
  • 网络kyakhta;kiakhta
  1. 今天的恰克图,破败的教堂成了牧人的马厩。

    Today herders stable horses in the ruined church .

  2. 重点介绍了中俄恰克图互市中,乾隆年间三次闭关与大黄贸易的联系与制约,以及贸易在曲折中的发展情况。

    It describes the reign of Emperor Qianlong three closed-door trade links with the rhubarb and constraints , and trade developments of the twists and turns .

  3. 两国管理体制在恰克图贸易早期的服务宗旨是不同的:俄方用来打击边境非法贸易,保障对华正常贸易,以充实国库;

    Their administrative systems in the early days had a different central precept : Russia used its administrative system to attack illegal frontier trade with China and replenish its exchequer ;

  4. 本章分析了恰克图混合语、哈尔滨洋泾浜俄语和留学中国的学生使用的汉俄俚语。

    The chapter includes the analysis of three Chinese-Russian mixed languages , they are : Kyahta mixed language , Harbin Russian pidgin and the slang of Russian students in China .