
hǎi wài
  • overseas;abroad
海外 [hǎi wài]
  • [abroad;overseas] 超出国界,即国外

  • 海外同胞

海外[hǎi wài]
  1. 他们在利润丰厚的海外市场上生意很多。

    They do a lot of business in lucrative overseas markets .

  2. 我们的工业能与海外对手以平等的地位竞争吗?

    Can our industry compete on equal terms with its overseas rivals ?

  3. 他在海外工作了一段时间,却没有变得老练。

    A period spent working abroad had done nothing to mellow him .

  4. 海外投资对出口有积极影响。

    Overseas investment has had a positive effect on exports .

  5. 对赴海外工作的人员有特别安排。

    There are special arrangements for people working overseas .

  6. 公司正准备打入海外市场。

    The company is girding its loins for a plunge into the overseas market .

  7. 展望未来,我们希望拓展其中几家海外分公司的业务。

    Looking forward , we hope to expand our operations in several of our overseas branches .

  8. 安德鲁斯已经将钱存到了秘密的海外银行账户中。

    Andrews had stashed money away in secret offshore bank accounts .

  9. 海外度假游的价格受各种附加费的影响。

    The prices of overseas holidays are subject to surcharges .

  10. 他结束了漫长的海外旅行回到南非。

    He has returned to South Africa from his long overseas trip .

  11. 有些学校不得不开始从海外招收老师。

    Some schools have resorted to recruiting teachers from overseas .

  12. 大型海外基金的投资前景非常好。

    Large overseas-based trusts are an excellent each way bet .

  13. 品尝当地菜肴是海外度假的乐趣之一。

    Sampling the local cuisine is one of the delights of holidaying abroad

  14. 政府正在督促日本的公司进行更多的海外合作。

    The government is urging Japan 's firms to collaborate with foreigners .

  15. 他们不再是垄断海外航线的两强之一。

    They are no longer part of a duopoly on overseas routes .

  16. 他在海外取得了成功,现在的任务就是要在国内再创辉煌。

    His task will be to duplicate his success overseas here at home

  17. 很多事都取决于海外投资者对我们的看法。

    A lot hinges on how we are viewed by overseas investors .

  18. 这所大学有着欢迎海外研究生就读的悠久传统。

    The University has a well-established tradition of welcoming postgraduate students from overseas .

  19. 该棒球队产品的海外销量要远超过美国其他棒球俱乐部。

    The team 's products easily outsell those of other American baseball clubs overseas

  20. 在海外工作对所有相关人员来说都应该是一段让人兴奋而愉快的经历。

    Working abroad should be an exciting and positive experience for all concerned .

  21. 派驻海外要求有相关的工作经验。

    Relevant work experience is required for overseas postings .

  22. 香蕉在运到码头发往海外之前已经装箱。

    Bananas are packed before being transported to the docks for shipment overseas .

  23. 现在总部有400名职员负责地区和海外事务。

    There are now 400 staff at headquarters , servicing our regional and overseas work

  24. 和平没有为依赖海外贸易的经济问题带来解决办法。

    Peace brought no solution to the economic problems that pivoted on overseas trade .

  25. 它的地理位置引起了海外商家的兴趣。

    Its geographical location stimulated overseas mercantile enterprise .

  26. 海外销售额的上升对于不景气的美国经济来说是个好消息。

    The rise in overseas sales is good news for the ailing American economy .

  27. 来自海外的消息特别不容乐观。

    The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative

  28. 空中旅游公司承认其对度假服务行业竞争对手海外业主旅行社的控股企图以失败告终。

    Airtours conceded defeat in its attempt to take control of holiday industry rival Owners Abroad

  29. 她指责说,外交部未能给在海外被捕的英国公民提供支持是可耻的。

    She accused the Foreign Office of disgraceful failure to support British citizens arrested overseas .

  30. 有些事将很快让英国人清楚意识到海外作战究竟意味着什么。

    The British are about to be given a sharp reminder of what fighting abroad really means