
tiě bǐnɡ
  • discus
铁饼 [tiě bǐng]
  • (1) [discus]∶用金属和木头制作的盘状物,其中心部分比边缘厚,用于向远处投掷

  • (2) [discus throw]∶田径赛项目之一,运动员手持铁饼,旋转身体后投出

铁饼[tiě bǐng]
  1. 他在蒙特利尔奥运会的掷铁饼比赛中夺了冠。

    He won the discus at the Montreal Olympics .

  2. 他掷铁饼获得第一名。

    He was the first place in the discus throw .

  3. 我看英国队在铁饼项目中表现不错。

    I see Britain did well in the discus .

  4. 研究发现身体素质的全面发展是提高专项成绩的手段和基础,影响男子二级铁饼运动员成绩的主要身体素质依次为:体重、卧推和100m起跑;

    The study found that the overall development of physiques is to improve the physical condition of specific performance measures and on the basis .

  5. 波兰铁饼运动员彼得•马瓦霍夫斯基(PiotrMalachowski)在2008年北京奥运会时拿到了银牌。

    Piotr Malachowski , a Polish discus thrower won a silver medal at the Beijing Games in 2008 .

  6. 物理学奖:授予PhilippePerrin,CyrilPerrot,DominiqueDeviterne,BrunoRagaru以及HermanKingma,以奖励他们有关“为何铁饼运动员总是会昏厥而扔链球的人则不会”的研究。

    PHYSICS : Philippe Perrin , Cyril Perrot , Dominique Deviterne , Bruno Ragaru and Herman Kingma for trying to determine why discus throwers become dizzy , and why hammer throwers don 't 。

  7. 研究得出:1.齐海峰的积分主要是依靠100m、跳远、400m,而铅球、铁饼与标枪等投掷类项目较差,是影响运动成绩的主要因素。

    The result shows as follow : 1.his score mostly depends on 100m race , long jump and 400m race , while his shot , discus , javelin and other throwing item are a little weaker , which mainly affect his performance .

  8. 铁饼飞行姿势和飞行路线的力学分析

    Mechanical analysis of the flying POSTURE AND FLYING PATH OF DISCUS

  9. 掷铁饼是投掷项目中一项古老的比赛。

    Discus throw is an ancient game among the throwing events .

  10. 谈铁饼技术动作中的左侧支撑

    About the Left Support of the Body in the Discus Throw

  11. 高水平女子铁饼运动员运动素质的研究

    Research on The Sport Quality of The Advanced Woman Discus Thrower

  12. 如何确定掷铁饼场地的中线的方向

    How to decide the direction of central line of the discus ground

  13. 投掷铁饼的完整教学法的必要性与可行性

    The necessity and feasibility of the teaching method of the discus throw

  14. 山东省优秀铁饼运动员动作技术诊断

    Discus throwing technique diagnose for elite discus throwers of Shandong

  15. 铁饼是一个外包铁皮有硬木或金属的圆盘。

    Thediscus is a steel-rimmed hardwood or metal circular platter .

  16. 在铁饼投掷项目中,还没有出现较理想的测量设备。

    For discus throwing project , there is no ideal measuring equipment .

  17. 掷铁饼运动中两次制动的生物力学分析

    A Biodynamical Analysis of Two Brakes in throwing the Discus

  18. 田径比赛中的一个掷铁饼项目。

    A track-and-field event in which a discus is thrown .

  19. 青少年男子铁饼运动员赛前心理训练实验研究

    Research on the Pre-competition Psychology Training Experiment among Teenager Men Discus Athletes

  20. 力量素质与铁饼成绩的灰色关联分析

    Grey Related Analysis of Strength Quality and the Performance of Discus Throwers

  21. 对掷铁饼旋转技术的转动力分析

    The analysis on rotation force of pivot rotation technic in discus throw

  22. 试析铁饼技术教学中的技术强度

    Tentative Discussion on the Techniques Intensity of Discus in Teaching

  23. 参数组合的改变对铁饼飞行性能的影响

    The Influence on the Motions of Flying Discus as Change the Parameter Combination

  24. 投掷项目包括标枪、铁饼、链球和铅球。

    The throwing events consist of javelin , discus , hammer and shot .

  25. 铁饼飞行中的空气动力学原理与关键技术分析

    On Key Skills and Aerodynamics Principles in Discus Throwing

  26. 铁饼教学中表象技能训练对教学效果的影响

    Impact of imagery skill training on discus teaching effects

  27. 掷铁饼可以说是件紧要关头的事儿。

    The discus was kind of the clutch event .

  28. 男子铁饼2公斤,女子1公斤。

    The discus weighs two kilograms for men and one kilogram for women .

  29. 最后一个田径选手将铁饼掷了60米。

    The last competitor in the field events hurled the discus 60 meters .

  30. 铁饼投掷圈的直径多大?

    What is the diameter of the throwing ring in the discus event ?