
tiě lù jú
  • Railway Bureau;railway administration
  1. 成都铁路局OA系统的设计分析

    Analysis and design on Office Automation System of Chengdu Railway Administration

  2. 上海铁路局集装箱EDI系统

    Container EDI System in Railway Administration Shanghai

  3. 西门子将向这个中国财团提供信号与电气化设备。该财团还包括中国铁建(ChinaRailwayConstructionCorp)与北京铁路局(BeijingRailwayAdministration)。

    Siemens will provide signalling and electrification equipment to the Chinese consortium , which also includes China Railway Construction Corp and the Beijing Railway Administration .

  4. 运用SWOT分析法,分析了昆明铁路局货运发展内部环境和外部环境;

    The interior and exterior environment of freight transportation development for Kunming Railway Bureau are analyzed by SWOT analysis method .

  5. 铁路局DMIS中心系统的体系结构

    The Strucrure of DMIS In The Center of Railway Bureau

  6. [方法]对某铁路局所属4个分局1997年至2003年间发生的工伤事故进行回顾性调查,资料用Access2000建立数据库,使用SPSS11.5FORWINDOWS统计分析。

    [ Methods ] A retrospective epidemiological investigation on occupational injuries was carried out from 1997 to 2003 . The database was set up by Access 2000 and analyzed by SPSS 11.5 for Windows .

  7. 本文结合兰州铁路局银川地区锅炉房变频改造工程项目,设计了一套基于PLC和变频调速技术的供暖锅炉控制系统。

    In this paper , a heating boiler control system based on PLC and variable frequency speed-regulating technology is designed according to Variable Frequency Reconstruct Project of Yinchuan Stokehold sponsored by Lanzhou Railway Bureau .

  8. 其次,运用PEST等分析方法,重点分析了兰州铁路局物资系统内外部物流发展环境,为物流发展规划的研究提供了依据。

    Secondly , mainly analyes its interal and external logistic development environment by means of analytic methods like PEST , consequently provides proof for the study of logistic development programme .

  9. 根据成都铁路局人事管理系统的安全特点,通过对LotusDomino/Note安全模型的分析,建立基于其上的铁路局人事信息管理系统安全方案。

    According to the security characteristics of Personnel Management System for Chengdu Railway Administration , Personnel Information Management System based on the security model of Lotus Domino / Notes was designed and created .

  10. [方法]2004年,对济南铁路局济南西机务段2572名男职工进行脂肪肝患病情况调查,采用非条件Logistic回归分析方法分析饮食、生活习惯对脂肪肝发病的影响。

    [ Methods ] We investigate the 2 572 male workers of Jinan-west railway workers in 2004 and analyze the influence of food and life habits on the morbidity of fatter liver by use of non-conditional logistic regression method .

  11. 本文以成都铁路局科研所为研究对象,运用企业发展战略管理的理论、迈克尔·波特五力模型和SWOT分析等工具进行分析。

    This essay takes CDRI as object of study , and expound with the theory of enterprise development strategic management and with the tools such as " Five Forces Analysis " of M.E. Porter and SWOT analysis .

  12. 首先,采用PEST分析方法,对企业面临的政治环境、宏观经济环境和运输行业经济环境、社会环境和科技环境等进行分析得到北京铁路局所处的宏观环境背景。

    First of all , using PEST analysis method , to the enterprise faced with political environment , the macroscopic economic environment and transport industry economic environment , social environment and technology environment of BIST , obtained the macro environment background .

  13. 最后以昆明铁路局为实例,运用SWOT理论和研究方法进行深入分析,提出关于多元化经营发展总体战略、工作重点和主要措施的意见建议。

    Finally using Kunming railway as an example , and the theory and research method of SWOT to make analysis of the development diversified management , and map out the general strategy , and the main measures of opinion suggestion .

  14. 铁路局调度指挥中心作为整个TDCS系统的核心部分,其灾备系统的建设成为铁路信息化建设中的重中之重。

    The railway bureau dispatch command center is a core part of TDCS , its construction of backup for disaster has been the first priority of railway information system .

  15. 学习和借鉴了JR东日本旅客铁道株式会社、北京铁路局发展多元化经营的成功经验,从中得到了有益的启示;

    Study and use JR east railway Corporation , Beijing Railway Bureau development successful experience that pluralism deal in , passenger of Japanese , for reference , have got beneficial enlightenment from it ;

  16. 昆明铁路局(以下简称昆明局)米轨(轨距1000mm)铁路有827km,是我国铁路网中唯一的米轨铁路。

    There is a meter gauge railway line of 827 kilometers in KunMing Railway Bureau , which is the only meter-gauge line in China .

  17. 通过上海铁路局车辆系统的ISO9000贯标工作,总结出要认清形势,提高认识,做到五到位,因而取得很好的效果。

    After carrying out the ISO9000 Standard , the Rolling Stock Department of Shanghai Railway Bureau realized that they must recognize the situation , increase understanding and realize " five by the time " in order to get better result .

  18. 运用模糊综合评价法,评价了昆明铁路局货运TPL-LC模式物流中心的绩效。

    The performance of logistics center is evaluated by fuzzy comprehensive appraisal in TPL-LC model about Kunming Railway Bureau freight transportation .

  19. 截至4月底,北京铁路局将在100余组列车上安装免费WiFi,此外济南铁路局有75组列车也正在进行免费WiFi的装车调试。但高铁、动车暂时无缘免费WiFi。

    By end of April , Beijing Railway Bureau will have installed free WiFi on over 100 trains , and currently , Jinan Railway Bureau is testing free WiFi on 75 trains . But the bullet trains are not included .

  20. 成都铁路局副总干事JingShiming说:“我们需要基于现场部署救灾物资,石板,钢轨道都是所需要的。”

    Jing Shiming , Deputy Director-General of Chengdu Railway Bureau said " We need to deploy the disaster relief materials based on the need at the spot , flagstones , steel track are all on the list . "

  21. 铁路局会采取多种措施来应对春运压力,比如开设临客(L字头的列车)、延长售票时间以及开设更多的售票点。

    Various measures are adopted to alleviate the problem by opening many temporary trains ( numbers starting with letter L ) , extending the working hours of booking office and opening up more booths .

  22. 本文就TDCS工程设计中铁路局调度中心部分网络安全系统部署进行了探讨,提出了具体的工程设计技术方案,突出强调了其设置的意义及重要性。

    The paper discusses the deployment of part of the network security systems of dispatching center of railway administration in TDCS engineering design , presenting a specific engineering design scheme and stressing the significance and importance of its configuration .

  23. 兰州铁路局4所医院用药情况分析

    Analysis of Drugs Used in Four Hospitals of Lanzhou Railway Bureau

  24. 沈阳铁路局中心医院健康教育实践

    Hospital Health Promotion in the Central Hospital of Shenyang Railway Bureau

  25. 上海铁路局办公信息系统网络设计

    The Network Design of Office Information System of Shanghai Railway Administration

  26. 旅客列车电空制动技术在郑州铁路局的试验

    Test of Electropneumatic Braking for Passenger Train in Zhengzhou Railway Administration

  27. 济南铁路局的两位高官已被撤职。

    Two top officials of the Jinan Railway Bureau were sacked .

  28. 关于铁路局深化科技体制改革的建议

    Suggestions on Deepen the Reform of Sci-tech System on Railway Administrations

  29. 铁路局机车调度管理信息系统的设计方案

    Design plan of Locomotive Dispatching Management Information System of Railway Administration

  30. 成都铁路局内部物流管理及优化

    Research of Management and Optimization of Logistics in ChengDu Railway Bureau