
  • 网络mode of occurrence of elements;existing form of element;existential form of elements
  1. 森林沼泽景观元素存在形式及化探方法研究

    An investigation on the mode of element occurrence and geochemical prospecting methods in forest-bog area , northeastern China

  2. 本文叙述了高Si/C高强度灰铸铁中碳、硅元素存在的形式及其对结晶过程的影响。

    In this paper , the existing form of carbon and silicon elements and their influence on the solidification process in grey iron with high Si / C ratio and high strength are discussed .

  3. 微量元素硒的存在形式及其生物学功能

    Existing Form and Biochemical Function of Selenium

  4. 煤是碳元素的一种存在形式。

    Coal is a form of carbon .

  5. 运用相态分析确定矿床元素有效相态存在形式、提取分析方法和矿与非矿评价标志,是取得找矿成功的有效途径。

    Determination of the effective states of ore-forming elements and their extraction methods is one of the key factors of prospecting .

  6. 血红素铁一般结合在血液中的血红蛋白或肌肉中的肌红蛋白中,是食品中发现的铁元素存在的两种形式中的一种。

    Heme iron , one of two types of iron found in foods , is bound to either the blood protein hemoglobin or the muscle protein myoglobin .

  7. 本文在分析硅的溶解、扩散、结晶行为的基础上,研究了不同工艺条件下焊缝不同部位硅元素的分布、存在形式与结构特征。

    The distributions , existing forms and structure characteristics of Si in different areas of the welds under various processing conditions were studied in this paper , based on the analysis of the dissolution , diffusion and crystallization behaviors of Si .

  8. 元素的均一化能力受元素晶体化学性质、元素存在形式、矿物抗风化能力、气候、水动力条件及生物等因素影响。

    Intensity of elemental homogenization depends on the crystal chemical property of element , existing state of element , mineral stability resistance to weathering , climate , hydrodynamic condition and biological activity and so on .

  9. 综述了常见有毒微量元素对人体的毒性.着重论述了有毒微量元素其存在形式与毒性大小的关系。

    The toxicity of ordinary harmful trace elements to human body is summarized . and the relation between the existent form of the harmful trace elements and their toxic degree is emphatically described .

  10. 铁元素氧化还原体系是影响天然水环境化学性质的重要因素,碳酸水生物活性组分之一的二价铁离子,是此类矿水中铁元素主要存在形式。

    The redox system related to element Fe is an important factor in controlling the chemical properties of natural water environment . The major existence form of iron in CO2-type mineral water is Fe2 + , which constitutes one of the most important biologically active components in these waters .