
  • 网络Maritime administration;maritime management;Marine Management
  1. 第二部分是对海事管理职能相关概念和理论的阐释,为海事管理职能的健全优化提供理论基础。

    The second part is about maritime management function related concepts and theoretical explanation , providing the theoretical foundation for maritime management function optimization .

  2. 通过聚类在船舶等级划分中的应用,提高海事管理部门的管理效率,为管理者提供决策的依据。

    The algorithm improves the management efficiency of maritime management organizations and provides proof of decision making by clustering applied in partitioning ship ranks .

  3. 海事管理机构和船东可获得在VDR中的信息,该信息可作为船舶日常维护的参考技术参数。

    Marine management agencies and owners can obtain the information in VDR , which can be used for the ship reference technical parameters of routine maintenance .

  4. 略论《国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》实施对我国海事管理的影响

    Implementation Impact of Convention for Recycling of Ships on Chinese Maritime Administration

  5. 信息技术在内河海事管理中的应用研究

    The Application of Information Techology on MSA of Inland River

  6. 浅谈用铁的手腕进行海事管理

    Shallowly discussed carries on the maritime affair tube with the hard skill

  7. 我国海事管理的回顾与思考之二

    The Second Part of the Review and Consideration of the Maritime Administration in China

  8. 发达国家海事管理的特点

    The characteristic of developed countries ' maritime administration

  9. 应当向海事管理机构负责人提出建议,予以改正。

    It shall make suggestions on rectification to the principal of the maritime administrative agency .

  10. 拒绝或阻挠海事管理机构实施安全检查;

    Refusing to accept or obstructing the safety inspection conducted by the maritime administrative agency ;

  11. 在接受海事管理机构实施安全检查时弄虚作假;

    Practicing frauds when accepting the safety inspection conducted by the maritime administrative agency ; or ;

  12. 航海区域的科学界定及明晰的名称是海事管理重要的基础性工作。

    The scientific demarcation and explicit nominations of navigational zones are the important basic work of maritime administration .

  13. 未按照海事管理机构的安全检查处理意见进行整改。

    Failing to make rectification in accordance with the safety inspection opinions given by the maritime administrative agency .

  14. 拒绝或阻挠海事管理机构办理进出港签证;

    Refusing or obstructing the handling of the port entry and departure visa by the maritime administrative agency ;

  15. 当事人要求听证的,海事管理机构应当组织听证。

    And where that party requests for a hearing , the maritime administrative agency shall organize the hearing .

  16. 海事管理局海运管理海运管理国家税务总局直属分局要求提供的其他资料。

    Maritime administration Other information requested by the taxation bureaux which are directly under the State Administration of Taxation .

  17. 拒绝或阻挠海事管理机构进行现场检查或在被检查时弄虚作假的;

    Refusing or obstructing the on-site inspection conducted by the maritime administrative agency or practicing frauds when being inspected ;

  18. 海事管理机构的听证人员包括听证主持人、听证员和书记员。

    The hearers of a maritime administrative agency include the presiding hearer , hearing officers , and hearing clerks .

  19. 影响船员培训质量的因素分析及海事管理对策

    Analysis of the Influential Factors of the Quality of the Seafarers ' Training and the Measures of Marine Management

  20. 建立船舶检验管理信息系统,将极大地促进船舶检验管理工作的信息化,提高船检管理水平,从而提高海事管理水平。

    Ship Survey Management Information System ( SSMIS ) will enhance development , improve level of Ship Survey Management .

  21. 在海事管理中,船长和大副、轮机长和大管轮不得同时离船。

    Master and chief mate , chief engineer and second engineer are not permitted to go shore together during berthing time .

  22. 各级海事管理机构具体负责船舶识别号的监督管理工作。

    The maritime administrative institutions at all levels shall be specifically responsible for the supervision and administration of ship identification numbers .

  23. 交海事管理机构负责法制工作的内设机构登记并妥善保管。

    And be submitted to internal body in charge of legal affairs in the maritime administrative agency for registration and proper keeping .

  24. 海事管理机构及其海事行政执法人员可以当场收缴罚款。

    The maritime administrative agency , as well as the maritime administrative law enforcement personnel may confiscate the fines on the spot .

  25. 结合几年来的一线海事管理工作经历,对如何加强客渡船管理做了一番思考。

    Unifies for a several year maritime affair supervisory work experience , how to strengthened the guest ferryboat management to make a ponder .

  26. 对当事人处以没收船舶处罚的,海事管理机构应当依法处理所没收的船舶。

    When punishing a party concerned by confiscating the vessel , the maritime administrative agency shall deal with the confiscated vessel according to law .

  27. 近年来河流岔道口船碰桥事故频发,大桥、海事管理部门也颇感头痛。

    In recent years , the river fork boat hit the bridge and frequent accidents , bridges , maritime administration is also a headache .

  28. 持用弄虚作假、贿赂及其他不正当方式从海事管理机构获取的海员出境入境证件;

    Holding an exit or entry certificate of sailors obtained from a maritime administrative agency through falsification , bribing , or other wrongful ways ;

  29. 案件是否属于本海事管理机构管辖;当事人的基本情况是否清楚;

    Whether the case is under the jurisdiction of that maritime administrative agency ; Whether the basic information of the parties concerned are clear ;

  30. 或在未发现危及船舶安全的情况下未经海事管理机构同意擅自驶离指定地点;

    Or leaving the designated place without consent of the maritime administrative agency when no circumstances are found to endanger the safety of that vessel ;