
  • 网络Cape No.7;Cape No. 7;Cape No 7;hj-7
  1. 视觉文化中存在的历史叙事问题&基于对海角七号现象个案研究的思考

    The Dilemma of Historical Narration in Visual Culture : A Case Study of " Cape No.7 Phenomena "

  2. 魏德圣表示,对外来媒体严格控管的中国媒体,允许《海角七号》一刀不剪以原味呈现给中国广大观众。

    Chinese authorities , who can censor films that go against government interests , will allow the award-winning " Cape No.7 " to be shown uncut to its huge cinema audiences , he said .

  3. 人生的表演与欢娱&以电影《海角七号》为例

    On the Performance and Relaxation in Life & Taking the movie " No.7 Cape " as an example

  4. 除了《艋舺》,《海角七号》、《听说》、《囧男孩》和《九降风》都很有名。

    In addition to Monga , there 're Cape No7 , Hear Me , ORZ Boyz and Winds of Septr .

  5. 台湾资深演员马如龙、梅芳分别因在《海角七号》《囧男孩》中的精湛演技,获得“最佳男、女配角”。

    Prudence Liew from Hong Kong claimed the best leading actress title with her performance in " True Women for Sale . " Ma Rulong was named as the Best Supporting Actor for his role in " Cape No. 7 " and Mei Fang the Best Supporting Actress for her role in the " Orz Boy . "

  6. 在台湾创下“票房神话”的本土影片《海角七号》与诸多大奖失之交臂,获得“年度台湾杰出影片”,该片导演魏德圣获得“年度台湾杰出电影工作者”。

    Peter Chan , director of the " The Warlords , " claimed the best director title . The island 's box office hit " Cape No. 7 , " directed by Wei Te-sheng from Taiwan , got the Outstanding Taiwanese Film of the Year . Wei was named as the Outstanding Taiwanese Filmmaker of the Year .