
  • 网络mixing;hybridization;magma mixing;mixing process
  1. 风的垂直混合作用主要是抑制了SST的日周期振荡。

    The mixing effect of the wind restrained the daily oscillation of the SST .

  2. 洪水期中采集的颗粒有机碳的δ~(13)C范围为25.419.7×10~(-3),这说明在河口区中河流有机碳与海洋有机碳的混合作用。

    The δ 14C values of POC collected during the flood period ( June , 1980 ) range from - 25.4 to - 19.7 × 10-3 , suggesting the mixing of riverine and marine organic carbon .

  3. 因此你直接听到的自己的声音是外部传导和内部传导混合作用的结果,而内部骨传导使声音频率变低。

    When you hear your own voice when you speak , it 's due to a blend of both external and internal conduction , and internal bone conduction appears to boost the lower frequencies .

  4. DC和AC磁场混合作用下的离子运动

    Combined Action of Static and Alternating Magnetic Fields on Ion Motion in a Macromolecule

  5. 具有混合作用量的Z(4)格点规范场相结构的解析研究

    An analytical study of lattice z ( 4 ) gauge theory with generalized action

  6. 具有混合作用的U(1)模型的广义Villain分析

    Generalized villain analysis for u ( 1 ) model with an extended lattice action

  7. 利用CFC研究地下水混合作用&以关中盆地浅层地下水为例

    Identifying the Binary Mixing of Groundwater & an Example as Groundwater in the Shallow Aquifer of the Guanzhong Basin

  8. 包体KAr年龄为152Ma,与其寄主岩石的形成年龄(155~161Ma)接近,显示岩浆混合作用发生的时间大致为晚侏罗世早期。

    The formation age ( 152 Ma ) of the enclave is close to that ( 155 ~ 161 Ma ) of the host rock , suggesting that the mixing event took place during the early period of Late Jurassic .

  9. 而到了秋冬季节,在水体混合作用下这部分CH4在水体中重新分布,并由于氧化作用而被损耗。

    But to the fall and winter season , this part of CH4 had distributed again in the mixed effect of water , and had lost as a result of oxidation .

  10. 这表明成矿作用过程中深部上升的富含CO2热液与断裂内原地水频繁发生混合作用,即成矿流体是多次脉动式注入的。脉动式叠加矿化的找矿意义是成矿场的垂向迁移。

    This indicates that the ascending CO 2 bearing hydrothermal fluid was frequently mixed with the water trapped in fractural zones , i.e. ore fluid was multiply pulsed into the ore forming system and mineralization is overprinted in the vertical direction .

  11. 在岩浆混合作用过程中,全岩Sr、Nd同位素和晚期生成的矿物组成比较快速地达到了均一化,而主量元素和高温矿物锆石Hf同位素组成则残留了原始岩浆的部分特征。

    During the magma mixing , the Sr and Nd isotope and later crystallized minerals can much quickly homogenize , but major element and Hf isotope of high temperature mineral such as zircon have preserved some information of the primary magmas .

  12. 研究表明,锆石Hf同位素在岩浆混合作用过程中不容易达到同位素平衡,其同位素组成比全岩Sr、Nd同位素更能有效地示踪混合岩浆的源区特征和岩浆混合过程。

    The results indicate that although magma mixing has produced similar Sr and Nd isotopic compositions in the enclaves and the hosting granodiorite , the zircon Hf isotope has not easily reached equilibrium and has more effectively traced the hybrid-magma sources and the magma mixing processes .

  13. 而将疏水作用层析与离子交换层析相结合,即可开发出具有混合作用模式(mixed-mode)的耐盐性吸附剂,就可以使吸附作用不再依赖于盐浓度。

    And that combine the ion exchange chromatography ( EEC ) with the hydrophobic interaction chromatography ( HIC ), a mixed-mode and salt-tolerant adsorbent was exploited and the protein binding capacity of the prepared adsorbent is independent on the salt concentration of the solution .

  14. 对燃烧过程,采用了一个简化的化学反应机理和新型的湍流模型&部分搅拌反应器(PaSR)模型,考虑了湍流混合作用对燃烧速率的影响。

    A reduced reaction mechanism was adopted in the combustion model , and a turbulent combustion model Partial Stirred Reactor ( PaSR ) model was selected to simulate the spray combustion process . The effect of turbulent mixing on the reaction rate was considered .

  15. 拉伸流场对聚合物填充体系的分散混合作用

    Effect of Elongation Flow Field on Dispersion Mixing of Filled Polymer

  16. 流体混合作用导致金沉淀机理的实验研究

    Experiments of Mechanisms of Gold Precipitated by Fluid - Mixing Function

  17. 浅析三螺杆挤出机的混合作用

    Three . Analysis of Mixing Performance in a Tri-Screw Extruder

  18. 丙烯腈乙醇混合作用对大鼠肝脏的影响

    The Effect of Acrylonitrile with Alcohol on the Liver of the Exposed Rats

  19. 地下水混合作用的碳酸钙溶解沉淀效应

    Mixing Effects of Groundwater on CaCO_3 Dissolution and Precipitation

  20. 两相圆湍射流喷口小突片对强化射流混合作用影响的流动显示

    Visualization of the turbulent two-phase jet with mixing tabs

  21. 磷化合物的火焰抑制中湍流混合作用数值研究微型圆管结构对火焰传播抑制作用的数值模拟

    A Numerical Study on Effects of Turbulent Mixing for Flame Inhibition by Phosphorus-Containing Compounds

  22. 梳棉机混合作用的实验研究

    Experimental study on mixing action in carding machine

  23. 赣东北前寒武纪岩浆混合作用岩带的发现及其地质意义

    Discovery for Precambrian magmatic mixed zone from Northeastern Jiangxi Province and their geological significance

  24. 根据这些研究结果,初步构建了矿区岩浆混合作用模型并推测了岩浆混合过程。

    Based on the result , the process of magma mixing has been established .

  25. 岩浆混合作用及其研究评述

    Comment on the magma mixing and their research

  26. 塔里木盆地北部隆起原油混合作用半定量评价

    Semi - quantitative evaluation of mixed oil in northern uplift of the Tarim basin

  27. 冲绳海槽沉积物混合作用的研究

    Mixing rate of sediment in the Okinawa Trough

  28. 特殊的转子结构,保证调质器具有强效混合作用和长时间调质作用;

    Special rotor structure features the conditioner with super mixing and long time conditioning functions ;

  29. 浙江普陀山黑云母钾长花岗岩及其岩石包体的地球化学与岩浆混合作用

    Geochemistry and magmatic mixing of the Putuoshan biotite moyites and their enclaves , Zhejiang Province

  30. 西秦岭温泉花岗岩体岩浆混合作用的地球化学信息

    The geochemical information of the magma mixing from the Wenquan granite in the western Qinling