
rè diàn chǎnɡ
  • Thermal power plant;thermo electric plant
热电厂 [rè diàn chǎng]
  • [thermo-eletric plant] 供电、供热的以火作动力的发电厂

  1. 该地区那座主要的热电厂已被损毁。

    The main thermo power station in the area has been damaged .

  2. 热电厂水路输煤系统PLC改造

    PLC Retrofit of Water Way Coal Handling System in Thermal Power Plant

  3. 邯郸热电厂循环水冲击加入杀菌剂后pH下降的原因分析

    Why pH of Circulating Water in Handan Co generating Power Plant Drops After Sudden Adding Bactericide

  4. 基于PLC对热电厂给煤机控制系统的改造设计

    A reconstruction design for coal feeder control system for thermal power plant based on PLC

  5. MAC风冷干式排渣技术在热电厂的应用

    Application of MAC Air-cooled Dry Slag Disposal Technology Developed in Thermal Power Plants

  6. 热电厂MES系统数据仓库的设计与应用

    Application and design of data warehouse in power plant 's MES

  7. 本课题研究的管控一体化系统是针对流程制造业特别是热电厂的优化控制研究开发的管控一体化系统。也称计算机集成生产系统,即CIPS(ComputerIntegratedProductionSystem)系统。

    This problem research management-control one system that aim at flow manufacturing especially thermoelectric power plant , also call Computer Integrated Production System ( CIPS ) .

  8. PLC与变频器在热电厂循环水系统中的应用

    The Application of PLC & Inverter in Use of the Cycling Water Automation Renovation System in the Heat and Power Plant

  9. AGC自动发电控制技术在石热电厂的应用

    Application of AGC Technique in Shijingshan Power Plant

  10. 宏伟热电厂采用PLC和变频器实现灰渣泵的自动控制,取得了显著的经济效益。

    Hongwei thermal power plant realized the ash pulp pump 's automatic control with PLC and the frequency conversion , obtained the remarkable economic efficiency .

  11. 实际预测结果表明,基于合成BP网络的预测模型能很好地实现对热电厂热负荷的预测。

    The results of actual prediction show that this prediction model based on the synthesized BP network performs very well in the prediction of cogeneration plant thermal loads .

  12. 运用了AHP对保定热电厂八期扩建工程进行了评价,列举了实例,计算了企业的可持续发展能力的评价值,得到了八期扩建工程可持续发展度的量化结果。

    Use AHP to evaluate the 8th Project Of baoding cogeneration plant , with a practical example calculating the value of enterprise sustainable development capabilities .

  13. 包头第二热电厂100MW机组DCS改造

    Retrofit to DCS System of 100 MW Unit in Baotou No.2 Power Plant

  14. 成都热电厂SJ部绩效管理体系研究与设计

    P.M. System 's Research and Design of SJ Department in ChengDu Heat and Power Plant

  15. 上海石化总厂热电厂除氧器水箱,经着色探伤、x射线探伤、金相检验等方法检测后,发现焊缝有大量裂纹。

    Through dye check , X-ray test , and metallographic examination , quite a lot of cracks were found in the welds of a deaerator storage tank at the cogeneration plant of Shanghai Petrochemical Works .

  16. 邯郸热电厂2×200MW机组DCS系统上位站技术改进研究

    Research on the Technology Improving for 2 × 200MW Unit DCS System Epigynous Station of Handan Cogeneration Plant

  17. 齐鲁石化热电厂1~4号机DEH数字电液调节系统改造

    Retrofit of Digital Electro-Hydraulic Control System ( DEH System ) for Unit No.1-4 in Thermal Power Plant of Qilu Petrochemicals

  18. 石化热电厂NID脱硫工艺

    NID Desulphurization Process in Petro-chemical Thermal Power Plant

  19. 以北京某热电厂的粉煤灰为主要原料,经过对原料的焙烧处理、水热合成实验,合成了13X沸石分子筛。

    X zeolites were synthesized by baking and hydrothermal synthesizing procedures using the flyash from a thermo-electric plant in Beijing .

  20. 主要介绍八钢热电厂DCS系统的设计特点及网络结构安全性设计特点,结合生产过程实际对DCS系统的软、硬件特性进行分析并详细介绍了GPS对时装置的工作原理。

    , Ltd. were presented . According to actual production process , the properties of software and hardware of the DCS system were analyzed and the work principle of GPS time calibrating device was presented in detail .

  21. 吉林热电厂200MW汽轮机组调峰经济性试验

    Economy Test for Peaking by 200 MW Sets of Jilin Cogeneration Plant

  22. 本课题对保定热电厂叶轮给煤机控制系统状况进行了分析,采用变频调速、PLC可编程控制器编程、低压电力线载波技术对叶轮给煤机控制系统进行改造。

    The paper analyzes drawbacks of control system of blade coal feeders of Baoding Thermoelectric Plant . With transducer technique , PLC technique and low voltage power line carrier technique , we improve on controller unit for coal transmission system of Baoding Thermoelectric Plant .

  23. 电子束脱硫技术在成都热电厂200MW机组上的应用

    Application of electron-Beam Desulfurization Technology to 200 MW generating Unit in Chengdu Thermal Power Plant

  24. DS-86水质稳定技术及在热电厂的应用

    Stable technology of DS-86 water quality and application in heat and power plant

  25. BrightSource是一家总部位于奥克兰的热电厂开发企业,正在进行上市登记(2.50亿美元)。

    BrightSource is an Oakland-based thermal power plant developer that is currently in registration for a $ 250 million IPO .

  26. 唐山新区热电厂报价决策支持系统TXD-BJDSS研究与设计

    Decision support system of pricing ( TXD-BJDSS ) Research and Township Thermal Power Plant

  27. 本文依据美国DRAVOWELLMAN设计公司提供的上海宝山钢铁厂石洞口第二热电厂部分土建结构技术设计资料。

    This paper introduces partial structure design of shidengkou second power plant which is designed technologically by DRAVO WELLMAN Company .

  28. 泽布吕赫LNG接收终端气化-160℃的LNG热源是相邻热电厂的透平余热,综合利用热电厂与LNG接收终端的能量,取得了非常好的节能效果。

    The turbine exhaust of the adjacent CHP plant is used as heating source of Zeebrugge receiving terminal to gasify LNG of - 160 ℃ . The efficient energy conservation has been achieved by comprehensive utilization of energy between CHP plant and LNG receiving terminal .

  29. 荆门热电厂4号机凝汽器铜管在大修检查中发现甲、乙、丙三侧水进口端100mm左右管段有不均匀的铜基体裸露腐蚀,部分铜管中部也发生沉积物下腐蚀。

    The corrosion was found at a , b , c inlet end of condenser tubes in overhaul . The corrosion under deposit occurred on the middle part of some copper tubes .

  30. 邯郸热电厂2台200MW机组真空系统泄漏率较大,直接影响着机组的真空状况。

    There exist unacceptable leakage in the vacuum systems of two 200 MW units in Handan cogeneration Power Plant , which directly impact the vacuum condition .