
  • 网络seawater nutrient salt
  1. 基于PROFIBUS-DP现场总线的海水营养盐自动分析系统

    Auto analysis system of seawater nutrients based on PROFIBUS-DP

  2. 对深层和底层海水营养盐和溶解氧的分析发现,其年际变化表现出对ENSO事件的响应,且变化规律与上层海水相反。

    The nutrient concentrations in the deep and bottom waters have also showed some response to the ENSO events , but the response was opposite to the upper water .

  3. HA-5型微机海水营养盐分析仪

    HA-5 Microcomputer-based Seawater Nutrient Analyser

  4. 海水营养盐及其对浮游植物的影响oceanica的含量与海水营养盐存在一定的关系,但两者之间并不存在明显的正相关性;暖水分子U。

    Nutrients and Its Effects on Phytoplankton in Seawater oceanica does not show positive correlation with high nutrient concentration .

  5. 福建海岸带海水营养盐消长与温、盐、浮游植物的关系

    Relationship between nutrients , salinity and phytoplankton in Fujian coastal water

  6. 海水营养盐现场自动测量定标方法研究

    Calibration Method of Automatic Analysis for Seawater Nutrients in Situ

  7. 象山港网箱养鱼区海水营养盐变化研究

    Changes of nutrient in net aquaculture area of Xiangshan Harbor

  8. 海水营养盐自动分析仪化学工艺的优化研究

    Research on Optimization of Chemical Techniques for Auto Analyzer of Seawater Nutrients

  9. 海水营养盐现场自动分析技术

    The in situ Autonomous Analysis Technology of Seawater Nutrient

  10. 海水营养盐自动分析系统的研究

    Study on auto analysis system of seawater nutrients

  11. 海水营养盐测定中水样的保存技术

    Storage of Seawater Samples for Nutrients Measurement

  12. 海水营养盐自动测定研究Ⅱ.氨氮的反流动注射分析

    On the automatic determination of nutrient in sea water ⅱ . determination of ammonium ion with reverse flow injection analysis

  13. 本海水营养盐自动分析仪研制项目1997年正式立项,并且己研制出了适用于浮标平台作业的硝酸盐,亚硝酸盐和磷酸盐的自动分析仪。

    This auto analyzer for seawater nutrients projects was set up formally in 1997 , and the apparatus for nitrate , nitrite and silicate suitable for buoy platform operation have been developed .

  14. 通过现场加富培养实验的方法对长江口邻近海域海水营养盐对浮游植物生物量及浮游植物种类组成的影响,浮游植物对营养盐的迁移转化进行了研究。

    A study was conducted to investigate the influence of nutrient to the biomass and the structure of species and the transformation of nutrient by phytoplankton in Changjiang Estuary and adjacent areas .

  15. 根据2001年5月和9月2个航次莱州湾海区海水营养盐等的调查资料,分析了该海域海水中5项营养盐的分布特征及时空变化,评价了水质的富营养化状况。

    Based on the nutrient data observed in the Laizhou Bay in May and September , 2001 , the distribution characteristics and space-time variations of 5 kinds of nutrients in the Laizhou Bay are analyzed , and the eutrophication conditions in the sea area are assessed .

  16. 结合底层水溶解氧含量和浮游、底栖有孔虫碳同位素分析,认为底栖有孔虫组合的变化是南海底层水影响所致,以及南海北部表层和底层海水营养盐含量变化的共同结果。

    Combined with the results of the benthic foraminiferal oxygen index ( BFOI ) and carbon isotopes of planktonic and benthic foraminifera , we consider that the variations in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the area were mainly controlled by nutrient changes in surface and bottom waters .

  17. AAⅡ流动分析仪与色谱工作站联机测定海水中营养盐

    Determining Nutrient Salts in Sea Water with AA ⅱ Continuous Flow Analysis Connected to a Chromatogram Data Workstation

  18. 舟山渔场近岸海水中营养盐的分布特征

    Distribution feature of the nutrient in seawater of Zhoushan Fishery off shore area

  19. 东海沉积物&海水界面营养盐交换通量的初步研究

    Benthic flux of dissolved nutrients at the sediment-water interface in the East China Sea

  20. 珠江口淇澳岛红树林区海水中营养盐和叶绿素a研究初探

    Preliminary study on the chlorophyll-a and nutrients in seawater of the mangrove area of Qi'ao Island in Zhujiang River estuary

  21. 海水中营养盐的含量是海洋生态环境监测的重要参数,海水的富营养化和适宜的营养盐结构是引发赤潮的主要因素之一。

    Content of seawater nutrients is an important parameter of sea environmental monitoring , seawater eutrophication is one of mostly factors to lead to russet tide .

  22. 二十世纪中叶至今,世界上很多国家河口以及大陆架海域海水中营养盐浓度和生产力均发生明显改变。

    Since the mid-20th century , the nutrient levels and productivity have undergone significant changes in waters of estuaries and the continental shelf in many countries in the world . Plenty of studies were on the nutrients in the East China Sea .

  23. 台湾海峡夏季海水及某些营养盐水平通量

    Fluxes of seawater and some nutrients in summer in Taiwan Strait

  24. 粘土矿物对海水中主要营养盐的吸附研究

    Study of main nutrients adsorption on clays in seawater

  25. 结果显示,青岛近岸海水不添加营养盐的对照组,浒苔平均每天的相对增长率3。

    As the results show , the daily average relative growth rate of Enteromorpha prolifera is3 .

  26. 为建立赤潮监测机制,设计了一种集海水采样、试剂抽取、化学反应、吸光度测量、管路清洗的全自动海水营养盐分析系统。

    For prediction of red tide , an auto analysis system of seawater nutrients was designed , which simultaneously combined the functions of sampling seawater and reagent , chemi-cal reactions , measuring absorbance of samples , and cleaning pipes .

  27. 与海水中重金属,以及海水的理化因子如盐度、温度、DO相关性比较显著,同时还间接地受到海水中营养盐的影响。

    And they associated with heavy metals in sea water and physical and chemical factors such as salinity , temperature , DO , had significant correlations , but also indirectly affected by the impact of nutrients in seawater .