
hùn hé shuānɡ dǎ
  • mixed doubles;in the mixed doubles;mixed pair
  1. 维克·塞克萨斯和多丽丝·哈特赢得了混合双打冠军。

    Vic Seixas and Doris Hart won the mixed doubles .

  2. 乒乓球分为单打、双打、混合双打和团体比赛四种赛式。

    Table tennis includes single , double , mixed doubles and team competitions .

  3. 谁得了全国混合双打的冠军?

    Who won the National Mixed Doubles Championship ?

  4. 简和汤姆赢了混合双打。

    Jane and Tom won the mixed doubles .

  5. 牧人灌木丛附近,两千对比塔减正在进行瑞曼面网球混合双打。

    Near Shepherd 's Bush two thousand Beta-Minus mixed doubles were playing Riemann-surface tennis .

  6. 那年夏天晚些时候,她赢得了温布尔登网球公开赛单打、双打和混合双打的冠军。

    Later that summer she won Wimbledon in singles , doubles and mixed doubles .

  7. 他们是混合双打亚军。

    They were runners-up in the mixed doubles .

  8. 今天下午有一场男女混合双打比赛。

    There is a mixed doubles this afternoon .

  9. 比赛设男女单打、男女双打、混合双打五个项目。

    The tournament contains man and woman 's singles , man and woman 's doubles and mixed doubles .

  10. 羽毛球可以两人单打或四人双打和混合双打。

    Badminton can be played by two people in singles or by four people in doubles or mixed doubles .

  11. 体育老师:孩子们,你们见过男女混合双打吗?尼克:见过,老师,经常见。

    Teacher of Physical Education : Have you ever seen doubles , boys ? Nick : Yes , sir ..

  12. 抛&可别大意,现在你就能财冠全球了谁得了全国混合双打的冠军?

    Sell & oh , don 't make a blunder , now , you own the earth ! Who won the National Mixed Doubles Championship ?

  13. 男女混合双打,混双中国的许昕和刘诗雯以及日本的水谷隼和伊藤美诚在周日的混双半决赛中获胜,进入了该项赛事的首个奥运会决赛。

    mixed doubles China 's Xu Xin and Liu Shiwen and Japan 's Jun Mizutani and Mima Ito won their mixed doubles semi-finals on Sunday to reach the event 's first Olympic final .

  14. 在赢得了男子单打和混合双打冠军后,他坚定地建立了他成为在现代世界锦标赛上最成功的男子选手的地位。

    Following his success in the Men 's Singles and Mixed Doubles events in Zagreb he has firmly established himself as the most successful male player of the modern era at the World Championships .

  15. 双打,混合打和混合双打,团体比赛。

    Doubles , mixed doubles and team disciplines .