沿海国家相继建立完善了海上执法体制。

    With the strengthening of sea power and the entry into force of the United Nations Convention , coastal States have established maritime law enforcement system .

  19. 对海冰参数信息进行实时、准确的连续监测既是海洋管理的重要组成部分,又是确保海洋开发安全的重要途径。

    Monitoring the parameter information of sea ice timely and accurately is not only an important part of ocean management , but also a significant way to ensure ocean exploitation security .

  20. 海域使用管理是我国近期建立的一项海洋管理制度。该制度既有其强烈的实践需要基础,也有其较为广泛的、综合的理论领域。

    Sea area use management is a marine regulatory regime China has established recently , which has both a solid base out of practical needs , and more extensive and integrated theoretical areas .

  21. 任何单位未经国家海洋管理部门批准,不得向中华人民共和国管辖海域倾倒任何废弃物。

    No unit may dump any kind of waste into the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the people 's Republic of China without the permission of the state administrative department of marine affairs .

  22. 近些年来,虽然海洋管理在理论和实践中取得了一些成果,但各国在海洋管理方面,特别是区域海洋的管理效果并不理想,这直接制约了各国在海洋领域的经济发展。

    These years , Although marine management has got some results both in theory and practice , effects in most countries were not satisfied in marine management , especially in the regional marine management .

  23. 海产专家预计此次红潮可能扩散,但目前为止尽管藻类蔓延,但贝类和其他海鲜还可食用。报纸引用国家海洋管理局的话。

    Marine experts said the red tides would grow , but so far shellfish and other seafood were safe to eat despite the algae blooms , the newspaper quoted the State Oceanic Administration as saying .

  24. 但随着对海岸带开发与保护要求的不断提高,对海岸带继续采用海洋管理的方式已经不能适应各种利益需求;海岸带已经逐渐成长为一个独立的管理对象,需要单独立法。

    But as the economic development and increasingly requirements for improvement of the CZM , the ocean management framework is no longer to the various interests demand . Coastal zone had already prepared to be an independent management object .

  25. 本文的研究结论可以为我国海洋管理部门加强对填海造地活动的监督与管理,防止海洋资源产权价值的流失提供理论依据。

    The conclusions of the dissertation are helpful for the marine management departments to strengthen the supervision and management of the land reclamation and provide a theoretical basis to prevent the loss of the value of marine resource property rights .

  26. 发生井喷、漏油事故的,应当立即向国家海洋管理部门报告,并采取有效措施,控制和消除油污染,接受国家海洋管理部门的调查处理。

    Once a blowout or oil leakage accident occurs , the unit concerned shall immediately report it to the state administrative department of marine affairs , take effective measures to control and eliminate oil pollution and accept the investigation and handling of the case by the department .

  27. 这种新的海洋管理方式充分考虑了区域地理环境、各方利益和政策需求,既能够结合各地方、区域、部门和国家的特点,又能保证所有参与者同心协力。

    The ROM considers the regional geography condition , all kinds of benefits and the policy needs . It can not only combine the characteristics of the district , the region , the department and the country , but also make sure that all participants make concerted effort .

  28. 海洋渔业管理与ISO14000环境管理系列标准的比较研究

    Comparative study on marine fisheries management and ISO 14000 series of EMS

  29. 为胶南海域沿岸污水排海选址,海洋环境管理提供动力条件,基于变边界河口、陆架、海洋(ECOM)模式,模拟了胶南近岸海域三维潮流场。

    Based on a3-d estuary coastal and ocean model ( ECOM model ) with a variable boundary , the3-D tidal current field in the offshore area of Jiaonam is simulated .

  30. 建立我国污水海洋处置管理信息系统

    Establishment of Management Information System on Wastewater Marine Disposal in China